There is No saving P Ryan

What happens once my book deal comes through?

Against the death penalty huh? Haha!

So is he lying? To me even one wrong execution is too many.

I'll tell you the complete truth.

I used to be the only atheist Republican on 100% of their issues, except Jesus. I was so delusional I even tried to find a religion. I was all for Falun Dafa. Then I read the whole ET alien bullshit it is really based on. But I kept being a shamed Republican. Until almost two years ago I had full on bi-polar. I then switched to an atheist libertarian for life (pro-life).

I realized my order of priorities was abortion, getting rid of PPACA, and my libertarian ideals, which includes putting substance like mj in my system.

Right now we have retarded "libertarians" like Ron Paul and Gary Johnson. Neither of them have the charisma to bring about my dream world. They're political geeks.

Obama is everything I despise. I don't agree with him on a single issue.

Romney is the real self rightious asshole you accuse me of. But he is the only one who comes close to reaching my societal goals I already told you I want from him.

Obama might make mmj slightly easier, but still won't be perfect. Romney will be less perfect in that area. I'll just need to be in the mmj closet like my plants. I can live with that, I don't want to settle with Obama.

You have made an informed choice. i hope Obama wins. But you really have thought about it. have a nice day
It's like meat. I hate it. If you want it, get it your own damn self! I'm against government subsidy of both. What's so hard to get, you liberal loon? You can be against something personally, but still be libertarian. You can be for it but not force others to. That's the difference. Liberals must make things they're against illegal and force others to abide with those they agree with.

Mind your own fucking business, unless it infringes upon others liberty. That's the libertarian moto.

Only I can be right, and I will make you do it. That's the liberal moto.

I may not like it, but Jesus says so, and I don't want to go to hell. That's the conservative moto.

you want to repeal roe v wade Mind your own fucking business. roe v wade is not a government mandate to round up fetuses and throw them all in the dumpsters roe v wade says nothing about the government paying for it.
you want to repeal roe v wade Mind your own fucking business. roe v wade is not a government mandate to round up fetuses and throw them all in the dumpsters roe v wade says nothing about the government paying for it.

It has nothing to do with government paying for it. It has to do with the unborn have their liberty, even if they can't talk. Libertarianism goes beyond the selfish needs of the group.

It's like in CS Lewis' The Silver Chair, I think it was. The children were enjoying eating their meat until they found out it was a talking animal like Aslan! You liberals think if it can't communicate in your way, it has no rights. Which is for all matters, even against adults, like me, who feel differently. We're scum and must be assimilated, silenced or destroyed.
It has nothing to do with government paying for it. It has to do with the unborn have their liberty, even if they can't talk. Libertarianism goes beyond the selfish needs of the group.

It's like in CS Lewis' The Silver Chair, I think it was. The children were enjoying eating their meat until they found out it was a talking animal like Aslan! You liberals think if it can't communicate in your way, it has no rights. Which is for all matters, even against adults, like me, who feel differently. We're scum and must be assimilated, silenced or destroyed.

It cannot communicate in anyway becuase it is not a human
It is a fetus
It has nothing to do with government paying for it. It has to do with the unborn have their liberty, even if they can't talk. Libertarianism goes beyond the selfish needs of the group.

It's like in CS Lewis' The Silver Chair, I think it was. The children were enjoying eating their meat until they found out it was a talking animal like Aslan! You liberals think if it can't communicate in your way, it has no rights. Which is for all matters, even against adults, like me, who feel differently. We're scum and must be assimilated, silenced or destroyed.

so the fetus needs liberty but the person carrying the fetus does not need liberty. makes sense internut
I wouldn't abort a child of mine but if someone else wants to abort I don't see a problem with that. Does that mean i'm the true libertarian and you're a fascist who wants to control other people?
I wouldn't abort a child of mine but if someone else wants to abort I don't see a problem with that. Does that mean i'm the true libertarian and you're a fascist who wants to control other people?

Those dirty sluts need to pay the penalty for spreading their legs

Want to see the root of the anti abortionists?
Look up the quiverfull movement. The evangelical christians are trying to baby bomb society

I grew up in a crazy christian prepper family. Even though my parents are some nuts they always treated us well. Some of the things I was taught as a child needed unlearning though. My family and another Family had 600 acres the other family was even more strict and had 10+ kids all of whom ran away by the age of 15-16 except for the kids they had that died within the first couple years of life. Now these are not mega church types these are worship in the living room every night for hours and tell all the little kids that the fbi is going to raid us at any time. idk don't really want to get into that any more but yeah they totally believe that they can out populate the sinners once the holy wars start and shit. fucking psychos
I grew up in a crazy christian prepper family. Even though my parents are some nuts they always treated us well. Some of the things I was taught as a child needed unlearning though. My family and another Family had 600 acres the other family was even more strict and had 10+ kids all of whom ran away by the age of 15-16 except for the kids they had that died within the first couple years of life. Now these are not mega church types these are worship in the living room every night for hours and tell all the little kids that the fbi is going to raid us at any time. idk don't really want to get into that any more but yeah they totally believe that they can out populate the sinners once the holy wars start and shit. fucking psychos

You're such a liar. I don't remember any black kids who were People's Temple survivors.
then go vote for romney and enjoy SCOTUS picks who have no problem keeping your meds schedule 1 so that you can insert your self righteousness into my wife's birth canal.

Its that or a coat hanger.

Abortionists deserve mothers who think like them.
Potato used to be spelled potatoe. It's a loan word afterall, the blending of a South American word and Castilian. Who can say which is right. The word was on a word list. He thought it was spelled weird, but he thought to himself he's not an educator. If you want to say who has Biden beat, blame the dumbass who wrote the list.

I used Quayle's signature misspelling as a symbol. I certainly did not base my assessment of him on one whoopsie. There's a whole rich vein of Quaylian idiocies that can be mined. I'm not aware of any other Veep, even Agnew, who could match him. Biden doesn't even make the short list imo. cn
Its that or a coat hanger.

Abortionists deserve mothers who think like them.

That's funny.

I have a close friend that had 3 abortions and has 3 children - it isn't all or nothing Spandy. Now what would you say to this woman? That she should have had 6 kids?
I used Quayle's signature misspelling as a symbol. I certainly did not base my assessment of him on one whoopsie. There's a whole rich vein of Quaylian idiocies that can be mined. I'm not aware of any other Veep, even Agnew, who could match him. Biden doesn't even make the short list imo. cn

biden is fucking awesome.
