There is no such thing as gravity


New Member
A chip in my head overheated, and I hadda reboot before I could finish that post. I went back and edited it. But the original "And shit like that." ending still works :-?
I actually liked the second ending better. I've known about the domineering presence of the ego since puberty. Believe it or not, at one point on a peyote trip, I almost conquered it. The result would have been death to my body, so I quickly reverted back to my egocentric self. It has been a long journey and I have learned much but the ego still rules. Without it, you will no longer exist on this plane.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
at one point on a peyote trip, I almost conquered it. The result would have been death to my body,

is this true?

Without it, you will no longer exist on this plane.

The death of the ego is like a journey into the sun... everything burns off.. except the "I"..

and when ONE exits the other side of the sun... the ego is surely burned.... and yet it quickly rebuilds..

and the BODY is perfectly intact.... vibrating and bathing in a new kind of energy...

if a PRACTICE is not put in place before or immediately after the dying of the ego, the ego will rebuild and one will only have rhetoric (such as religion) to remember and explain the journey into and out of the sun..

"don't be like a dog and return to your vomit"

The first journey towards the sun can be a brutal trip.. the only way to make it out to the other side is to enter with the desire to DIE... to surrender.. this has to be the ONLY reason, the only intention for making the TRIP.. to DIE

with this desire, ONE disables the ego from using its FINAL trick.. when it screams.. "don't do this, you will DIE"...

It is not a wish for suicide.. but it is very similar...

with this, one can pass that final thresh hold..

and keep the body intact..



New Member
So, how many of you egocentric individuals on this here site claim to have gotten rid of their ego? Don't be afraid to step up now. I thought so, no-one. OK prove me wrong. To even debate this you'd have to have an Ego,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a huge step towards evolution just to be aware of the ego and its' attempt to possess one's eternal self. My ego especially likes to come to the forefront while I'm driving in heavy traffic. "that bastard... why the fuck doesn't he learn to drive... I'll show him..." It used to be that I'd allow my ego to remain in control, and I'd cut the "bad driver" off. I'd get in front of him and hit the hooks. I'd flip him off.

Now, that I'm aware of what's going on, I'm able to take a few deep breaths, focus on my driving, and pay quiet attention to the spaces between the cars. My ego is not extinct, but it doesn't sit behind the steering wheel of my life any more, either. I do my best to keep it in the trunk, where it belongs. Occasionally i'm stopped by the ego police, and they ask for a look back there. I have nothing to hide, I keep my weed at home.


New Member
I think it's a huge step towards evolution just to be aware of the ego and its' attempt to possess one's eternal self. My ego especially likes to come to the forefront while I'm driving in heavy traffic. "that bastard... why the fuck doesn't he learn to drive... I'll show him..." It used to be that I'd allow my ego to remain in control, and I'd cut the "bad driver" off. I'd get in front of him and hit the hooks. I'd flip him off.

Now, that I'm aware of what's going on, I'm able to take a few deep breaths, focus on my driving, and pay quiet attention to the spaces between the cars. My ego is not extinct, but it doesn't sit behind the steering wheel of my life any more, either. I do my best to keep it in the trunk, where it belongs. Occasionally i'm stopped by the ego police, and they ask for a look back there. I have nothing to hide, I keep my weed at home.
Good thinking.