This place really needs a moderator.

I'm not dissing the mods here. I know they have their marching orders. But it seems to me like somebody needs to have a discussion and come up with some plan of action that will keep this place from sucking.

I wish sock puppets got banned as quickly as a pair of boobs gets taken down.

Keep on Growin

I had my fun. I wouldn't want to mod again bc theres no point in having a hammer if you can't use it. The only perk i miss is reading through the private mod thread where they talk about everyone else. I used to have some fun changing peoples posts too.
But I felt I had to set an example. Set a higher standard. I used to delete dick picks and eliminate foul language and warn members. Now I just don't gaf and its less stressful.
And its more fun. Just to make things interesting I think we should have temp mods. Maybe mods for a day. Or a week. I think members should vote to elect their temp mods.
It could be fun. And I still think this place could be held to a higher standard but it won't happen. I also think Neo would make an excellent mod. He's got what it takes. Unlike me, I have a temper.
I had my fun. I wouldn't want to mod again bc theres no point in having a hammer if you can't use it. The only perk i miss is reading through the private mod thread where they talk about everyone else. I used to have some fun changing peoples posts too.
But I felt I had to set an example. Set a higher standard. I used to delete dick picks and eliminate foul language and warn members. Now I just don't gaf and its less stressful.
And its more fun. Just to make things interesting I think we should have temp mods. Maybe mods for a day. Or a week. I think members should vote to elect their temp mods.
It could be fun. And I still think this place could be held to a higher standard but it won't happen. I also think Neo would make an excellent mod.He's got what it takes. Unlike me, I have a temper.
Remember when you banned me and Dina in the same day, and u made us get naked and do weird things to get the ban lifted?
My mistake to surf RIU while rocking my child.

I consider myself pretty liberal in terms of tolerance. Rectums filled with cereal and milk aren't my thing but if it works for y'all, that's great. If I actually wanted to see stuff like that, I'd go looking for it. Not something I ever expected to see on a weed board.
Hey we also have the ability to self moderate, If you see something you think is over the top then by all means let your point be heard. I am 100% ok with that. @Unclebaldrick called me out on that and I didn't take offense to it or act like a little kid and dig in and keep posting stuff like that. I do see that there is a line and I did cross it. Most of you know I don't normally make disturbing post like that. It was for shock value and it did work... just in the most negative way possible, but what did I think was gonna happen? I apologize for my offensive post...
So how come he was banned a good chunk of last year but isn't getting banned now? As far as I know, he is worse now than ever. If I didn't find him annoying (like athletes foot) I would feel kind of bad for him. He's got some issues.
I also think Neo would make an excellent mod. He's got what it takes. Unlike me, I have a temper.

Thanks for the shout-out [user]dannyboy602[/user]! If I ever denounce women and go gay, I'll definitely give you the first honors of riding shotgun on my miss daisy!

In this case miss daisy is my penis. I've never called it that before but I kinda like it. Who's driving miss daisy?
R.I.U. is still a Great Place, but needs MODS whom are (a) about a fair bit and (b) who actually think that bashing,Trolling,Flaming is NOT on.. idk But tbh the Forums Rules an Etiquette needs seriously SOOooo Vague as to be unreal...on other sites "They" - You know who You are.. would've been LOOOooong Gone!! on TALK, TOKERS or The Green Circle..tha Ban Hammer would've been out after 2nd warning...No 3rd Strike!


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