The truth about minimum wage and income inequality

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Wage inequality is a lie. Minimum wage is theft. It doesn't allow the real small businesses to pay wages they can afford. I see no reason why a new business can't pay whatever they want. If you're losing money, why should you keep paying those wages? Those who don't like it find a new job. If you're some commie bitch who thinks a business is unfair, don't shop there. Yet you'll protest at occupy wall street with your wage slave latest edition iPhone Steve Jobs jizzed on. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Wage inequality is a lie. Minimum wage is theft. It doesn't allow the real small businesses to pay wages they can afford. I see no reason why a new business can't pay whatever they want. If you're losing money, why should you keep paying those wages? Those who don't like it find a new job. If you're some commie bitch who thinks a business is unfair, don't shop there. Yet you'll protest at occupy wall street with your wage slave latest edition iPhone Steve Jobs jizzed on. Pathetic.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Minimum wage laws increase unemployment and violate the right of two parties to associate on terms they have agreed to.


Well-Known Member
Minimum wage laws increase unemployment and violate the right of two parties to associate on terms they have agreed to.
Yeah but one of those parties is the evil ice cream shop owner and the other is just a guy who should be able to own a home, 2 new cars and send his kid to college scooping ice cream. Without government stepping in and corralling that evil ice cream shop owner, he would eventually own everything and we'd all be slaves. Come on Rob, think of the children. (oh wait, don't think of the children, they should either not work or earn enough to raise a family).

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Wage inequality is a lie. Minimum wage is theft. It doesn't allow the real small businesses to pay wages they can afford. I see no reason why a new business can't pay whatever they want. If you're losing money, why should you keep paying those wages? Those who don't like it find a new job. If you're some commie bitch who thinks a business is unfair, don't shop there. Yet you'll protest at occupy wall street with your wage slave latest edition iPhone Steve Jobs jizzed on. Pathetic.
Commie bitch? Really? Come join us in the modern world. You won't have to act all mad and scared here. Turn off your TV and allow your own opinions to flourish. You'll like them, 'cause they yours and you won't sound like a moron anymore.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
The high rate of unemployment among teenagers, and especially black teenagers, is both a scandal and a serious source of social unrest. Yet it is largely a result of minimum wage laws. We regard the minimum wage law as one of the most, if not the most, antiblack laws on the statute books.-Friedman



Well-Known Member
The high rate of unemployment among teenagers, and especially black teenagers, is both a scandal and a serious source of social unrest. Yet it is largely a result of minimum wage laws. We regard the minimum wage law as one of the most, if not the most, antiblack laws on the statute books.-Friedman

Really? You're going to quote Milton Friedman? When are people going to have logic kick in and get over this idiotic lie that if we give the rich more money they'll create jobs. We've done that and its sunk our economy. Oh if we just get rid of minimum wage laws (as if they weren't low enough already) and allow people to be payed a dollar an hour we could have more jobs. Because that makes a lot of fucking sense. It should only take about 5 seconds for a semi intelligent person to hear that argument and think "this sounds like a load of utter bullshit". Who is going to benefit from these ideas? The private sector. The private sector doesn't care about whether or not someone has a job or is making a living wage. If you're making living wage you're replaceable. And if the economy is so bad where no one has to abide by a minimum standard of compensation, people will work for anything. It increases the pool of desperate workers who don't make demands and are "grateful" just to have a shit dead end job. That is the type of economy right wing libertarian-ism leads to. That's the goal from a business perspective. Of course if you talk to a retard libertarian they've been indoctrinated with some idiotic nonsensical Utopian dream.


Well-Known Member
Really? You're going to quote Milton Friedman? When are people going to have logic kick in and get over this idiotic lie that if we give the rich more money they'll create jobs. We've done that and its sunk our economy. Oh if we just get rid of minimum wage laws (as if they weren't low enough already) and allow people to be payed a dollar an hour we could have more jobs. Because that makes a lot of fucking sense. It should only take about 5 seconds for a semi intelligent person to hear that argument and think "this sounds like a load of utter bullshit". Who is going to benefit from these ideas? The private sector. The private sector doesn't care about whether or not someone has a job or is making a living wage. If you're making living wage you're replaceable. And if the economy is so bad where no one has to abide by a minimum standard of compensation, people will work for anything. It increases the pool of desperate workers who don't make demands and are "grateful" just to have a shit dead end job. That is the type of economy right wing libertarian-ism leads to. That's the goal from a business perspective. Of course if you talk to a retard libertarian they've been indoctrinated with some idiotic nonsensical Utopian dream.
So people are too stupid to be able to choose whether to take a job or not?

Are you going to work for 99 cents an hour?

You act like people are too stupid to look out for themselves...

Competition through supply and demand of labor would automatically set the price. Nobody is going to work for pennies per hour.


Well-Known Member
Hmm starve or a dollar? Work an hour and still not be able to Afford a cup of coffee. Hmm in that case crime pays better.


Well-Known Member
Hmm starve or a dollar? Work an hour and still not be able to Afford a cup of coffee. Hmm in that case crime pays better.
Which means NOBODY would work for that rate and the employer will have to raise the hourly wage offer to get someone to take the job.

Maybe a retired person doesnt mind working for 5 bucks an hour. Is it really the role of the government to tell them they cant?


Well-Known Member
So people are too stupid to be able to choose whether to take a job or not?

Are you going to work for 99 cents an hour?

You act like people are too stupid to look out for themselves...

Competition through supply and demand of labor would automatically set the price. Nobody is going to work for pennies per hour.
Oh definitely not initially, I'm talking the end result. It's a regressive system. If that's true than why do people work for minimum wage? I personally wouldn't, its insulting, but a TON of people still do because they have no choice. Does heading even further in that direction seriously seem like a good idea to you? Leaving the welfare of society up to a bunch of repeat criminals in big business? Or would putting in rules seem more logical? I don't know about you, but I'd go with some intelligent regulations, considering it's a lack of regulation that got us in all this mess to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Which means NOBODY would work for that rate and the employer will have to raise the hourly wage offer to get someone to take the job.

Maybe a retired person doesnt mind working for 5 bucks an hour. Is it really the role of the government to tell them they cant?
No offense personally, but this kind of logic is beyond idiotic. The reason there isn't much of a response to these ideas is kind of a "where you would you start" issue. To explain to someone who obviously doesn't take into account all the variables and history involved would take forever. We've tried this route, and we crashed the economy, lowered the standard of living, stagnated wages, etc.

Again, I'm not directing this at you personally, just the idea.


Well-Known Member
No offense personally, but this kind of logic is beyond idiotic. The reason there isn't much of a response to these ideas is kind of a "where you would you start" issue. To explain to someone who obviously doesn't take into account all the variables and history involved would take forever. We've tried this route, and we crashed the economy, lowered the standard of living, stagnated wages, etc.

Again, I'm not directing this at you personally, just the idea.
Minimum wage did not crash the economy giving irresponsible people large loans did. Trickle up economics doesn't seem to work any better than down.

Lowered the standard of living? Because people can't throw that extra big screen for their bedroom on a credit card they can't afford? It wasn't a new standard of living it was borrowed money and time.

Stagnated wages? Economics 101 during a recession wages will deflate. Compound that with a botched stimulus that spiked inflation and tada welcome to 2013 where you make less money and things cost more. Thank you I think we all see how government utopia works.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Really? You're going to quote Milton Friedman? When are people going to have logic kick in and get over this idiotic lie that if we give the rich more money they'll create jobs. We've done that and its sunk our economy. Oh if we just get rid of minimum wage laws (as if they weren't low enough already) and allow people to be payed a dollar an hour we could have more jobs. Because that makes a lot of fucking sense. It should only take about 5 seconds for a semi intelligent person to hear that argument and think "this sounds like a load of utter bullshit". Who is going to benefit from these ideas? The private sector. The private sector doesn't care about whether or not someone has a job or is making a living wage. If you're making living wage you're replaceable. And if the economy is so bad where no one has to abide by a minimum standard of compensation, people will work for anything. It increases the pool of desperate workers who don't make demands and are "grateful" just to have a shit dead end job. That is the type of economy right wing libertarian-ism leads to. That's the goal from a business perspective. Of course if you talk to a retard libertarian they've been indoctrinated with some idiotic nonsensical Utopian dream.

Your government called. They said if you want to start a new business, you have to pay them money and jump thru a bunch of hoops, then MAYBE you can open the business and give them about a 20-30% cut for uh "protecting you". Do you REALLY think there is a free market presently? Really?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Oh definitely not initially, I'm talking the end result. It's a regressive system. If that's true than why do people work for minimum wage? I personally wouldn't, its insulting, but a TON of people still do because they have no choice. Does heading even further in that direction seriously seem like a good idea to you? Leaving the welfare of society up to a bunch of repeat criminals in big business? Or would putting in rules seem more logical? I don't know about you, but I'd go with some intelligent regulations, considering it's a lack of regulation that got us in all this mess to begin wi/QUOTE]

The law of supply and demand called, you didn't answer. You were too busy misunderstanding how a truly free market would work. I'm beginning to think you're not really god.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hmm starve or a dollar? Work an hour and still not be able to Afford a cup of coffee. Hmm in that case crime pays better.
...the best criminals are the ones that live off the labor of others....hmmm....government? I'd encourage you to ignore bad laws, but not to commit real crimes against others. Peace.