Thinking like grandma grow.


Active Member
sounds good they will be looking nice are you gonna be lolliepopping them? before you flower
they are looking really bushy i havent seen a plant grow like that and i have the same damn strain haha im hoping when i get my new 600 watt mh veg light and 1000 watt hps flower lights set up they should be looking like urs
im only flowerin 4 at a time so i wounder what my yield will be under that 1000 watt hps :))))

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Just a little trimming of the first couple of nodes which I have just about completed on most of them. Then the first few weeks of 12/12 I will pinch off some of the lower bud sites but leave the fans at each node. In my experience most plants yield best when left to do what nature intended. #4 though is going to be left intact with the exception of pinching a few lower bud sites.


Active Member
thats fucking awesome dude post some pics when your done i wanna see im doing my girls that way i trim to much so i think im losing some yield

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I am a bit confused JPH. What do you mean you've never seen plants grow like mine? Just normal growth patterns of none molested plants. This is a very simple hobby we have. But far too often the simplicity of it makes it difficult for some. Most of the magical methods you see on these forums are nothing more than speculation and hype. Having no actual real world substance. Power of suggestion is a strong force round here. As wonderful as the internet is it can quickly become your plants enemy.....


Active Member
well i havent used a hps or mh for veg since ive been growing mine... just cfls im waiting for my 600 watt hps/mh from florida to get here im hopping it will make my plants better just my growth in veg have never been so much as yours i have alot of stretch and if i dont i burn the damn leafs haha but im just growing for my self so its ok but its always better to grow it better but im good at cloning cut 4 4 rooted so flowering i just got my 400 watt hps set up again waiting on my 1000 watt i got about little less then 1 once per plant but i was topping then and trimming alot of the fan leaves so i think i lost yield from to much trimming im also hopping that 1000 watt will help me out
the soil i use is organic with composted cow muner and perlite only nutes i use is bio root i think i might go pic up some fox farm tio for more growth .......... anything im doing wrong... also i clone in a 1 inch 1 inch cube then transplant into 1 gal then 5 gal i always use new soil every grow i dont reuse idk if i could i just dont bc i thought it would be better well let me know if im doing anythign wrong or right haha thanks man

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Now I get ya. Sounds like you mix is pretty good but may be a bit acidic by the end of the grow. Cow manure as it decomposes will lower a mediums pH. You certainly want to use some dolomite lime in your mix to help maintain a good pH. Worm castings are also a growers best friend, natural slow release fert for your plants. And they contain a whole treasure of bennies for your soil. Which will help turn that cow poo it high octane food for your plants. And dont worry about the FF trio, Grow Big is the only one you need start too finish. Or go to Home Depot or the like and get a bag of Espoma Plant-Tone, what I am using this grow and it will treat you right from start too finish. Premixed in the medium, used as a top dressing or for brewing teas its hard to beat. The biggest thing to remember is green, healthy plants with lots of foliage produce the best buds hands down. A lot of what you read on these cannabis forums is very counterproductive despite the claims. K.I.S.S=keep it stupid simple and you will probably be amazed at your results.
One thing that I think is most over looked on our indoor grows is environment. One of the toughest things to get tuned in. And one of the main reasons between success and so so results. I like 80-85 lights on temps and 65 or so lights off. This simple difference between the 2 are what I consider a main key to my success. Learning to read your plants instead of a bunch of meters is also key. This really cannot be taught, just something that comes with trial and error in your own garden. Once it starts clicking the possibilities are endless...


Active Member
thanks man also yea my temps in veg room are 75 lights on and off and flower room is 60 lights on and off so i need to raise the temp in my flower room when lights on i mean where the light is on the plants its around 80 just the room is so cold and ill look into that dolomite lime ive never used it and worm castings i cant find no where i might have to wait till it gets to growing session again haha i was thinking about buying a kit to make my own worm casting but seemed to hard to do lol to much time into it and im not trimming on my 2 AO right not that i just started flowering they should be looking nice but i did top them a little i think 4 tops right now looking really green ill have to post some pics when i go see them

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
In our area you shouldnt have to look very hard for dolomite lime. Check your local nurseries. I get a 50lb bag for under 10 bucks. The Great Lakes regions set a top a huge dolomitic basin. & Rivers Shape GL.pdf
Worm castings can be found at some nurseries and just about any grow store.
Still get your worm farm going, nothing like it, and super simple.
Just a fun fact. I love my Mitten....

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I lets not forget we are lucky enough to have Kite High along for the ride. He brings to the table reason and science. Not bs and forum lore...I hope he joins in on some of this. Because this journal can and should be more than me just growing a few plants.

This one goes out to everything I cultivate........



Active Member

Gotta love TGA vigor. Looking good.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
A view before.
What I am looking to pinch for now...

Entire first node and second node fan already pinched...


Before the trim...HPIM1544.jpg
After the trim...


What I took...

Just opened things up a bit for now...still have the fans that were going to fuel those little shoots. Shoots gone, fans still there, Grannies way of redirecting energy...


This is about as exciting as it gets right now. I'll share the plucking of each this week.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
First node and a few lower fans already pinched to make room for watering.

Not much taken...

Cots just now giving up, yet still wanting to live. Healthy plants make happy gardeners...


Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
#3 on the right and 6 on the left.

#4, 2 and 1 moved up. Left to right.


No doubt 5 plants is gong to cramp my space. There most likely will be a plant culled...


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. You really do minimal trimming. Do you keep your light 20 in. away from tops throughout the whole grow? I'm running a 600 and keep them around 12-16 in. away.


Active Member
In our area you shouldnt have to look very hard for dolomite lime. Check your local nurseries. I get a 50lb bag for under 10 bucks. The Great Lakes regions set a top a huge dolomitic basin. & Rivers Shape GL.pdf
Worm castings can be found at some nurseries and just about any grow store.
Still get your worm farm going, nothing like it, and super simple.
Just a fun fact. I love my Mitten....
thanks man also with that dolomite lime you say i mix it with my soil how much would you say i would use..............
and yea i was thinking about my own worm farm just ant got it together haha thanks for all the info
(my soil mix)
yea i take 2 big 50 pound bags of organic soil
one small bag of perlite
and one bag 50 pound i think about the size of the bag of soil of composted cow munewer
that i mix for my soil so how much dolomite lime and worm casting
but i just mix it all in a big tote and pill my pots im not trying to burn them but my ppm run off is like 299 so not hot soil haha