They found micro organisms on the ISS

You said the micro organisms instantly evolved. Isn't that an oxyMORON? It's also my point. God made the heavens and the Earth instantly. So if you acept that things can be made instantly to adapt, what's the stretch? I think you are close to understanding God's miracle but just need a little more enlightenment. I will pray for you as well.
i'm sorry brother, I was being condescending and facetious and flippant, I apologize that I wasn't being more clear.
And please, please save your prayers, although i appreciate it, me and "god" go way back, I've attended more church and religious settings than most, and I've ascertained enough information to base my own opinions and beliefs (or lack thereof).
i'm not angry nor judgmental, as most that know me with attest.
But save your prayers for a more receptive, recipient.
My "god" is being of a different nature, more of an enlightened state realizing our place in this world.
Did you know that a textured ceiling and a tin helium filled ballon are at war with each other? And when the furnace kicks on creating a wind current the first and last shot are fired and the ceiling emerges victorious. It's true it's in the bible. Also is the plankton space aids? I do believe god created space aids. It's in the bible.
Dear @greasemonkeymann (and @CC Dobbs and @Rrog , but mostly @greasemonkeymann )

The holy spirit has spoken to me and revealed the story of the prodigal son. The Lord wants you back. How could you know God’s piece and walk away?

Let us pray.

Dear Lord, Father in heaven, I come to you asking for your blessing of the holy spirit for a few who have fallen by the wayside. I think they are good people, just confused and likely led astray by the enemy. Please send your 50,000 angels to protect them from the evil influence of the dark one. Get behind me Satan. Ashamigahoontalamagohonta walimananinifogatto (speaking in tongues). Lord, please, give these three strength to not be afraid to trust and follow you. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Don’t you want to be a worthy Christian? I know of a really good website where people are receptive, even to backsliders such as yourself. They will help you.
Yeah, it's true. LAst year they were cleaning the windshield and under a microscope found plankton living in space. Nothing on Earth can live in space, and the likelihood that it came from Earth is about nil. Soooo there are living organisms flying through space. They figure it fell off of a passing comet. I'll check the bible for its hypothesis.

incorrect one thing called a water bear can live in space .....only thing i know that can take the cold temps and hot temps
Dear @greasemonkeymann (and @CC Dobbs and @Rrog , but mostly @greasemonkeymann )

The holy spirit has spoken to me and revealed the story of the prodigal son. The Lord wants you back. How could you know God’s piece and walk away?

Let us pray.

Dear Lord, Father in heaven, I come to you asking for your blessing of the holy spirit for a few who have fallen by the wayside. I think they are good people, just confused and likely led astray by the enemy. Please send your 50,000 angels to protect them from the evil influence of the dark one. Get behind me Satan. Ashamigahoontalamagohonta walimananinifogatto (speaking in tongues). Lord, please, give these three strength to not be afraid to trust and follow you. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Don’t you want to be a worthy Christian? I know of a really good website where people are receptive, even to backsliders such as yourself. They will help you.

I WANT TO BE A WORTHY CHRISTIAN! I no longer want to be doing the devil's work!

Oh please, enlightened one, come down from your pedestal and share this website with us, this wonderful link to a populace of Christians who feel worthy! I have not felt WORTHY in years, slithering on my belly in the company of other sinners such as myself, doing the devil's work.

Oh, @Nether Region, please, help me clean my @Nether Regions , for they have been dragged through the dirt all my life as I have slithered on my tummy through the grass like a serpent, doing the devil's work.

Oh @Nether Region, I look to you for forgiveness, and affirmation of worth, for I have spent a life being an unworthy Christian, doing the devil's work.

BTW, when can we have a field trip???

K thx
I WANT TO BE A WORTHY CHRISTIAN! I no longer want to be doing the devil's work!

Oh please, enlightened one, come down from your pedestal and share this website with us, this wonderful link to a populace of Christians who feel worthy! I have not felt WORTHY in years, slithering on my belly in the company of other sinners such as myself, doing the devil's work.

Oh, @Nether Region, please, help me clean my @Nether Regions , for they have been dragged through the dirt all my life as I have slithered on my tummy through the grass like a serpent, doing the devil's work.

Oh @Nether Region, I look to you for forgiveness, and affirmation of worth, for I have spent a life being an unworthy Christian, doing the devil's work.

BTW, when can we have a field trip???

K thx
What an idiot

Do you even know you are doing the devil's work by trying to hurt me and cause me to doubt myself? Won't happen. I have the joy down in my heart.

At least you didn't go on a long angry diatribe. I think the angels may be wearing down the evil that binds you. Would you like to pray? The bible says wherever two or more gather in his name....

I WANT TO BE A WORTHY CHRISTIAN! I no longer want to be doing the devil's work!

Oh please, enlightened one, come down from your pedestal and share this website with us, this wonderful link to a populace of Christians who feel worthy! I have not felt WORTHY in years, slithering on my belly in the company of other sinners such as myself, doing the devil's work.

Oh, @Nether Region, please, help me clean my @Nether Regions , for they have been dragged through the dirt all my life as I have slithered on my tummy through the grass like a serpent, doing the devil's work.

Oh @Nether Region, I look to you for forgiveness, and affirmation of worth, for I have spent a life being an unworthy Christian, doing the devil's work.

BTW, when can we have a field trip???

K thx

Knowing is half the battle, my brother, no!?!?!?!?!

Praise to the risen king! I am so happy you seek true enlightenment from god and not man/evil. I don't know that I want bad people going to the website to harrass God's annointed. I will pm the website to you.

God Bless you, Senile Fungus.
I think it's important for people to be spiritual. It's a private matter. Keep your genie in your bottle. Otherwise the ensuing discussion isn't worth the oxygen expended.

Religion hurts more than it helps. Entire swaths of humanity are deemed unworthy because of some interpretation of some document written way too long ago

It is not a divinely written book. It was arm wrestled over, campaigned about and finally voted on by a deeply divided bunch of dudes to derive the KJ bible that today you thump us with today. Enormous texts and passages were omitted - the results highly selected. Hardly the hand of god.

And then they layer truly silly stories on top and deride unbelievers as ignorant, blind, or some other equally insulting adjective.

This certainly isn't relegated to Christians.