Well-Known Member
Not to get into it too far, you seem to have more experience on the ground and of an interpersonal nature. The ethnic Chinese were called the "Jews of Asia" by the British all through out south east Asia, they ran a huge proportion of the business and were resourceful capitalist, I try to stay with in cultural boundaries and stay away from race, were all just the human race. Cultures like languages are passed down through the ages and confusion-ism is still strong in China, values are passed along too. When these people (culturally speaking) are unleashed by capitalism and technology look out, they have awoken from history.There are also naturally forming cooperative behaviors such as
This myth about China is really pervasive but doesn't ring true. China is no older than any other major cradle of civilization. They may see themselves this way but even their nearest neighbors such as the descendants of the Cham in Vietnam and Cambodia have been ahead of them for most of the last couple of millennia. The Sino empires occupied and colonized them for a thousand years and nearly all of the trade secrets which the British stole were in turn stolen from the Khmer and Viet people. They have always been as they are now, copiers and usurpers of industry.
If they steal their way to the top, it will be short lived.
China also has a history of conquest by others from ancient times Genghis Khan comes to mind and I half think part of the Fentanyl problem with them might be the opium war and we are coming up on the 200th anniversary soon, wanna bet they make a big convenient stink about it over the founding of Hong Kong.
They said the same thing about technical innovation in Japan too, they can only copy, not originate, I heartily disagree. If yer one in a million in China, there are 1300 just like ya, in terms of smarts. They've recently built 15 world class research universities on par with MIT and all those Chinese students you remember from your youth were the best and brightest, most are back home with Phds teaching there now.