They found micro organisms on the ISS

Yeah, it's true. LAst year they were cleaning the windshield and under a microscope found plankton living in space. Nothing on Earth can live in space, and the likelihood that it came from Earth is about nil. Soooo there are living organisms flying through space. They figure it fell off of a passing comet. I'll check the bible for its hypothesis.
Hi I am thy God. I know nothing of this space plankton. I'm To busy enjoying all this rape and murder to pay attention to that space crap. I joined Satan along time ago. All those whiney bitches in heaven were realy bugging me.
Dear @greasemonkeymann (and @CC Dobbs and @Rrog , but mostly @greasemonkeymann )

The holy spirit has spoken to me and revealed the story of the prodigal son. The Lord wants you back. How could you know God’s piece and walk away?

Let us pray.

Don’t you want to be a worthy Christian? I know of a really good website where people are receptive, even to backsliders such as yourself. They will help you.
Are you making a blasphemous reference or are you simply misspelling "peace"
You never know on this site....
And trust me... the "lord" doesn't want me back.