The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
must be the same woman bill, she owned a boozer in Ayr...
jist worked out my bans up in mid december but ah can get it back 56 days earlier so wae any luck it'll be late october early november/ least now ah know .
It is m8, we have had this conversation. Mirriam(spelling) her daughter is a belter tae. fucking lovley. Went for a neck, shoulder and back massage yesterday(no happy ending) first time Ive ever had a professional massage. Fucking right good. Cunts have got me hooked. Going for an Indian Head massage next week, if the beak is awrite

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
happy 9:20bongsmilie
ur a bad man indeedy. i gotta wait till i been bank before i can get stoned. gutted as u seem b having fun.
so whos on the bb promo today? think its a must for me. qq, engineers dream, sour, dpq,deep blue and deep pyscho and pyscho killer is the order i believe. get on it ya tight cunts haha


Well-Known Member
guess i should get around to buying seeds. must be about a year since i made a purchase, i, just taking clones all the time now and thats from seeds i got fromm billy. my wee bro owes me sum seeds and new bulbs but he's kinda skint just now so im not hassling him..tbh the clones are white domina and blue widow although ive lost track of whats what, they're pretty good plants pulling over 3 oz per grow each under my 400 so no complaints but i fancy sumthing different. ive still got a load of regs that i got from tt and sambo( or was it you don?) and i think i mite give them a bash. im not used to doing regs but theres no point in them just sitting there although i mite do a wee guerilla grow at some point, just bring them on in rockwool and then go a walk.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
was gunna say dura 4 -6 ton a week untaxed u should b on the ordering haha
regs have more appeal to me for the breding aspects.
man been doing the dog shite pick in garden and found two mice minus heads in back lawn haha pyscho cat been earning her keep .
fuck nos y she eats there heads? i think its to fuck withthe rest off the mice a message of impending doom for all

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ur a bad man indeedy. i gotta wait till i been bank before i can get stoned. gutted as u seem b having fun.
so whos on the bb promo today? think its a must for me. qq, engineers dream, sour, dpq,deep blue and deep pyscho and pyscho killer is the order i believe. get on it ya tight cunts haha
aye, am having a grand morning had me bacon and eggs a handful of bongs, done all my work for the day apart from whatever will come in, being nowt much as its friday hahaah

fuck the accusing stares, get some eye drops banged in and get out there. that visine stuff is a belter!
guess i should get around to buying seeds. must be about a year since i made a purchase, i, just taking clones all the time now and thats from seeds i got fromm billy. my wee bro owes me sum seeds and new bulbs but he's kinda skint just now so im not hassling him..tbh the clones are white domina and blue widow although ive lost track of whats what, they're pretty good plants pulling over 3 oz per grow each under my 400 so no complaints but i fancy sumthing different. ive still got a load of regs that i got from tt and sambo( or was it you don?) and i think i mite give them a bash. im not used to doing regs but theres no point in them just sitting there although i mite do a wee guerilla grow at some point, just bring them on in rockwool and then go a walk.
aye think the fairy sent ya a load of different ones i can't mind on what exactly, some experimental ones.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
aye, am having a grand morning had me bacon and eggs a handful of bongs, done all my work for the day apart from whatever will come in, being nowt much as its friday hahaah

fuck the accusing stares, get some eye drops banged in and get out there. that visine stuff is a belter!

aye think the fairy sent ya a load of different ones i can't mind on what exactly, some experimental ones.
sod the stares fella, im a proud stoner and i dont often get more perenoid smoking im always a lil paranoid but that keeps ya on ya toes and stops lazyness.
i was more worried time i build a exo reefer and smoke it im gunna b to stoned to b arsed to move for hour or so and time i smoke a joint a dvd wood seem a good idea and i got lists to do haha


Well-Known Member
morning boys

happy 420 im bout to spark a paki bkac n polloum mix up.

airwaves is just a nasty little keyboard warrior ive offered a meet more than once close to his home but dont want none of it do ya u lilttle muggycunt.....................

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sod the stares fella, im a proud stoner and i dont often get more perenoid smoking im always a lil paranoid but that keeps ya on ya toes and stops lazyness.
i was more worried time i build a exo reefer and smoke it im gunna b to stoned to b arsed to move for hour or so and time i smoke a joint a dvd wood seem a good idea and i got lists to do haha
manafter me own heart,

just topped off with 10:20 bong and am half way through the new sherlock :)


Well-Known Member
Them fucking DOGs can drink like fuck, usually I can leave plants a couple of day without watering. Went up this morning and about 5 out the 8 had sucked nutrients out their leafs. Aint a biggy but it just means its gonae be a daily watering now. Fucking cunt bastard


Well-Known Member
I potted 4 exodus seeds from GH seeds about 10 days ago, so far 3 are looking like there fine bit one looks a little fucked up. Few weeks before that I planted 4 purple cheddar, I had to get a bottle of grow of a m8, after using the grow for a few days I noticed the plants looking shrivelled up a bit and loads of salt build up on my drippers, the silly cunt had boost in the grow bottle and it killed the fuckin things, so I got everything washed out and now I've these exo seeds on the go, the one that looks fucked looks sorta the same shape as the grandaddy purple did, I think there musta still been a bit of boost or salt build up in the pebbles, so now I reckon I'll be left with 3. Fuckin seems like ages since the last harvest and I ain't even got anything in flower, goina have to look a bit more into doin clones, never done them before, seeds just seem to be takin too long


Active Member
Morning :) Hows everyone doing today? finally the rain has fucked off around here.

Well Airwave is another cunt on the boards, good job there is the core of gooduns cause this place wouldnt be worth it without you lot.


Well-Known Member
Just got word that the post has just been, nice bit of yellow pollen, goina have to finish work early me thinks, only about 36 hours till it got here, just got word today that the taxman sent me a cheque for around £800, only thing is it was sent to the wrong address about 1 month ago, should get another cheque sen in the post in a week or so, this 420 lark is actually turnin out to be quite a lucky day for me

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
Morning :) Hows everyone doing today? finally the rain has fucked off around here.

Well Airwave is another cunt on the boards, good job there is the core of gooduns cause this place wouldnt be worth it without you lot.
yo mr scouse how r ya?
just bout walk post box with them things. soz mad busy week

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
thats the call i been waiting for mrs looks like got a new job. they gunna confirm mon wen the director or something is in ti sign it off. awesome news for my household. plus mrs just put in money from my account to hers so now it time do seed shopping haha
wot a good day b a stoner haha
@DELVITE thanks for idea on pea netting, brought one today, infact spent near 200 on shit from garden centre over past 2 days haha.
gunna have some banging fruit and veg tho haha vitamins galore


Well-Known Member
thats the call i been waiting for mrs looks like got a new job. they gunna confirm mon wen the director or something is in ti sign it off. awesome news for my household. plus mrs just put in money from my account to hers so now it time do seed shopping haha
wot a good day b a stoner haha
@DELVITE thanks for idea on pea netting, brought one today, infact spent near 200 on shit from garden centre over past 2 days haha.
gunna have some banging fruit and veg tho haha vitamins galore
congrats mate. is that pea netting any good for a scrog?