I'm a retired mindfulness mediation teacher, an avocation, not my profession and understand to a degree how you must feel, (walk a mile in my shoes). Hypertension among many African American Males is one of the results of the constant conscious and unconscious assault one ones dignity, person, family and community. I would suggest mindfulness meditation as a way to combat the feelings of being drained and hopelessness (had to look that word you used up)! There are many university sites that teach it online and 8 weeks of training gives a fellow a whole new outlook. It's an exercise so ya gotta stick to it, so effective it'll grow as conscience on a Trumper, it's not how big yer head is that counts in meditation, but how big yer heart is. I helps ya to be a Happy Warrior, lowers BP and gives ya tons of energy.
I used to say things to my students like, " Much of what passes through yer mind is a lot like that which passes through yer arsehole, not particularly useful and sometimes down right harmful!" I liked to keep it real for em...