Well-Known Member
It's just gotten so old. The exception is Keynes, since he molests kids.where would be the fun in that?
It's just gotten so old. The exception is Keynes, since he molests kids.where would be the fun in that?
I think Chomgoo.OG Chomsky Kush?
That's a weakly dismissive attempt at sarcasm, at best.
Have you read the source paper yet?
Does High Public Debt Consistently Stifle Economic Growth? A Critique of Reinhart and Rogoff
And from your personal experience, I presume you must have no ability to be a currency issuer either, is that correct?
The Federal Gov't (and this is the linchpin in comprehending the Modern Monetary system) is NOT... here let me make that more bold for you....
(Sure, there are some caveats re: Capacity Utilization and Inflation, but that's an issue for a HOT economy, not a depressed one.)
Your personal experience has little relation to Macroeconomics at the sovereign level.
One of my favourite videos to enter into evidence, for debates like this, is an explanation by Mark Thoma (a fairly orthodox New-Keynesian) on the subject of the GBC (Government Budget Constraint) which is essentially lifted straight out of Carl Walsh's textbook on Monetary Theory & Policy (not that it would necessarily be of any great value to your edification).
I sincerely hope you take the time out to watch it and carefully consider Prof. Thoma's conclusions after the 28th minute or so, when he talks about intertemporal balances.... I suspect you'll be as surprised as me when I first saw it (except for perhaps different reasons), and I would be curious as to your perspective on the matter.
I could go on explaining this in greater detail, but if the video makes no sense to you, then my attempts at further explication would probably be futile.
"liberty" and "socialism" are fundamentally incompatible. only an idiot thinks submission to the state, and freedom come in the same package.Neither of you are schizophrenic. Can we just get to the point where the right wingers and the left wingers on this forum acknowledge that they have differences of opinion and leave it at that? The unrelated personal insults get old after a while. If someone's being a dick just to be a dick then I get that, but this constant mud slinging over invalidating each others political stances gets old after the 5,000th thread. Yes Libertarian Socialism is a real political stance and a historic one at that. Yes being Conservativism is a legitimate political stance which is equally validated by history. Problem solved.
Why the fuck is this thread still active?
This section would be deader than J. Christopher Stevens...where would be the fun in that?
Credit default swaps and other schemes?Who markets these loans? And who was behind all those credit default swaps and other schemes?
Although the President gets to choose maybe one board member, his choices are limited to only 12 people. Those 12 people are wholly 100% chosen by the banks. In essence, the politicians only confirm the choices that the banks already made for them. i.e. there is no choice, the banks are the ones making the choices, the politicians just get to pick which choice already made for them they like best.I already explained that you were distorting your own source. "Warburg's own description" is not "substantially different." His text refers to the mechanics being the same and then immediately declares that the major difference is control. If you think having the system controlled by a Board appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate is not fundamentally different from having the system controlled by an elite group of private banks, I'm mystified. But your insistence that there was no meaningful difference in the plans indicates just that.
Sorry, but Government is TOTALLY constrained by revenue, if it weren't then there would be no need for taxation.NOT REVENUE CONSTRAINED
Such an angry guy. I'm guessing you're not going out in the van today."liberty" and "socialism" are fundamentally incompatible. only an idiot thinks submission to the state, and freedom come in the same package.
but then you havent read marx, and get all your information about "conservatism" from the pithy image macros and political cartoons you see on "funnyjunk"
youre still just clownshoes.
I think everything you have ever fucking heard is a bundle of comforting lies, wrapped in statistical bullshit.economics is not a science, its a bundle of comforting lies, wrapped in statistical bullshit
bullshit. peace and capitalism are quite compatible. you would know this is you ever actually learned anything not prepared by leftist propagandists and velvet mouthed fools like chomskyPeace and capitalism are fundamentally incompatible.
nah, just the parts from Marx. you havent read marx so you wouldnt understand.I think everything you have ever fucking heard is a bundle of comforting lies, wrapped in statistical bullshit.
That is NOT what is being implied here. The issue I am trying to get across to you is that a Nation which issues its OWN CURRENCY, is not revenue constrained.so, what we should do is print up more and more fiate currency, becase it's value will be whatever the government says it will be... and thats worked how many times in the past? hmmm... ZERO.
Excuse me, shall we start talking about the middle-ages' Venetian money exchanges and Gresham's Law...when you start shaving your coins, reducing their weight or debasing them to makemore coins from less silver, people stop using your coins, thats why the US despitre being primarily british in character adopted the spanish milled dollar (the piece of 8 ) as their default currency, and created their currency based on that model, rather than the bedased british currencies and fiat money used by most of europe.
good money drives bad money out of the market, and even with legal tender laws, when the cnadian Looney starts beating the dollar, the us dollar will fall.
It wasn't trying to prove shit.big colourful crayola letters and shitty videos of economics weenies doing math doesnt prove shit.
Have you ever heard the phrase fallacy of composition?economies work the same whether big or small, and fiat money has never lasted longer than the confidence in the issuing authority, but a spanish milled dollar is still worth 1 ounce of silver, and 1 ounce of silver still buys roughly the same amount of shit it did in 1800, or 1700, or 1100, or 200 BC.
all your arguments are just farts in a sandstorm. specie currencies last, fiat currencies fail.
Because there are incognizant individuals--who share your faulty paradigm--in charge of your money.also, your video proves nothing, since economics is not a science, its a bundle of comforting lies, wrapped in statistical bullshit. if that weenie's math was so powerful and predictive of economic realities, why does the economy teeter on the brink?
And what is that faulty logic? It is founded in the very same logic that gives rise to your sentiments!surely youre not the only acolyte to see his wisdom.
further, the video and it's math makes no sense to me because it is founded on faulty logic. if you think that bullshit makes sense then theres no hope for you.
in a market, good money drives bad money out. only in the fevered dreams of economists will paper currency hold value while gold and silver are forced aside.That is NOT what is being implied here. The issue I am trying to get across to you is that a Nation which issues its OWN CURRENCY, is not revenue constrained.
I am not stating that Monetary Policy is a CURE. It is a general flow mechanism, with influence on investment practices.
FISCAL POLICY is what needs to be addressed in depressed times.
But nescient dopes in politics that believe in a similar, anachronistic paradigm as yourself, are preventing this tool from being used properly.
Excuse me, shall we start talking about the middle-ages' Venetian money exchanges and Gresham's Law...
This is the 21st century. I've read Zarlenga's Science of Money; I am familiar with the history of coin debasement.
Besides, if good money drives out bad then why is gold taking the beating it's received as of late? I guess there is something BETTER?
Bitcoins perhaps?
(If you're still wondering, it's because you recited Gresham's Law backwards: Bad Money drives out Good...maybe you're just)
It wasn't trying to prove shit.
It was to show your view of Macroeconomics is WRONG!
Have you ever heard the phrase fallacy of composition?
You are making that mistake right there.
Because there are incognizant individuals--who share your faulty paradigm--in charge of your money.
And what is that faulty logic? It is founded in the very same logic that gives rise to your sentiments!
Why do think it was called Government Budget Constraint?
But Prof. Thoma's insight of that funny little limiting factor called TIME is what differentiates its application to reality.
However, perhaps I need to use a different tactic in explaining this. How about Warren Mosler's "layman's version" of the system, which also addresses the "purpose of taxation" question.
Funny that he would be committing the "unecological fallacy" in an argument about economics. Quite ironic actually.Have you ever heard the phrase fallacy of composition?
http://www.examiner.com/article/record-gold-sale-at-the-u-s-mint-despite-central-bank-dumping-of-paperOn April 17, the U.S. Mint reported a record 63500 ounces of gold being sold to the public in one day, despite central banks driving down the paper spot price by over 9% in the past week.
Nuhh Uhh!!Gresham's theory says that "When a government overvalues one type of money and undervalues another, the undervalued money will leave the country or disappear from circulation into hoards, while the overvalued money will flood into circulation."
The simplified meaning bad drives out good, is too simple to understand the mechanism behind it.
Which money is currently overvalued?
The US Dollar of course.
which money is being horded?
GOLD of course!
FYI the nation of the USA Does NOT issue its own currency. If it did, the dollar would say "United States Note" on it, but they say Federal Reserve Note on them.
Just to clarify, keep having a great day.
And what kind of suit are you wearing? I'm certainly coaxing a plethora of stupid shit from your end...your stupid videos dont prove shit except you can get a guy in a suit to say stupid shit.