this is YO MAMA!

Yo mama so fat, she uses pillow cases for socks.
Yo mama so fat she uses hulu hoops as earings.
Yo mama so fat she weighs herself on the richter scale.
yo momma so cross eyed,she dropped something,and said can you please help me,and everybody bend down.
::cracking knuckles:: let me give this a try.

Your mother (god bless her) is so fa... umm... obe.... gravity challenged.... it takes two years for her farts to breach the surface.

I slay me. Oh god.. my sides... MY SIDES.... :lol:
yo momma so stupid when she saw the "NC-17 (Under 17 Not Admitted)" sign, she went home and got 16 friends.
yo momma so stupid she spent twenty minutes lookin' at an orange juice box because it said "concentrate"