They found micro organisms on the ISS

I think it's important for people to be spiritual. It's a private matter. Keep your genie in your bottle. Otherwise the ensuing discussion isn't worth the oxygen expended.

Religion hurts more than it helps. Entire swaths of humanity are deemed unworthy because of some interpretation of some document written way too long ago

It is not a divinely written book. It was arm wrestled over, campaigned about and finally voted on by a deeply divided bunch of dudes to derive the KJ bible that today you thump us with today. Enormous texts and passages were omitted - the results highly selected. Hardly the hand of god.

And then they layer truly silly stories on top and deride unbelievers as ignorant, blind, or some other equally insulting adjective.

This certainly isn't relegated to Christians.

OH NO! You've drank the the Kool Aid. That's the devil's talk right there. I can tell by your picture that you worship another god. I think you know deep in your heart that will only lead you to hell. It's one of the ten commandments for Christ's sake! Thou shalt not have any other god's before me, false idols etc.

How else can you explain the glory of the Earth we live in and the miracle of birth? What do you think was omitted by "man"? It's SO easy. The new testament is an account of the life of Christ told by several different people! How could they all be lying? Why would they all be included. You just don't make any sense. PLEASE, pray for enlightenment.
Blessings to you Brother NR

and to you

nice that you two get along. And you can study ancient texts together and interpret them and have a great time. That's cool

But you see, any deviation from your rigid model of the universe (including opinions from less extreme Christians) and we're labeled the work of the devil. You write off most of the planet's occupants in the process. Laughable if there ever was something laughable

Your rigid viewpoint of the universe is in stark contrast with science. Something readily reproducible. So we're clear, this is science fiction. For your viewpoint to be fact requires a scientific global conspiracy spanning decades. Impossible

Keep it to yourself and we can be friends. Judge me by some arbitrary spiritual metric and you can fuck off
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nice that you two get along. And you can study ancient texts together and interpret them and have a great time. That's cool

But you see, any deviation from your rigid model of the universe (including opinions from less extreme Christians) and we're labeled the work of the devil. You write off most of the planet's occupants in the process. Laughable if there ever was something laughable

Your rigid viewpoint of the universe is in stark contrast with science. Something readily reproducible. So we're clear, this is science fiction. For your viewpoint to be fact requires a scientific global conspiracy spanning decades. Impossible

Keep it to yourself and we can be friends. Judge me by some arbitrary spiritual metric and you can fuck off

I will pray for you. I will even ask my uncle to pray for you, though he is catholic and we don't always see eye to eye. Because unlike you, I am flexible.

You two look good there. Looks like you're discussing your flat earth theories

Look, you can't exactly expect respect when you throw superstitious babble around like that. And then giggle that the scientists are so dumb
That's what makes people strap bombs to themselves -god warrior. Easy to call them deluded when they're Muslim.