There is no such thing as gravity


Well-Known Member
If the idea is human, the idea is flawed...

The idea of gravity is human.

as is the idea of afterlife

Like the idea of time

Like god

Yet, everybody believes...

Free your mind, disassemble your ego, dissolve your theories

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
If the idea is human, the idea is flawed...

The idea of gravity is human.

as is the idea of afterlife

Like the idea of time

Like god

Yet, everybody believes...

Free your mind, disassemble your ego, dissolve your theories

OH MY GOODNESS ... you are so radical.. are you a lunatic... ?

You hippie liberal
You don't live in reality
You talk in circles
My mind is free.. but i am not crazy like you
You don't get it
The BILL of rights protects me from flawed minds like yours
If you don't use your mind then you will become a pawn idiot


JUST thought I would get through some of the more common response heard around these parts from Rollitup's ingenious intellectual crew...


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
stop thinking, whatever you have left, is reality

when you argue with reality suffering begins

reacting to thought, is arguing



Well-Known Member
what do you think exists outside of our univers GK?
I've read a bunnch of theroies... but I dont know what is what :P
any opinions?


Well-Known Member
Considering that we are born so that we may die, do we as mortals have purpose?

yet, to answer a theoretical, one would only be giving a theoretical answer

Nothing is fact

The mind is constrained by the powerful and accepted by the weak

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
what do you think exists outside of our univers GK?
I've read a bunnch of theroies... but I dont know what is what :P
any opinions?

please share...

i have no idea... i am not even sure i know the definition of universe..

I am not even sure what is outside of myself... lol

Are all the GALAXYs within a SINGLE UNIVERSE?



Well-Known Member
if we look at it li=ogicaly I believe that we live for no reason. not even to populate the earth for future enerations. if A than B than C than D... than A than B... so its just birth, than death... right?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
opposite of birth is death

opposite of LIFE is... IS.....

LIFE has no opposite... LIFE IS

LIFE is the only constant ?


Well-Known Member
please share...

i have no idea... i am not even sure i know the definition of universe..

I am not even sure what is outside of myself... lol

Are all the GALAXYs within a SINGLE UNIVERSE?


The definition of the universe is (roughly) everything there is, including time, and everything that ever will be...
acording to most, the answer to what the Universe is expanding into is so complex that the human mind would never be able to understand it... I think their just saying i dont know :P

some people think that its posible that our universe is just an atom in an ocean in a much bigger for lack of better words "universe"
others think there are an infinite amount of universes outside of ours that all started at the same time and will all end at the same time thus starting new universes. and they believe this is what caused the big bang. and theres tons of other crazy ass theries... but some are wayyyyyyy crazy :roll:


New Member
so if we follow what you just said, and the "fact" that energy cannot be "killed"... we are everlasting :mrgreen::blsmoke:
Yeah, but breathing stops at death, or expiration, or transference, or what ever you call the end of life as we know it. Do we move on to a new destination. Some say yes and some say no, just fade to black. I'm in the yes category. I feel that if God made us, he wouldn't destroy his creations. He would send us on journeys untill we discovered that the whole purpose was to find love, live love and be love. Then we could become one with God. Could be I'm wrong, but one thing I'm convinced of: Those individuals that brag about being one of Gods chosen few, are the assholes of the world. Remember, If you are a true lover of God, you must go into the closet to pray, not flaunt it in public. Bible thumpers beware.


Well-Known Member
Bible Thumpers make a simple mistake. They think that God has chosen them. In fact they have chosen, what is for them, a reasonable facsimile of God. This doesn't make them assholes. Just out of touch with their eternal selves, who already know God.

Their egos need a "story" to buy into. Their egos use the story as a framework upon which their egos can build themselves. The ego packs the framework with beliefs, prejudices, and ideas about how the chosen God works, Their egos cover the framework with a thick skin that keeps these ideas, and prejudices safe, and provides them with an environment where they can grow. This skin is easily recognized by others caught in the same process.

Recognizing true nature of their eternal selves would mean allowing the ego-built framework that they identify as "themselves" to crumble. The ego cannot permit this. It would mean its' death. They are unable to recognize that as the ego dies, the true, eternal self is immediately resurrected, and ascends into true consciousness. This process does not require physical death, but the ego is unable to discern physical death from its' own death. And so, the ego-built self is preserved at all costs. This exemplifies the process wherby the Ego uses God to glorify its' self, while protesting, all the while, that it glorifies God.


New Member
Bible Thumpers make a simple mistake. They think that God has chosen them. In fact they have chosen, what is for them, a reasonable facsimile of God. This doesn't make them assholes. Just out of touch with their eternal selves, who already know God.

Their egos need a "story" to buy into. Their egos use the story as a framework upon which their egos can build themselves. The ego packs the framework with beliefs, prejudices, and ideas about how the chosen God works, Their egos cover the framework with a thick skin that keeps these ideas, and prejudices safe, and provides them with an environment where they can grow. This skin is easily recognized by others caught in the same process.

Recognizing true nature of their eternal selves would mean allowing the ego-built framework that they identify as "themselves" to crumble. The ego cannot permit this. It would mean it's death. They are unable to recognize that as the ego dies, the true, eternal self is immediately resurrected, and ascends into true consciousness. This process does not require physical death, but the ego is unable to discern physical death from its' own death. And shit like that.
Well, yeah!