The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol 3yeys is a 4,6 miget lmao
so this was the first uk thread meeting picture wassit?

from right to left anyone gunna spill the usernames


Well-Known Member
lol 3yeys is a 4,6 miget lmao
so this was the first uk thread meeting picture wassit?

from right to left anyone gunna spill the usernames

crouching is MDB above him is Sambo then me and last but not least chedz wid hiz fro LMFAO


Well-Known Member
Nothin new mate in 70 days ive ad 2 days off i think ive hit a brick wall now tho
yeh mate i remember when i used to be able to work manually you do hit a preverbiale brock wall,,i think you just need to learn that to works lots is great but in moderation if u know what i mean but its fucking hard i know need the money or need to get the job done or a dedline ther s always a reason why u cant just have a day of or w/eva


Well-Known Member
yeh mate i remember when i used to be able to work manually you do hit a preverbiale brock wall,,i think you just need to learn that to works lots is great but in moderation if u know what i mean but its fucking hard i know need the money or need to get the job done or a dedline ther s always a reason why u cant just have a day of or w/eva
prison jobs dont count m8 lololol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Gah, it's once the day starts to come to a close that you think hmmm, a beer or two would be lovely right about now :D Bad man! bad bad man! Pretty hard trying to give up something you don't want to give up. Don't mind the cigarettes, don't want to be a smoker, but beer, fuck, beer!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
:D I have the willpower of a mooose!


New plan! Get pissed but excersize willpower so that i still eat lots, not eat lots as a means of distracting myself from beer :D


Well-Known Member
LMFAO the one you been banging on about since you popped up, better stop typing until you can get ya lies in order ya daft cunt, ya obviously getting confused by all ya own bullshit!!!!!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to W Dragon again.

Bravo sir!!!!:clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Wtf quite in here tonight ay the onky time i get to get on and look at it a fuckin shambles if theres no cunt rowin you ve all fuck all to say come on sambo were u at ya mad fucker lmfao ttt you read my mind mate ive polished off 4pint cans a stella since finishin work and im just gonna tuck into the next 4 hahaha