The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
From where I'm looking you've all got superior reputations, the least reputable of you having double what I have. I'm honoured - nay, humbled - to be allowed to rub cyber-shoulders with such greatness... Morning UK :D
Ill be back for you baklawa lmfao

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Welcome back TTT =) =) You've been sorely missed... What have you been up to, and are you still up to it?
As Cheds sais, sohulda accepted the offer at the time. I've spent a week or so of late pulling my hair out, all my money and weed got nicked from my flat which wasn't very helpful, and then my former flatmate buggered off without paying almost £500 of ills which was not too helpful either :D Other than that just formulating my escape from the kitchen, into, well, a better kitchen! :D Maybe i'll become a pizza person at ziizi's :D Although my best friend is converting his fish shop into a take-out rib place so i'd be tempted to try find some work there and see just what kind of monumental man vs food madness i could cook up. RIBS! mmmmmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
I'd love to tell you it was sunny lad, but August has a pretty piss poor rep for weather in NL. May is always ok. June, July can be okay-ish, then august it rained the whole of last year for example....fuk knows, it's like booking a holiday in Bangor, don't expect it to be sunny!

Please tell me that Amsterdam is lovely and sunny in august! I can't really be fucked with going again just for it to piss all over me for the duration.


Well-Known Member
morning subhumans, well im off inna bit to probation today. total waste of time( the fact im in here kinda supports that notion) proation officers a decent guy and hasnt given me any grief but thats over a year since the offence and im gettin kinda pissed off with the comm service and shit still lingering about. ah well cum june it'll all be gone then its just a few more months till my licence is back.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
wow some below belt comment last night. this thread has took a right nose dive last few months.
where the growing help and friendly banter gone?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'd love to tell you it was sunny lad, but August has a pretty piss poor rep for weather in NL. May is always ok. June, July can be okay-ish, then august it rained the whole of last year for example....fuk knows, it's like booking a holiday in Bangor, don't expect it to be sunny!
Last i went was in september i believe, and wet wet wet wet wet wet wet wet wet wet wet. Most i remember is buying up a load of random weed from the bluebird and raiding the supermarket for many many packets of bugels and lighting up one of those 20cm pre-rolled cones in the hotel room :D That and legging it from coffee shop to coffee shop with a distinct lack of waterproofs or umbrellas, think we went into the grey area, if we did then my mind is simply telling me someone had written all over the wall, might have been grey area, little bbit hazy.

Have a fun day dura :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm celebrating every 20 today. just had my second bongo for the day hahah actually 8:20 was ages ago it's nearly time for 9:20 yeeefuckinhaaaaw boys i'm on it today.

can't believe we discuss the weather so much in this thread it's either shit or shitter in the uk barring the 1 week of sunshine we now are accustomed to calling summer.


Well-Known Member
Aw fuck, Im gonae be there Aug 12th. Half expected decent weather. Nasty comments last night. Fuck I have a conversation with Rollie and ask the Yank Mod Balsac to back off to which he agrees and we are going to get something going to mod this thread. Sooner rather than later me thinks. Nasty horrible personal attacks are not permitted. I like your Airwave but that would have cut Sambo to the bone.

Going to a speakers night.......with the legend/pisshead Andy Goram


Well-Known Member
i caught the airwave/ sambo issue last night but i just stepped away from it. im like you bill,airwaves a sound guy usually but i really dont like that kinda stuff, and you know me i kinda throw any comment/joke out but there IS a line i wont cross. and that was it.
i used to work with Gorams mrs in a factory. she used to come in all dressed up with the wee short skirt , tight top , make-up on a 4" stillettoes. bit over dressed for a factory but she was sexy looking milf, knocked a few off the wrist in factory bogs thinkin of her....i do like a wank at work, amuses me that sum1's payin me to chug.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah airwave always been sound to me but there is a point u dont cross. and no for record i aint took no clones off no cunt here so i m speaking as a dad only.
b nice for just a day or two not have a drama here... ent ever gunna happen now tho is it


Well-Known Member
definetly feels that way. of recent it just seems everybodys havin problems, ah well even the tightest of families have there fall outs, as long as it gets put to bed and we can get on with it. i know this thread is more than just a grow thread, growings just the common ground, and i think more than a few friendships have resulted in here. hope the thread doesnt go to shit.
just found out ive only 32 hours left of comm service..5 more shifts and thats it!!!


Well-Known Member
Gorams ex mrs own the boozer at the bottom of my street. I'd still hammer it, but it would need to be up the shitter coz everycunt has battered her blurt. lol


Well-Known Member
must be the same woman bill, she owned a boozer in Ayr...
jist worked out my bans up in mid december but ah can get it back 56 days earlier so wae any luck it'll be late october early november/ least now ah know .