The United States of America?

The 10 Senate seats most likely to flip

The passage of a sweeping infrastructure plan in the Senate on Tuesday gives both parties plenty of ammunition heading into a midterm campaign season – look no further than the most competitive Senate seats for how that will play out.

Democrats are on offense in six of the 10 top races; they’re trying to flip those red seats blue, and they’ll be pointing to the $1.2 trillion package as a shining example of what Democratic control can deliver for the American people, while some GOP candidates attack it for spending too much money.

One of Democrats’ top targets – Pennsylvania – remains the seat most likely to flip. The top 10 Senate seats most likely to flip are based on CNN’s reporting and fundraising data, as well as historical data about how states and candidates have performed. As the cycle heats up, polling and advertising spending data will also become factors. Our ranking first published in March, and was updated in April, May and July.

President Joe Biden carried Pennsylvania in 2020 after former President Donald Trump narrowly carried it in 2016, and it’s now an open seat since GOP Sen. Pat Toomey is not running for reelection. Toomey, a former president of the Club for Growth first elected to the Senate in 2010, voted against the infrastructure bill, calling it “too expensive, too expansive.” The bill passed 69-30 with 19 Republicans joining with Democrats.

Most of the other GOP senators vacating competitive seats backed the bill: Sens. Roy Blunt of Missouri, Richard Burr of North Carolina and Rob Portman of Ohio. As CNN’s Manu Raju and Alex Rogers have reported, that puts them at odds with many of the Republicans vying to replace them, underscoring how today’s GOP candidates are much more likely to follow Trump’s lead than their senators’.

After Pennsylvania, Democrats’ best pick-up opportunities remain Wisconsin and North Carolina, where one GOP senator – Sen. Ron Johnson – still hasn’t made up his mind about running for reelection and the other, Burr, announced five years ago that this would be his last term. Democrats are attacking Johnson for voting against the infrastructure package and they’re deploying a similar line against Sen. Marco Rubio in Florida. Republicans still have the advantage in the Sunshine State, but it’s the eighth most likely to flip for the second month in a row.

Republicans’ best pick-up opportunities are in Georgia and Arizona, two states that Biden and Senate Democrats flipped last cycle. Democratic Sens. Raphael Warnock, who won in a 2021 runoff, and Mark Kelly, who won last year, face reelection again next fall for full six-year terms.

Here are the 10 seats most likely to flip:

I'll be sure to pass that along to my wife, daughters and granddaughters. They'll find it surprising. Meanwhile, thanks for validating my point. You, too, argue like a woman. smh.

Wow, well then...nice job pissing on all of them. But, that's kind of what being a republican is all about; piss on everything you love because your hate for liberals outweighs them.
If they are actual women they will call you a misogynist prick

The fact that you think women should be generalized shows your true ignorance

Actually, they call me sweetheart, dad, and granpa. And none of them are as thin skinned as the snowflakes I am dealing with here.
Again, not a Republican, but since you're already indulgent in fantasy memes, feel free. I am actually a liberal, or at least what liberal meant before you crazy fucks got raised without fathers and infected things with your emasculated politics.

Emasculated? So you're the toxic masculinity type, which of course jives with your misogyny. Yes, that's all very liberal of you.
Emasculated? So you're the toxic masculinity type, which of course jives with your misogyny. Yes, that's all very liberal of you.
Yes, emasculated. As in weak. Nobody needs to be a Republican to see that. Liberals were actually allowed to be men before fatherlessness (the real toxicity) became a trend.
Again, not a Republican, but since you're already indulgent in fantasy memes, feel free. I am actually a liberal, or at least what liberal meant before you crazy fucks got raised without fathers and infected things with your emasculated politics.
I call bullshit on the type of thinking that has slowly gotten us to about 60% economic efficiency as a society for the last couple decades.
I call bullshit on the type of thinking that has slowly gotten us to about 60% economic efficiency as a society for the last couple decades.

Recognizing that Marxists are not liberals, but rather more like fascist idiots has "slowly gotten us to about 60% economic efficiency as a society..."?

Uh. OK.
Recognizing that Marxists are not liberals, but rather more like fascist idiots has "slowly gotten us to about 60% economic efficiency as a society..."?

Uh. OK.

Marxists, you say? A phantom menace.
There is no Marxist movement in the USA worth the mention.

When is the last time somebody collectivized the means of production in the States?
Recognizing that Marxists are not liberals, but rather more like fascist idiots

Im talking about your 'I am a man' bullshit' and you go off into la-la land with bullshit 'them' branding?

has "slowly gotten us to about 60% economic efficiency as a society..."?

Uh. OK.
What would you call it when you have about 40% of people struggling to do more than live day to day in America?

We have been led by people who think shit like we got to be tough on everyone for whatever reason, and it just doesn't work as well if we make everyone's lives harder because of some bullshit feelings.

Oh ja, and Antifa is just an idea. /eye roll.
Yeah, you are snow flaking because of like 50 white kids LARP'ing as riot police being used by propagandist to use anyone in black as 'ANTIFA'. And you are doing it because you have likely been spammed right wing propaganda (even if it is designed to look like left-propaganda) about them nonstop for years by at least one foreign military and a whole lot of domestic terrorists.