This is PETA


I have friends that own game farms, I have a friend that deals in big cats as well (yes, even for "canned" lion hunting, quite popular with Americans and Germans).
They have done more for conservation than PETA will in the next 100 years.
My friend that trades in big cats? 90% of his profit goes straight back into conservation. He bought a freaking island, had it declared a nature reserve and handed it over to the local government. He pays over 80% of the administration fees for this island to this day. PETA would throw a bucket of paint at him and call him inhumane yet they kill more animals in a year than he would in 10 lifetimes.
...the (huge, obvious, so glaring it's stupid to point out) difference being that PETA (and HSUS etc) euthanize animals that people have abandoned. Your 'friend' takes animals that should be wild, and sends them to be shot - perfectly healthy animals, too. Your argument is like saying that logging companies are good for trees, because they prevent developments from going up on their land.

And PETA's focus has always been on domesticated and farmed animals - with good reason, as they're the most abused. So claiming they don't do much for conservation is asinine.


Well-Known Member
personally as avegan i think reading both sides is great, what works for some may not work for others and while i think, pen and teller are funny they are seriously ONE sided biased facts, peta is not a terrorist group just a bit on the harsh side personally i aint for peta theyre kinda a bunch of stuck up assholes imho.

Do love me some duck dynasty though
One extreme member of PETA bombed a lab that tested animals for the purpose of finding cures to various diseases. PETA put forth $45,000 towards the defense of the man.

Is that biased? Is the bombing not classified as a terrorist act? I enjoy eating meat, some don't - that's fine... terrorist acts are where I definitely draw the line though.


Staff member
One extreme member of PETA bombed a lab that tested animals for the purpose of finding cures to various diseases. PETA put forth $45,000 towards the defense of the man.

Is that biased? Is the bombing not classified as a terrorist act? I enjoy eating meat, some don't - that's fine... terrorist acts are where I definitely draw the line though.

I have said the entire time I dont like what peta does, or at least their extreme examples because they make us look really bad as vegans ect.
That being said I do not agree with the first article I think its fake, peta is very open about how many animals they kill per year but I highly doubt that they would just trash them in garbage bags on the road.thats my arguement , thats all. I think orginal OP's post is fake.


Well-Known Member
I have said the entire time I dont like what peta does, or at least their extreme examples because they make us look really bad as vegans ect.
That being said I do not agree with the first article I think its fake, peta is very open about how many animals they kill per year but I highly doubt that they would just trash them in garbage bags on the road.thats my arguement , thats all. I think orginal OP's post is fake.
When I mentioned them being terrorists, I was speaking specifically of the 1 incident by what may be considered as a 'rogue' PETA member. That said, I agree it's fake and I do respect your thoughts and opinions on this. I would have to scope out PETA and see animals in bags first-hand before I'd ever tag that to any organization whatsoever.


Staff member
A lot of peta member's are over the edge, I dont think it happens too much anymore I happened all like a few years back, them throwing blood on fur coats, ect I think thats stupid, violent , and behviour like that isnt going to make people change into vegans LOL,..I think what pisses me off more about PETA than anythign is that they are Vegetarians and not Vegans. and because their main goal and purpose is for the animals , its just the stupidest thing ever.:wall:


Well-Known Member
A lot of peta member's are over the edge, I dont think it happens too much anymore I happened all like a few years back, them throwing blood on fur coats, ect I think thats stupid, violent , and behviour like that isnt going to make people change into vegans LOL,..I think what pisses me off more about PETA than anythign is that they are Vegetarians and not Vegans. and because their main goal and purpose is for the animals , its just the stupidest thing ever.:wall:
Agreed, and if I was wearin' my pimp furs and someone threw blood on them, I'd be forced to shank a bitch. (Kidding, mostly)


Staff member
pretty sure fur is a thing of the past really, unless itslike middle of winter with some old italian lady LOL or like a native.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure fur is a thing of the past really, unless itslike middle of winter with some old italian lady LOL or like a native.
Yup my grandmas always had fur on, old school Sicilian ladies that I learned from when roaming around the kitchen when they did dinners on Sundays in my younger years :D


Staff member
yeah but theyve had the coats forever too its not like they go and butcher a friggin family of foxes every winter LOl


Well-Known Member
nobody likes mass cattle farms. the shit is sick and the reason I try my best to buy local and from the farmers market meat guy. But realistically i dont have 3 hours every weekend to go buy food. I go to The Meat Store or target and get what I need. I dont know where it comes from. Its cheap and usually tastes ok.
The problem is if meat was not raised in the way it is the shit would be EXPENSIVE and the poor people would have to eat MORE gluten to fill up.
So do you want cheap meat and beat up cows or expensive meat only the 1% can afford?
I dont see a happy medium.

match box

Well-Known Member
My wife has a arctic fox coat thats shads so bad she doesn't ware it any more. The only fur I have a problem with is baby seal. There is no reason to beat a baby seal to death so someone can have a spoted coat. There are better matreals to make coats out of today that work better than the old fur.


Well-Known Member
I would rather wear a duct tape coat, than a fur.

I despise those who think themselves so important that they need to wear an animal killed specifically so they could have a "cool" coat.
