Lsd effects at high doses

I have never seen this picture before, HeatlessBBQ I stop and admire most of the art work you post, I have never in my life had any thing strike me like this photo did, I mean I'm not sure why even or how or what I feel looking at it, I feel a strong urge and desire to study this picture deeply , like on a large dose of shrooms on a huge big ass projector screen or something . Idk what it is about this one but it jumped out and grabbed me and I don't understand why or what I'm feeling. AHHHH I don't know how to explain it right now at all, and I'm not trippin or nothing , I'm stoned per usual but wow idk .. help me out here man lol

-------> L↑STEN <--------

i love You, @electricslide
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HeatlessBBQ love you too brother, I hope all is well with you, haven't had much free time to talk and catch up with you guys lately but the little down time I have had I've spent studying the connection between pyschedelics and the spiritual world, I've definitely got much to talk about with you, maybe tomorrow I will have time to get on and discuss witg you some things I've learned and have questions that maybe you can help guide me with. Unfortunately I'm off to work right now much as I don't want to I've got to get the bills paid, till I can finally one day move off the grid lol sounds funny but I'm oh so serious. BTW this platinum og is outstanding I highly recommend to everyone it is more of a bed time high but at the right increments us also great for daytime or before work also , and the buzz last surprisingly longer then most strains I've tried of late
HeatlessBBQ love you too brother, I hope all is well with you, haven't had much free time to talk and catch up with you guys lately but the little down time I have had I've spent studying the connection between pyschedelics and the spiritual world, I've definitely got much to talk about with you, maybe tomorrow I will have time to get on and discuss witg you some things I've learned and have questions that maybe you can help guide me with. Unfortunately I'm off to work right now much as I don't want to I've got to get the bills paid, till I can finally one day move off the grid lol sounds funny but I'm oh so serious. BTW this platinum og is outstanding I highly recommend to everyone it is more of a bed time high but at the right increments us also great for daytime or before work also , and the buzz last surprisingly longer then most strains I've tried of late

Been thinking about YOU the last few days IN wonder, @electricslide ...
so very synchronistic of YOU to mind boggle at some of Alex Grey's artwork at THIS time.

Regaining serotonin after a crazy mda + lsd experience. Feeling good. Eating healthy. Back to work.
Life is GRAND. :)

I have Your back for life on this topic and reality @electricslide . And the rest of YOU hs crew.

Please feel free to ask any question . Spiritual communion + psychotropics are My life.

BTW this platinum og is outstanding I highly recommend to everyone it is more of a bed time high but at the right increments us also great for daytime or before work also , and the buzz last surprisingly longer then most strains I've tried of late
Did You grow Yourself ? Just wondering cuz some places that grow, do not do it proper.
No unfortunately I'm not able to grow due to the state I live in and limited space , but it was from a very trusted private source , it's great bud, also have some cherry pie and sfv og both of which are great, best of the best is the greencrack , haven't gotten into that bag yet, save the best for last lol. Will talk more with ya later on today gotta get back to work. Life is great happy everything is going great with you my friend
I have never seen this picture before, HeatlessBBQ I stop and admire most of the art work you post, I have never in my life had any thing strike me like this photo did, I mean I'm not sure why even or how or what I feel looking at it, I feel a strong urge and desire to study this picture deeply , like on a large dose of shrooms on a huge big ass projector screen or something . Idk what it is about this one but it jumped out and grabbed me and I don't understand why or what I'm feeling. AHHHH I don't know how to explain it right now at all, and I'm not trippin or nothing , I'm stoned per usual but wow idk .. help me out here man lol

To fully enjoy Alex Grey you should try listening to the music by the band Tool. He makes artwork for their albums.
No unfortunately I'm not able to grow due to the state I live in and limited space , but it was from a very trusted private source , it's great bud, also have some cherry pie and sfv og both of which are great, best of the best is the greencrack , haven't gotten into that bag yet, save the best for last lol. Will talk more with ya later on today gotta get back to work. Life is great happy everything is going great with you my friend
Oh greencrack. Got history with that strain . . .

You sound like a good person. Saving the best for last, says a lot. ;)

Everything is divine as can be. Only getting more divine.
Wishing You the same, @electricslide . Very much so looking forward to conversing with You.