The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol power mad coz u can do it u ARE doing it
no1 else has said a thing now grass runs to u and u send u mails sayig wer harrasing sum1 lmoa wat about him threatening to GRASS SUM1 up surely thats bad no?

OR its one of kevs little buddys from shitholecentral and got him to single ME out lol sure stand up for a grass lets have lots of that

and anyway ur new york wat u doing on uk thread lmao we dont normally get harrased by mods....usuaully


Well-Known Member
not want to be a dick bur allGRASS s should be named shamed,its the uk and cun fuck our lifes rant over,i dont know who s on about but......


Undercover Mod
So what would Rollitup's reaction be if he learnt that there was a member running around threatening to grass other members up? That is a long way ebyond simple harasment, and i don't see anyone doing sweet fuck all. Maybe i should grass on you? I mean i do have your full name and location ;) but i guess that's all right so long as the mods jump in and make sure none atatcks me for it...
Well maybe people shouldn't be putting their info out there.

And as far as threatening me joking or not, you think thats funny kid?

I haven't seen this.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha thats strange as i been harressed by mods before, and that same group put up with a certain usa member making death threats ??? the mods was in same thread and they was egging him on??
i understand ya role but does seem some get to pick and choose
i maen i complained admin and was promised this guy wood b banned as he has a habbit doing this and been warned many a time. but yet he never got banned and still posting today??


Undercover Mod
lol power mad coz u can do it u ARE doing it
no1 else has said a thing now grass runs to u and u send u mails sayig wer harrasing sum1 lmoa wat about him threatening to GRASS SUM1 up surely thats bad no?

OR its one of kevs little buddys from shitholecentral and got him to single ME out lol sure stand up for a grass lets have lots of that
Sorry I do my job kid.


Undercover Mod
haha thats strange as i been harressed by mods before, and that same group put up with a certain usa member making death threats ??? the mods was in same thread and they was egging him on??
i understand ya role but does seem some get to pick and choose
i maen i complained admin and was promised this guy wood b banned as he has a habbit doing this and been warned many a time. but yet he never got banned and still posting today??
I'm generally known as one of the fairest Mods on here and I'm not here to pick sides.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well maybe people shouldn't be putting their info out there.

And as far as threatening me joking or not, you think thats funny kid?

I haven't seen this.
Funny? HA! Why do you this there are people with that statement in their signature... because a member has been threatening other folk with grassing them up.. :lol: And yeah, i now find it very funny becaue you don't even seem to undertand what you're "moderating" here. You're trying to defend a forum ruile against harasment while not giving two shits about the notion of grassing someone up.

And you talk about not putting their info out there, i'm not sat on your facebook page for no reason, YOU gave me your full name and locatoin whether you know it or not. oh, and "kid" you act like you know something about me, jog on...son :p


Well-Known Member
Sorry I do my job kid.
so why the fuk do u reply to sumthing totally nothing to do with anything your whinging about>?

hes a grass and everyone should know that OR how about we make a thread grass list? uve come out of nower slinging ur mod power about thats not cool buddy
lol i just had a chuckle about family guy and the new york leafers coming to town and everyone runs LMAO ahahhaha


Undercover Mod
The grass i was talking bout the other day is cateract i offered him kush and the cheeky mug threatened to grass me up! I see any of my riu friends talking to that cunt dont ever expect a reply from me, a clone, sample or shit

Grass's are scum

Another friendly reminder sale of anything is strictly prohibited by our forum rules.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
seems there's gonna be a few pulled up for harassment then, as long as he keeps showing up we will warn others about him!!! also talking about sigs are you gonna chase down everybody that has quoted some stupid shit someone has said? the snide comments? and everything in the sigs that may upset someone? and now most know him for what he is you will have your hands full and will have to follow him around warning lots of others and then also be sure to do the same to all the others on here including the mods especially if something as trivial as this gains mod attention.
looks like he's been grassing again lads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ah well ahve just phoned for a chinese, 'duck chinese style' whatever the fuck that means? probably comes with bird flu and side order of communism and over population either that or its a badly made copy , and then ahm gonny sit on ma arse and watch smokey and the bandit.


Undercover Mod
Funny? HA! Why do you this there are people with that statement in their signature... because a member has been threatening other folk with grassing them up.. :lol: And yeah, i now find it very funny becaue you don't even seem to undertand what you're "moderating" here. You're trying to defend a forum ruile against harasment while not giving two shits about the notion of grassing someone up.

And you talk about not putting their info out there, i'm not sat on your facebook page for no reason, YOU gave me your full name and locatoin whether you know it or not. oh, and "kid" you act like you know something about me, jog on...son :p
I'm glad I put myself on a higher standard than you do. Or I would tell you how I do feel about you.

As for cataract his response would be the same as mine, So

I'm a grass too,

what of it

Play your childish games.


Undercover Mod
One more snide comment and or signature below this and I will close this thread and a further determination will be made on its future.

Whos drunk with power now?


Undercover Mod
he dident offer to sell it btw and it was in pm NOT public forum

so your telling me u never get sent anytihg by your pals on here LMAO dont lie buddy
You want to know about buying and selling on here lookup FDD and you will learn your lesson.


Well-Known Member
ah well ahve just phoned for a chinese, 'duck chinese style' whatever the fuck that means? probably comes with bird flu and side order of communism and over population either that or its a badly made copy , and then ahm gonny sit on ma arse and watch smokey and the bandit.

dont envy to be you tmorrow mate ur ass gunna sting ur shit will be known as a ringer stinger lmao u go pebble dash that basin

You want to know about buying and selling on here lookup FDD and you will learn your lesson.
well he was fucking stupid then wasent he

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
Another friendly reminder sale of anything is strictly prohibited by our forum rules.
u seem forget we a small island. where does it state selling? where does it state we dont no each other well already? ive meet a few from uk thread and new couple before came on site. u r assuming dealing or swapping over riu but u far from the truth, its easy send wot we want without breaking rules???? so really u r now harrassing us by making assumptions ? and threatening us now??? really? ban me if u want but i will speak my mind reguardless who says i cant.