The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Don't blame me! I'm here, it's the rest of the useless cunts who're the problem. I've got some meatballs and spaghetti bubbling away to be ready in 4 minutes time :)


Well-Known Member
:when u go to ur growroom and it hits you"" damn i knew i should have watered them last nite,one of the plats is real thirsty the other is fine fuk lol ok

so took the big yellow famn leaves of and most the wornkley ones, left the nice green droopy ones as i guide to see that theyl look nice again now watered
remember i said i had 2 and 1 spindley fucker?, well gues what my lucksa NOT chaging was another male had a lovely set of balls stacking up at the top
lol so down to 2 but def fems

battleship and cold light of daya re up but th quality is bollox lol


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
FUCK YOU! I've stella pint cans, cheds has stella pint cans, i say that's 2 to 1 you fucking divvy!

Is it just me or do the grow gods ust have a beef against you? all i really recall is utter failure trying to germinate, an now i ust seem to be reading about large male ratios? I chucked just under 30 exo/br seeds in about a month ago and i think the ratio was almost exactly half half. Then i had to bin the lot :(

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
im proper stunned by it. u must had some injurys man as chelsea bunch old fuckers and your team has the two most wanted players in prem. bale, modric.
must been one them days.
well i hope u saw photo of the exo ttt, put up 3 times now hahahahaha
so where is every1? sambo out taking the rage out on some poor chelsea fan??

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
ic3m4l3 u no my saying??? its goes, a cow knows it cant fly so it does bother trying.
think it fits u and reg seeds. dont even try them u must have the ganja gods cursing u hahahahaha
clone the feck out the girls u got n boost ya numbers.
sod waiting on others wen u got few on go


Well-Known Member
FUCK YOU! I've stella pint cans, cheds has stella pint cans, i say that's 2 to 1 you fucking divvy!

Is it just me or do the grow gods ust have a beef against you? all i really recall is utter failure trying to germinate, an now i ust seem to be reading about large male ratios? I chucked just under 30 exo/br seeds in about a month ago and i think the ratio was almost exactly half half. Then i had to bin the lot :(
i dont drink so u go guys lol 1 can would mash me

i cant undertsant it T matey like i say this is my first run seed from start with coco clones im fine with and hydro with seeds im fine with its fucking nuts,,its just been a shitty yr full of bad luck so tbh im not that supised,i hear in weed less is more so lets wee how 2 do under s 600hps, well if my clone fairys come thru should be as bad and my mans pulilng his 40 pot tomorrow so should have summet on its way to you in the next few weeks T,ul have to send me that address again we used bofore buddy ok?

MDB just red ur commment and yeh i should do say 5 cuttings but ive never done them NOR do i have the stuff u need to put on them hormone shit,,i have the clone box and 6400k ready and waiting but never taken em,,,yorkie was on about coming around fro a cuppa so hopefully i can get him to show me whats what before they been in flower to long tbh i wouldnt be thatbothered if all these was cut for clones

OR use all the bottom half for clones and just flower the main coloa coz ive no intentions of keeping mother plants

deffo cursed b ganja gods opn regular seedsclones and fems only now im afraid

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Most the guys are probably out fucking a family member or two, they';re a bunch of incestuous bastards like that.

And aye, i saw the photo, looked rather good, even without a closeup looked like she had a pretty good structure :)


Well-Known Member
christ im bloody bored although happy coz ive just finished my final essay before my exam-1200 words on the causes and distribution of poverty...what a fucking load of shit, a subject i could not care less about, absolute tedium writing it. and i also applied for my student loan, oh joy , more debt to look forward too. not that actually pay any debt other than bar bills and product bills.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
cool glad ya saw it matey.
promised wood show ya so had make sure didnt break my word even if was down to us not being on thread same time haha.
rom and bsb babys on go and will throw a snap my mates fem rom in few days, his is in a window so dont expect a tree but it alright, budding and boy does it stink.
so over next few months i will throw up the flowering shots.
was any the br cross not liking scrogs anyboby no? or have any strange nute needs?
they all seem dark and dank for veg but my males r playing up a lil.
i left them in spare room yest and wen went in this morning a few leaves crinkley and lil hard on the touch??? baffles me but least they males only? mayb need more nutes as they bigger then the girls


Undercover Mod
:when u go to ur growroom and it hits you"" damn i knew i should have watered them last nite,one of the plats is real thirsty the other is fine fuk lol ok

so took the big yellow famn leaves of and most the wornkley ones, left the nice green droopy ones as i guide to see that theyl look nice again now watered
remember i said i had 2 and 1 spindley fucker?, well gues what my lucksa NOT chaging was another male had a lovely set of balls stacking up at the top
lol so down to 2 but def fems

battleship and cold light of daya re up but th quality is bollox lol


I would like to remind a certain user that harassment is not tolerated on our site.

We are here to help each other not harass each other.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Balzac, are you seriously gonna stand there and try and protect a grass?

I'll break every law this countries governemtn has made, let alone those of the forum, before i go and stik up for a piece of shit grass.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't really care about this or that.

I'm here to Mod not to pick sides.

Harassment is against forum rules. I don't pick and choose.
So what would Rollitup's reaction be if he learnt that there was a member running around threatening to grass other members up? That is a long way ebyond simple harasment, and i don't see anyone doing sweet fuck all. Maybe i should grass on you? I mean i do have your full name and location ;) but i guess that's all right so long as the mods jump in and make sure none atatcks me for it...