I dropped in on this thread on election night just to see what this toxic stew was saying. Against my better judgement, I posted here.... Something about the OPs video being idiotic and anybody who believed it being an idiot too. All that stands. You are idiots. But now I am going to make a cogent argument why.
Reason 1. Election judges. Despite the fact that the little whelp got some old people to say that all he had to do was sign the ballot APPLICATION and he could vote, it is not true. Once the little fuckhole in question signed the application, the judges would be required to compare it to a copy of the voters verified signature. Once it did not match, any election judge worth their salt would deny the voter a ballot. Election judges are commissioned by both (or more) parties.
But let's say that the election judge is a total idiot and too old to do their job. There are other election judges to oversee that they do their job correctly, some of them from other parties. I have served as an election judge and can say from experience that there are some lackluster judges every year - and yet the system still works. Not only because of the following checks and balances, but because the election judges take their oath (yes, a sworn oath) very seriously.
Reason 2. Poll watchers. Lots of other people are allowed in the polling place. One category is known as poll watchers. They represent political parties, candidates and political action groups of all types. At any point during the election, they are allowed to inspect all of the election materials. If they see an election judge issue a ballot on a questionable application, they will blow a whistle on it.
Reason 3. Polling officials. Every election day, every polling place is visited by several inspectors. Often they are lawyers working for the state's attorney, often they are LEO. They inspect the voting materials with special emphasis on signature comparisons. If they find a signature that is questionable. It will be investigated.
The process of voting is very local. Most of the election judges have been serving for many years. If somebody comes in to vote fraudulently, they would have a very hard time - because most of us know the voter in question. If there was any large scale attempt to subvert the vote, it would be tweaked immediately.
All this shit is public record and can be inspected after the election. If there was any systematic attempt to steal votes by voting for other people, it would become evident pretty quickly. But it doesn't. Know why? Because by-and-large, the American voting process is pretty damned secure.
The video is a piece of misleading shit. To hear its supporters spout off about "low information voters" is one of the most laughable things I have ever heard. Most of you suck.
Are their weaknesses, yes. I could tell you what they are because I am a game-theory mother fucker. But to attribute these weaknesses to malicious intent is folly.