This place really needs a moderator.

Seriously, she joined the Royal Navy. She has to report to a training base in Newfoundland in May. I guess she's taking a vacation and tying up loose ends.
That has to be erroneous? I'm not in here enough to keep up with everyone's personal lives, but that would be news to me!
Ive only gotten one warning on here and it was for something stupid but I can see why it would have offended someone. Either way the MODS probably let shit slide till someone complains about it then they remove it and if necessary give a warning, that's my take on it.
Ive only gotten one warning on here and it was for something stupid but I can see why it would have offended someone. Either way the MODS probably let shit slide till someone complains about it then they remove it and if necessary give a warning, that's my take on it.
So maybe we should complain about it. Oh, wait. We are doing that now.
Did I miss anything good this weekend while I was out enjoying life? I see some new sock wanted their account deleted. What did you guys do to her/him?

All this talk about assholes full of fruit loops has me hungry. Are you guys talking about the picture I posted in finbaggys thread? It got deleted pretty fast and that's just normal stuff for a fin thread. If you don't wanna see stuff like that don't click on a finbaggy thread.
All this talk about assholes full of fruit loops has me hungry. Are you guys talking about the picture I posted in finbaggys thread?.
naw homie, I took that pic and ran with it.

I even captioned it "MMMMMMM somebody get me a spoon!"

I found it funny, but some members found it to be in bad taste lol

I guess they don't like fruit loops?
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I don't want to be a mod anymore anyway. That ship has sailed. I just want to fuck bitches and party! I'm married now so no fucking bitches I guess. Oh yeah and I have a young kid so no parties. I guess I'll just exist here. You can however refer to me as Chairman Neo now, that will do nicely.
I was just gonna go get some breakfast when I saw an asshole full of fruitloops. Lost my appitite right then and there. Im gonna check out of here until I can at least get through lunch.
I dont laugh at this site near as much now that Claytons gone. Why'd he get tossed?
He didnt get tossed.