The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I'm off to do some marriage relationship therapy, booked me n Mrs up for a WE of aya n cactus, she's getting full dosed this time, fun in the forest at winter solstice, build a big fire n heal


Well-Known Member
That's another one I'd like to try. I read The Doors Of Perception when I was in my early twenties and really fancied giving it a try but I've never been able to get hold of it.
I've lost count of the times I've done LSD and Liberty Caps and other than Salvia once that's the psychedelics I've tried.
I suppose with the DN I could get whatever I want thesedays. My life is a bit stressful at the moment so I don't think I would enjoy it


Active Member
Can I ask u guys how long u have all been growing without any interruption from the police? Recently moved to a new address and a little sceptical as to whether to set up my grow....planning on a 1.5x1.5 m tent 600w air cooled hps, acoustic ducting etc, phresh filter...


Well-Known Member
It never works don...u need one that at most just smoke..yin to yang type guys are both impulsive and have a tendency to go on a mad one..that shit right der is what we call an explosive relationship...and trust me after the bang you will whimper.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin barging prop is cracked n I wanted a bigger one anyways but with postage it wasn't worth it so looked everywhere couldn't find one then boom old handy store had one covered in dust with the packaging damaged Was 39€ down to 31 then I said she looks a bit worn n I can see a tiny shatter (tiny one at the corner that i ducted taped over since its where it meets the base so no worries but anyways I asked what's the best he could do on it he said 25 I said I'd give him 20e..boom massive ass prop


Well-Known Member
Always got stubble rash n 5 or 3 o'clock shadow pretty fast but lads the cut throat makes that shit baby soft for DAYS well I'm on day 2 now and still no stubble..fuckin mint n miles cheaper to keep new blades about