Thor's 400w DWC Closet grow


Well-Known Member
Day: 15?

They are look alright. Slight curling of the leaves. Plant A is almost 7 inches across by 6 inches and is 3 inch tall. Plant be is 6 by 6 and is almost 3 inch. Here's some pics.

Plant A

Plant B



Well-Known Member
Not sure why the leaves are curling like that. I am changing my reservoir water today and i raised the light a few inches.


Well-Known Member
No I don't spray them down. When watering I take a cup and pour it over the grow medium but I dont get the part of the plant above the surface wet.


Well-Known Member
Changed the water tonight. Introduced full strength veg nutes. Water is 5.5-6.0 ph and 660ppm. Room temp is 87 F (runs a little hotter when im in there working) Humidity is 40% also the light bulb is 19 inches from the tops now.

Plant A is 4 inches tall and 8 inches by 6 1/2 inch wide.

Plant B is 3 3/4 inches tall and 8 inches by 6 inch wide.

Both have some amazing white roots going on. Still displaying the curling leaves today though. Hopefully this water change and light adjustment will correct that. We will see tomorrow! I have another res full of water tonight just encase they respond bad to the water they are in now. Let's hope for the best!


Well-Known Member
Day 17

Still some curling today it's a little worse then before. Also some color discoloration where the curling is occurring. With some slight crispy texture to the touch on colored edges. I hope they get better. I am really not sure what I should do... I don't want it to get any worse and I can't find any information about this specific problem they are having. All the pictures I see in the diagnosis threads look nothing like this.

Anyone help?

Plant A

Plant B

If anyone can identify the problem they are having and can offer any advice it would be greatly appreciated!


i think your nute burning them since its happening to both. take down your nute concentration and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I switched the water out and lowered the nute concentration like you suggested. I bought a digital PH tester and the water before was reading 6.5ph and 620ppm the new water that I have them sitting in now reads 5.6ph and about 490 ppm. My light bulb is 19 inches from the tops of the plants. My room temp is 85 F with 39% humidity.

The roots have a stained brown look now. The same color as the old water was with the all the nutes in it. They aren't slimy to the touch or anything but definitely brownish and clumped together. The actual branches and leaves are looking droopy too after all that work today.

At the first and third i think node there is new growth. Looks alot like the top of the center stem sort of but on the sides. Pretty cool. They have a very bush like appearance. I will take pics tonight and some again tomorrow to compare. Update tomorrow.


all of that is happening to both plants right? ...get some pics of those roots, do you add h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) to your res? if not i would start throwing some in before you add your nutes and keep the water temp between 65-80F, 68-72F is ideal though


Well-Known Member
No I did not add hydrogen peroxide to the res. I mixed and added the nutes last night then went to bed. Ill get some pics up later today.


Well-Known Member
Day 19?

well there has been a little bit more damage to the leaves. Roots are still brown. But the branches look more perky today. Im going to make this update mostly a pic update.

Plant A Last night

Plant B last night

Plant A today

Plant B

Some leaf pics

What exactly should I do ?


Well-Known Member
i cut a hole in the ceiling too and have a duct running through it from the exhaust end of my fan. The temps with the door closed most of the way dropped to 83 F.

Lets drop the house AC a few degrees and see if I can hit that 78 F



Well-Known Member
Just looked at the bottom of the net pots and there is ALOT of root growth going on. Like WAAAYYY more then before. One is visually developing faster then the other. Pics sometime soon.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, nice grow and all, but one reason i dont like hydro is becuz of the care the roots is such a nessacary routine.
i enjoy my soil. but looking good. glad to hear their bouncin back!:bigjoint: