Thor's 400w DWC Closet grow


Well-Known Member
So after talking to a knowledgeable grower I was advised that I must water my plants more often. They have developed slower last few days as a result. I thought since it was hydro I wouldn't have to water after the roots reach the res water. I will keep them properly watered from now on and hopefully they will bounce back. Stay tuned.


Active Member
hope things perk up for your plants man, yeah I try and top my 5gal buckets off each day with water and I make sure some of the filling hits that rockwool, If you paint that res let me know if you see a difference/ how many coats and what not, i have white buckets and I know they need to be black, I could pick up some buckets from the hyrdo store but they are like 8$ a piece. makes more sense to use what I have and make it work I suppose... either way, good luck


Well-Known Member
So i started watering them regularly yesterday and today there is TONs of root activity. Even on the smaller one that had like 1 root it now has like 4 or 5, that are nice and white. The leaves are much greener and full of life. Now I know how to water them so it can only get better from here on out. :)


Well-Known Member
Wow. They are really taking off underneath. The roots coming out of this thing at such a rapid rate. I love it.


Everything looks good to me!

I wonder how many people start out this way?

I started my grow with a 400W switchable ballast, an econo wing hood, a small rubbermaid box, some nutrients and 6 clones. We cut a hole in the ceiling to cool the closet down and battled heat the entire time.

Today 4 1/2 months later we have moved out of the closet and I now have a 12X10 flower room and a 5X7 closet dedicated to clone and veg.

My flower room is home to 4 1000W HPS lights 2 8" fans, several other fans, a dedicated ac and so on.

Be careful it's very addictive and will consume your life if you let it.


Well-Known Member
Push Play
and play this vid.

<(|Day 12|)>

Fresh update! Plants are doing great. Incredible growth occured over the last 2 days. Figured I'd drop a line with some pics for your red eyes today.

85 degrees F 38% humidity water is 550ish ppm after half strength nutes and is 5.6ish ph.

Plant A

Plant B



Those babies are looking much better, those bottom leafs prolly will stay looking like that but those new sets are looking very healthy. Keep it up and keep those nutes stable.


Active Member
ahhh cool, mines sitting around 42% trying to keep it as low as possible, might have to get a dehumidifier to keep the powdery mildew off... someone pointed out that I may have some... :/


Well-Known Member
Hey man, the plants look good. just a slight mishap. your plant shall recover in no time.
Great news i just installd my 400W system. Quick ?: where can i buy flexducts? home depot, lowwes, etc.


Well-Known Member
home depot or lowes. Both should have the ducts you are looking for. I found them by plumbing section in lowes.


Well-Known Member
Plant A is 2 inches tall and 3 inches wide by 3 1/2 in long

Plant B is 2 inches tall and 3 inches wide by 3 inches tall.

Roots underneath now have a definite fishbone type look to them now. Pure white. almost 7-8 inches.

Temps 85.9 degrees F. 38% humidity.


Well-Known Member
Plant A is now 2 1/2 inch tall and 4 x4 inches wide

Plant B is 2 1/2 inch tall and 3 3/4 x 3 1/2 inch wide

Room temp is 87 right now with 30% humidity.


Well-Known Member
Plant A is 2 2/3 inch tall and 5 inch x 4 1/2 inch wide

Plant A is 2 2/3 inch tall and 4 1/2 inch x 4 inch wide

room temp is 87 and humidity is 32%