This Just In... Obama has already got a new job!!


Member Since:
Apr 15, 2010
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What's left to say, really?

Seems like a BUNCH of the 'original mods' (LOL) are real pieces of work....skunksnitch, that 'pot punk' loser, etc.etc. Must have been bleak days for RIU.
He was pardoned to avoid any possible trial.

Because back before polarized politics, it wasn't nice to make political prisoners in ...
Just was commenting on the fact that Nixon was never convicted of anything. Actually, I don't think formal charges or impeachment was even drawn up. So, no, you do not have to be convicted to be pardoned. So, yes, Obama could have if he wanted to. I am with him and glad he did not.
Isnt it interesting that Obama commuted sentences of 1700 criminals yet somehow forgot Hillary Clinton?!??!
I don't think he forgot about "Hildabeast" Hillary! I do think he's trying to get "Slick" Will some alone time without having to deal with that nightmare he wakes up with every morning.:hump: