The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude germ some seeds and start an outdoor somewhere. sounds like their on to you, id look to move before setting it up again alternatively vent your heat out of the chimney thats where heats supposed to go!


Well-Known Member
hi people, been using biobizz bloom and now just bought bioizz grow, i find it strange that it says on the grow to be used through veg and flower. why bother making bio bloom, dont get it.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
dude germ some seeds and start an outdoor somewhere. sounds like their on to you, id look to move before setting it up again alternatively vent your heat out of the chimney thats where heats supposed to go!
i got some beans germing for my outdoor mate, their definately onto me but what can i do i'm stuck yer for another 5months now i can vent via the chimney easy enough but the prob is the heat in the room itself the roof is cheap slate and felted so i'd have to insulate it and either use plastic sheeting or plasterboard it off and then with the floor and my box it's about a grands worth if i do all the work which isn't a great deal but i'd have to do it in parts and it'll put things on stop for a few weeks, don't get me wrong i wouldn't want to deal with the old bill but i think the risk would be worth the gain i'd get a bigger tent 1.2x2x2 almost twice the size of my last tent so should be able to get about 10 plants in it, i think it would work out about a grand a month profit going with the tent with the attic it would take nearly all my time here just to cover the costs and get 1 crop for profit which wouldn't work out alot unless i went all out and filled the whole room which i wouldn't fancy doing here now, i think it's a all or nothing situation to be honest mate either way i go but i really don't want to stop til i move i just got all my new gear ready to go all i need is somewhere to put it lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hi people, been using biobizz bloom and now just bought bioizz grow, i find it strange that it says on the grow to be used through veg and flower. why bother making bio bloom, dont get it.
look at the npk ratios mate i used it on the last batch and they turned out lovely i used a little of the grow all the way through but dropped it down to a couple of mil and cut it out all together for the last couple of weeks

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man dragon its a tough one but id probs stick the way you are all that work for 5 months to pull it down n move.

maybe take a leaf out of dura' book, if youve got a mate that smokes with a spare room split the crop with them ?!?!


Well-Known Member
i just find it odd that they make 2 for the same thing, yeah going to try all the way through, not over the moon with the bloom unless its just my un green fingers.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
man dragon its a tough one but id probs stick the way you are all that work for 5 months to pull it down n move.

maybe take a leaf out of dura' book, if youve got a mate that smokes with a spare room split the crop with them ?!?!
i know mate a bit of a nightmare i got loads of mates that smoke but wouldn't trust any of them enough to put my plants their the 1's that would have space are pretty much a waste of time i've already had that thought but haven't been able to find any1 with enough common sense i gave my 1 mate a chance by giving him a plant i started in my wardrobe and he swore he'd keep his mouth shut safe to say i heard about the plant i gave him off several of the lads so scrapped that idea and just wrote the plant off, i'm desperate to get underway again, gonna go with the tent fuck it and see what happens cheers mate

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
how much air traffic do you get over your house? pesky pork chopper in the sky flies over mine every night twice. easy way round it is whack it up in the loft vent to where ever and run your lights through the daytime. only time the plod use the heat cams is when their looking for scrotes in the dark hiding in gardens. no need for it in the daytime.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
plod use heatcams during the day over my neighbourhood on a daily basis. althogh there is no point during the summer as roofs will be fucking hundreds of degrees. i was having a smoke on mine last summer and fell down as was bare foot and was too hot to climb down before i got burnt :lol:

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
how much air traffic do you get over your house? pesky pork chopper in the sky flies over mine every night twice. easy way round it is whack it up in the loft vent to where ever and run your lights through the daytime. only time the plod use the heat cams is when their looking for scrotes in the dark hiding in gardens. no need for it in the daytime.
their over mine all the time mate pretty much everyday i live by a hotspot for trouble usually stolen cars etc trying to ditch the old bill by the bottom of my road because of a narrow road leading to massive park type area i'd love to go in the attic but it's ridickulously hot up there now i can't imagine what it'll be like in a couple of weeks i know the landlords had to insulate the floor up there to keep the heat out of the bedrooms so without fully insulating i'll never be able to control temps it feels like it's up in the high 20's up there now it took about 2mins before i started sweating heavily up there lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah i remember you saying your house was on tv lol which proves a point though maybe your just being para cos they didnt come a knocking?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
maybe mate i'm not usually the worrying type quite the opposite to tell you the truth but i just don't know what to do now i can't help but think i'm asking to be caught lol i just can't stand the thought of not growing due to the neighbours and landlords, the way i look at it is i'm not hurting any1 and like you said the attic is a lot of work to pull it all down after 1 crop and possibly make next to nothing on it, the misses reckons i'll be locked up within a week of setting it all up we even bet a blow job on it lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i just had a thought i think her para is wearing off on me wouldn't be so bad but she doesn't even smoke lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol dragon. doesn't sound good if the nighbours etc are already riled up over this kinda thing.

and yeah, my house was on a cannabis documentary, "right, so how does this helioctopter work?" "well absically, if we head over to here, i'll show you what we look for" next thing i know they're FLIRing my rooftop haha

and yeah, i'm still very sketchy over it, i mean i just gave a colleague a free laptop cus he was after one, and i've jsut realised that it may very well have alllll my RIU details etc saved in the browser. not cool! :lol: but oh well, fuck it really. i know he is sou/nd enough to say nothing to nooooone if he does somehow add 2 and 2 together.

but as people have reasured me, i'm using a 400w lamp, it's hardly going to stand out when you consider there are radiators under every window (stupid idea putting them next to windowssss, clever builders, just turn the heating on for the heat to get gobbled up by the cold glass, whey) and that my computer puts out more heat than my light :P

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
well i'm a gonna mate gotta go to the hospital and find out if there gonna take my apendix out been in agony with it since last night i should have gone yesterday but wanted to sort out what i'm doing first, i'm gonna go with the tent i think and on the plus side if i do have my apendix out it won't stop or slow me down fingers crossed lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
lol dragon. doesn't sound good if the nighbours etc are already riled up over this kinda thing.

and yeah, my house was on a cannabis documentary, "right, so how does this helioctopter work?" "well absically, if we head over to here, i'll show you what we look for" next thing i know they're FLIRing my rooftop haha

and yeah, i'm still very sketchy over it, i mean i just gave a colleague a free laptop cus he was after one, and i've jsut realised that it may very well have alllll my RIU details etc saved in the browser. not cool! :lol: but oh well, fuck it really. i know he is sou/nd enough to say nothing to nooooone if he does somehow add 2 and 2 together.

but as people have reasured me, i'm using a 400w lamp, it's hardly going to stand out when you consider there are radiators under every window (stupid idea putting them next to windowssss, clever builders, just turn the heating on for the heat to get gobbled up by the cold glass, whey) and that my computer puts out more heat than my light :P
i thought don was on about me mate my house was on tv aswell they were chasing car theives and they hid under a 4x4 outside my house and they were over top with the camera lol not a cannabis programme though mate lol yeah the neighbours are well and truly riled mate theirs defo gonna be some more falling outs over it either way it's gone to far now not to, i know they'd love to see me taken away in handcuffs even if it was only for weed they grassed to my landlords last time saying the smell was coming through all the walls and drifting out into the street and spreading down the road but in my defense i was sat in the living room trimming it all up for about 15hrs lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, you need yourself a little pressure bubble that you sit in to trim. the smell just can't be controlled. i had my landlord inspecting the flat the day after i harvested and had it all hanging to dry in the non ventilated cupboard, lots an lots of remarks about the smell, i just told her what can i do, the weed i bought is too good :)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
right i'm a gonna the misses thinks i'm gonna keel over if i don't get to the hospital sharpish take it easy guys hopefully i'll be keeping my insides and i'll be back later if not be 2mo or the next day lol
cheers for the advice don always appreciated thankyou mate
happy growing all fingers crossed i'll be back soon