This place really needs a moderator.

I was a mod here when all that shit went down & can tell ya not to put too much stock in the rumors .
I was here for it too. This is the new stuff. Ask pinny quietly about it in a couple days or whenever. I dont know the first hand stuff and im staying out of it past saying theres rumors from guys i trust.
Oh I get it FDD banned people for the stupidest things back in the day on here, like ICGreen on grasscity who banned me for asking him a question about coca beans, and banned a countless number of people over stupid shit pretty much banned everyone he did not agree with, you made a thread about a subjuect he didn't like you got banned I hate it when people abuse their authority.
I know all the new drama too & it seems much ado about nothing , the whole rumor mill just bums me out cause all it does is create bad vibes .
A man is made from what he does and says. People get hurt all the time for doing things and saying things they shouldnt everyday. Its a cruel world but we chose our own path.
i wanna be a mod

i catch a sock a day sometimes

for some reason unknow to me i can sense them

especially when im the 1st first person they talk to .......frosty buds is letsgetcritcal
@Unclebaldrick wow what a weekend you guys had! Looks like someone did not pick up after the party! Solo cups and shit everywhere. How are you doing?
Use the ignore, its really quite peaceful and it cleans up the main TnT page quite well.
XenForo actually has a very nice ignore feature. Barring our ability to do that we could simply fill troll threads with troll warnings, plonking them.
Hell I remember everyone thought I was a sock account

Would make for one hell of a conspiracy giving ny distinct way of posting not similar to any other members
I haven't ignore-buttoned in awhile. Although I rarely respond to the really annoying or obviously sock-puppet accounts anymore, because I've grown so much as a person...

Except if I'm bored, or feeling feisty, or drunk, or really high and can't think of anything else to do, or kinda pissed off and need to vent, or just want to call someone a doucher with little to no consequences.

Yeah. I've grown up a lot.
I was just gonna go get some breakfast when I saw an asshole full of fruitloops. Lost my appitite right then and there. Im gonna check out of here until I can at least get through lunch.
I dont laugh at this site near as much now that Claytons gone. Why'd he get tossed?