Thievery Defence


Well-Known Member
The long term answer is legalisation and grow so much it isn't worthwhile to steal it. No one steals tomatoes, right?

Short term? Show up at his place, walk in and simply take your plants back. Without saying a word, dare him to fuck with you. If he lays a hand on you, jack him up, so be prepared. Bring a friend who can be a witness. They'll never come near you again after that!


Well-Known Member
Just leave one bait plant outside and spray with rat poison, or highly toxic pesticide daily.

Let them smoke your toxic shit and die.

Or just let them tresspass, break and enter, Rob you, violate your space-property, laugh at you while they probably brag to their friends they stole weed from some "little bitch that won't do shit" and will do it all over again.

Why not just dry, cure, roll it, and hand deliver it to them while you polish their shoes and your girlfriend gives them a massage, complete with happy ending.
You’re going to be a hit in the state pen when you eventually go.


Well-Known Member
You’re going to be a hit in the state pen when you eventually go.
Any competent lawyer would keep you out of trouble for doing that. You don't have to take in consideration the rights of theives when experimenting with your own property. There is no way you could have had knowledge that someone was going to steal and try to smoke a test plant.