This is PETA


Well-Known Member
Shout out to Jesse Owens for taking four golds in the 1936 summer olympics in Berlin, Germany. In front of Das Fuhrer. In case you don't know Jesse Owens was black.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Shout out to Jesse Owens for taking four golds in the 1936 summer olympics in Berlin, Germany. In front of Das Fuhrer. In case you don't know Jesse Owens was black.
And he rode anywhere he wanted to on the bus in Germany. Hitler also met him and shook his hand after the wins, something the yankee president at the time refused to do.


Well-Known Member
hmmm steve I just read that Hitler only waved to Jesse Owens and would only shake hands with German Gold Medalists. There's a quote attributed to Jesse backing this. Hitler was truly disgusted by it, lets not tighten our Doc Martins too tight.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
hmmm steve I just read that Hitler only waved to Jesse Owens and would only shake hands with German Gold Medalists. There's a quote attributed to Jesse backing this. Hitler was truly disgusted by it, lets not tighten our Doc Martins too tight.
I did read it in a bathroom reader. Which is even less accurate than some wikipedia articles.


Active Member
Just my view (now that the discussion is well advanced).

PETA are hypocrites.
The love has long left the group, it is now just a business that manipulates emotion for profit.


Well-Known Member
well everyone has the right to believe what they want while i wouldnt go so far to say peta is a terrorist group id at least say the way they do things is a tad on the harsh side
and by harsh you mean humane?


Active Member
It kills me that this 'hypocrite' trope continues to exist. Sorry for going off, ignorance is my biggest pet peeve. It is ignorant to try and manipulate against an organization based on misinformation.
O, and I do NOT swim with dolphins. I fuck them.
I'm done.


Well-Known Member
It kills me that this 'hypocrite' trope continues to exist. Sorry for going off, ignorance is my biggest pet peeve. It is ignorant to try and manipulate against an organization based on misinformation.
O, and I do NOT swim with dolphins. I fuck them.
I'm done.
Could you explain the bold text in more detail? I'm not sure I understand what you are intending.


Active Member
It kills me that this 'hypocrite' trope continues to exist. Sorry for going off, ignorance is my biggest pet peeve. It is ignorant to try and manipulate against an organization based on misinformation.
O, and I do NOT swim with dolphins. I fuck them.
I'm done.
I was always told "rather a fool for 5 minutes than a fool for the rest of your life" as a child.
I still stick to that.

Thus far, nobody has shown me any reason why I should believe otherwise on this particular topic.


Active Member
It is misleading to blame PETA for a situation they are trying to negate; lets put it this way:
A man in a grocery store acts wrecklessly and knocks over a shelf of perishable goods. It creates a mess. The custodian comes and cleans up the mess as best he can. What's happening here is some fucker wants to hold th custodian to task.
Now who should we cuss out and call a hypocrite? The guy who's trying to help? I hope not.
Which brings me to this: It is disingenuous to hold PETA to task when they help WAY more than they hurt.
If you want to address any situation, take it from the start, on a factual basis, and place blame where blame should lie.


Active Member
What I am saying is that originally they were trying to help. Now they are just profiting of the pain of animals and the shock of people.
Let's take your analogy, this is what I see is happening: Custodian cleans the mess the first few times the gets lazy, takes the cash and does not do what he says he is doing but lies to his boss about it and blames the customer.

I have friends that own game farms, I have a friend that deals in big cats as well (yes, even for "canned" lion hunting, quite popular with Americans and Germans).
They have done more for conservation than PETA will in the next 100 years.
My friend that trades in big cats? 90% of his profit goes straight back into conservation. He bought a freaking island, had it declared a nature reserve and handed it over to the local government. He pays over 80% of the administration fees for this island to this day. PETA would throw a bucket of paint at him and call him inhumane yet they kill more animals in a year than he would in 10 lifetimes.