The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fuck pre rolling those...thanks for the invite guys..first u won't follow my whore thread now u won't invite me to your shindigs...DST is Scottish they're worse than the irish ffs u can't even understand em n if they don't cross their legs you'll see balls hairy blue balls resting on the wooden bar stool , swaying with the breeze ...the breeze of regret that u didn't invite good ol lax


Well-Known Member
Just figured out why my plants got a bit fucked up this grow,same nute levels and strain as previous grows but they were showing weird blothes and discolouring here and there etc..........bottle of nutes ive been using is nearly 2 years out of date ffs.....


Well-Known Member
Went n picked up a bottle of tomorite to see me thru til i do an amazon order lol
I was sceptical about my cheap seeweed shit had a Maggot floating in it but it does sewm more effective than the other shit I bought for over a tenner n it looked like water downed piss next to my thick shank ass 3e feed bottle n bigger size n all.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Zeddd foam/gel/soap serves an objective purpose in shaving (efficiency), comfort is an added bonus.

Dry shaving with blades fucks your skin up long term as the blade drags/skips and generally tears your face to pieces.

The best shaving brushes are made with pure Badger hair for a reason.

I'd rather not put 20 years onto the age of my face with poor shaving practices.