Thor's 400w DWC Closet grow


Well-Known Member
Nice. You got a link to a grow journal? Id love to watch em grow. :)

I just got back from the store with a high velocity desk fan. I have that in there now blowing will update in a few minutes to see if the temp drops.


Well-Known Member
I got the house temp at 70 degrees i got the overhead fan running i got my closet door halfway open. I got a box fan blowing from outside the closet into the closet and i got a high velocity office fan on the ground inside the closet facing upwards towards the light. I opened the wings on the bat wing reflector to help the air go around the bulb. I also got that 236cfm axial fan at the top exhausting everything out.

The temps stabilized at 83 degrees


Well-Known Member
Let's start this update off right. Click play.

Update:Officially day 5?

Not completely sure how old they are. Some people Count from when they were put in some when they sprout. I lost track. I'd say today is the 5th day since they sprouted.

My room temps are at 84-86 degrees F my humidity is 28% or so. My water is looking good and is PH balanced. My plants are 14 inches away from the 400w MH bulb. So here are some pics!



Well-Known Member
14 inches is as close as i can get my plants right now without over heating them. I tryed closer it got way to hot for them. I will invest in a air cooled reflector when i get money maybe later this month.


Well-Known Member
There is an incredible snowflake like root structure formed underneath the taller sprouts net pot now. Still no sign of roots for the shorter one. My ph is out of whack today and the tip of the taller sprouts roots that extended outside of the net pot turned brown and withered. Shouts to skydivr for letting me know how sensitive these plants are to ph imbalances.


Active Member
yeah this is about where my plants are in growth, cept they were way too far from the bulb and started to stretch so i moved the bulb down to about 12-14" away, thing is they almost layed down (but still leaves facing up and growing) so I proped them up and added some breeze on them by an indirect fan, and they're looking good now, I just didnt know if you knew what would cause them to lay down like that. I rotated them as well so that they're not just growing in one direction towards the bulb.

but your grows looking good so far man :)


Well-Known Member
I have no idea why your plants would do that.. Maybe the stem wasn't strong enough to support it? I don't know...

My friend let me borrow his air cooled reflector and ballast so I have his shit hooked up in my room now. The air cooled reflector is nice I can close the door more and block some of the light from escaping and i dropped my lights to within 8 inches of my sprouts. The temps are at 84-85 degrees F and my humidity is 38%. My water ph is about 5.5

My friend also let me use his squirrel cage fan and its exhausting the room nice without alot of noise! I can sleep comfortably now!

Sprouts are looking great!


Well-Known Member
Tons of root activity going on under my taller sprout. A few under the shorter one. I noticed the roots turns slightly yellow and looked thinner then they did this morning. I changed out the water and added some more powerful nutes. Hopefully tomorrow they will look better.


Well-Known Member
Someone suggested cutting a hole in my ceiling and exhausting my room into there. Is that necessarily a good idea? It's dry and gets hot as balls up there. I know that the exhaust will be blowing and heat might not penetrate through the hole. But wouldn't this make my AC work harder and put my electric bill through the roof? My temps are at 85 and when it gets hot outside i struggle to keep it 86-87. I'm not sure if I should just try to continue the grow with the temps as is. Or if I should continue to look for a solution? Any advice or suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I decided to raise my light to 11 inches away from my sprouts. Let's see if that helps solve my heat issues...atleast till i get a new exhaust hole cut in my ceiling.


Sounds all good bud. I was dying to telling you to get a air cooled reflector the whole time I was reading and glad to see you're on your way with one definitely the solution to your temp issues. and if i was you i would temporarily use 3-4 42w daylight cfl's to get those babies going, that way your temps will go down until you have a better setup. also too, what is your res tank temps? may want to wrap it up in black duct tap a couple times to ensure no light enters to avoid root rot


Well-Known Member
Sounds all good bud. I was dying to telling you to get a air cooled reflector the whole time I was reading and glad to see you're on your way with one definitely the solution to your temp issues. and if i was you i would temporarily use 3-4 42w daylight cfl's to get those babies going, that way your temps will go down until you have a better setup. also too, what is your res tank temps? may want to wrap it up in black duct tap a couple times to ensure no light enters to avoid root rot
Would spray painting the tub with black spray paint help?


Active Member
best of luck guys with ur grow....i m havin heat problems too but due to some steps towards it i gues i managed to get d temps down to 2-4C ;).... humidity problems have been managed a bit also with this... i stil left wit seedings apparently i fited d device outside my box...n its working wel...cheers n al d best agn...


Well-Known Member
<(|Day 10|)>

So day before last my fan fell over in the middle of the night and was blowing some high velocity wind on my plants ALL night. I found it in the morning and fixed it but my plants looked stressed the fuck out. Their leaves were droppy and they weren't looking good.

After I fixed the fan I gently coached the leaves upward with my hand and came back and hour later and they were standing up on their own again.

Also a few days ago my duct came undone in the middle of the night and the temps reached 90 degrees. The duct that was exhausting the air cooled reflector was completely off. I reattached it and havent had a problem since. But they were under alot of heat for a few hours.

There is some discoloration visible on them. Here are some pics.

This is what the set up looks like now.

Plant A before complications

Plant B before complications

Plant A (Today)

Plant B (Today)
