The Trade war between the US and Communist China

I am white, a WASP in fact, and I agree he is a piece of shit!
All racist are, and most are traitors too or willing to over look it. They are fine spouting off until they meet someone different, then they turn into two faced cocksuckers. All lie to others and many to themselves.
Must be tiring
Hierarchical systems are more intuitive and natural. When the shit hits the fan and there's no time to debate, you want to know who's in charge now, who is coordinating and disciplining this band of humans as they battle adversity. Humans band together to face threats and accomplish goals, leadership and planing are necessities and these behaviors are evolved right into our genes.

That's why we elect leaders, to coordinate and disciple. No wild animal could stand up to a stone age group of cooperating humans with a plan and sound leadership, back then to be ostracized from the clan meant a death sentence because humans find it very difficult to survive alone. You believe in myths that are contrary to human nature, not much different than an old commie. We have governments because we evolved that way, besides a town or a county could not operate without government, mass society is not possible otherwise.

Grow a brain Rob, ya believe in Hollywood myths created by for the most part, talented eastern European Jewish immigrants who wrote and produced many of the westerns you grew up with. The rugged individual is a myth, he's part of a larger social context, anarchy and libertarianism are fruitcake ideas no better than Lennon's version of communism.
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Must be tiring
Sometimes I'm deeply ashamed to be white, I knew racism was a serious problem in the states and all over, I never realized how serious an issue it was and what a national security threat too. The racists jumped for treason right out of the gate and never looked back, not what I would call patriotic behavior much less smart.
80% of white American males still supporting Trump is nothing for anybody to be proud about. We have racism is Canada too but it has no political home and it hasn't torn our society apart, we have hate speech and anti discrimination laws and human rights councils to nip it in the bud.

Figured you were African American from your posts, didn't want to give the impression that all white American males are assholes, just most.
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Sometimes I'm deeply ashamed to be white, I knew racism was a serious problem in the states and all over, I never realized how serious an issue it was and what a national security threat too. The racists jumped for treason right out of the gate and never looked back, not what I would call patriotic behavior much less smart.
80% of white American males still supporting Trump is nothing for anybody to be proud about. We have racism is Canada too but it has no political home and it hasn't torn our society apart, we have hate speech and anti discrimination laws and human rights councils to nip it in the bud.

Figured you were African American from your posts, didn't want to give the impression that all white American males are assholes, just most.
Racism enrages most sensible white people but for many of us non whites the feeling is one of enervation.
Racism enrages most sensible white people but for many of us non whites the feeling is one of enervation.
I'm a retired mindfulness mediation teacher, an avocation, not my profession and understand to a degree how you must feel, (walk a mile in my shoes). Hypertension among many African American Males is one of the results of the constant conscious and unconscious assault one ones dignity, person, family and community. I would suggest mindfulness meditation as a way to combat the feelings of being drained and hopelessness (had to look that word you used up)! There are many university sites that teach it online and 8 weeks of training gives a fellow a whole new outlook. It's an exercise so ya gotta stick to it, so effective it'll grow a conscience on a Trumper, it's not how big yer head is that counts in meditation, but how big yer heart is. I helps ya to be a Happy Warrior, lowers BP and gives ya tons of energy.

I used to say things to my students like, " Much of what passes through yer mind is a lot like that which passes through yer arsehole, not particularly useful and sometimes down right harmful!" I liked to keep it real for em...
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Racism enrages most sensible white people but for many of us non whites the feeling is one of enervation.
A little more on my teaching style and writing on meditation.

Long long ago in a place far far away a young student was bitching to his gentle master about having trouble concentrating on his breath. The old man smiled gently with a bit of a twinkle in his eye and told the student to come with down with him to the river and look at his own reflection in the water (pre-mirror days). As the student gazed lovingly at his own reflection, the gentle master grabbed the arrogant sonofabitch by the scruff of the neck and plunged his head into the water and held him there until he fuck'n near stopped thrashing. When he pulled the young man out panicked and sputtering he looked him in the eye and said, "was your breath important to you then"! Jus so ya know where I'm coming from, we ain't always nice, we act in your interest and not in our own, cause if we didn't, we wouldn't be worth a damn, to ourselves, or anybody else. And no, I didn't misspell wisdom, I just don't want to get too full of myself, cause this is a wisdom practice.

Not many Donald's made it back from the river...
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i just watched this i hope it gives the chinese a black eye, after watching it it paints the Chinese worker like indoctrinated slaves from birth starting with the very rigid school system they have. its like there okay with working for little money and only seeing there children a couple times a year. should stop buying products from china entirely i dont understand why we trade with them at all.
A lot of it is cultural on the mainland with an ancient tradition, Hong Kong proved that cultures can change.

Up until the industrial revolution in the west the two largest manufacturing countries in the world were China and what is now called India.

The Chinese want their rightful place in the sun and they figure it's at the top, so look out west. They work real hard and have a strong work ethic, education is valued as is ambition. They've taken to modern capitalism like a duck to water and love technology and science, they want the future and are willing to plan and work to attain it, this is what we are up against.

That won't change now with a change in the Chinese government either, more responsible government would only make things worse for us because it's more effective.
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A lot of it is cultural on the mainland with an ancient tradition, Hong Kong proved that cultures can change.

Up until the industrial revolution in the west the two largest manufacturing countries in the world were China and what is now called India.

The Chinese want their rightful place in the sun and they figure it's at the top, so look out west. They work real hard and have a strong work ethic, education is valued as is ambition. They've taken to modern capitalism like a duck to water and love technology and science, they want the future and are willing to plan and work to attain it, this is what we are up against.

That won't change now with a change in the Chinese government either, more responsible government would only make things worse for us because it's more effective.
Its not modern capitalism. It's mercantilism and controlled by the families from Communist generals. The communist party morphed into an ultra rich oligarchy. I don't think a system that is bogged down with corruption like they have in China can grow like you say.
A good corporation has a (100yr) business plan.
Not quite so extreme, but the outlook is longer, it's hard to plan too much ahead these days with technological change quickening. They do plan though and not to is stupid for a company or a government.
Its not modern capitalism. It's mercantilism and controlled by the families from Communist generals. The communist party morphed into an ultra rich oligarchy. I don't think a system that is bogged down with corruption like they have in China can grow like you say.
You are 100% correct, corruption will be their biggest issue moving forward, the "long march" generation has passed away. We elect our governments periodically with the help of a free press to guide us and Christ knows they are corrupted enough, imagine what would happen if they weren't! Corruption is China's ancient problem, the British used to say, "It's so corrupt it's positively Chinese", so it has deep cultural roots, moving forward it will hinder them greatly. Right now the elites are engineers and technocrats, all are loyal party members of course, who are smart and very well educated.

The government has a mercantilism policy, the business community is pure modern capitalists (corruption is their game too) and will be a handful for the west.

More responsible government would only make things worse for us because it's more effective.
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The Chinese have dropped Marx in favor of the older master Adam Smith the founder of modern economics and study his work assiduously, so they are well aware of the many pitfalls of capitalism. Smith is largely misunderstood, he didn't invent capitalism, but he understood it better than anybody of his time, he also spoke of the hidden hand of the population and of the need for government in regulation and wealth distribution, but this is largely ignored and warned of corruption too. He is studied and revered today, because the truth of his discoveries continues to live on.

"It is the great multiplication of the productions of all the different arts, in consequence of the division of labour, which occasions, in a well-governed society, that universal opulence which extends itself to the lowest ranks of the people". - Adam Smith​

That's what's going on in China now, you don't necessarily need a democratic government for the magic of capitalism to uplift the populace, just responsible government. Maintaining that responsibility in the face of corruption is the job of democratic governments.
Read more here.
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Another Adam Smith Quote that might surprise many.
"Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumer"

.The Wealth Of Nations, Book IV Chapter VIII, v. ii, p. 660, para. 49.
I'm a retired mindfulness mediation teacher, an avocation, not my profession and understand to a degree how you must feel, (walk a mile in my shoes). Hypertension among many African American Males is one of the results of the constant conscious and unconscious assault one ones dignity, person, family and community. I would suggest mindfulness meditation as a way to combat the feelings of being drained and hopelessness (had to look that word you used up)! There are many university sites that teach it online and 8 weeks of training gives a fellow a whole new outlook. It's an exercise so ya gotta stick to it, so effective it'll grow as conscience on a Trumper, it's not how big yer head is that counts in meditation, but how big yer heart is. I helps ya to be a Happy Warrior, lowers BP and gives ya tons of energy.

I used to say things to my students like, " Much of what passes through yer mind is a lot like that which passes through yer arsehole, not particularly useful and sometimes down right harmful!" I liked to keep it real for em...
Thanks that sounds really useful, I find boxing, especially sparring has a similar calming effect.
Yet another Smith quote of relevance today.
"People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices…. But though the law cannot hinder people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to do nothing to facilitate such assemblies, much less to render them necessary".

Think social media and the gathering of similar minds with their very own news and reality.
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Thanks that sounds really useful, I find boxing, especially sparring has a similar calming effect.
Check it out, great for stress management and it cultivates peace, contentment and wisdom. Train your mind, it gives strength to the heart and soul (it's what yer really training) and builds out those parts of our brains that process emotion.. Beware of the many charlatans online, go to a university site they have free videos, lectures and professional instruction from a modern psychological and scientific perspective. It's as simple as feeling your breath, breath by breath and coming back to it when we forget. It's not what we gain in a practice that counts the most, but what we lose, our baggage and in doing so you gain freedom from the burden of past hurts and slights.

It works like any other exercise, it takes a few weeks to get into shape and it's as hard to stick to as exercise too, that's how you know it's one.
Check it out, great for stress management and it cultivates peace, contentment and wisdom. Train your mind, it gives strength to the heart and soul (it's what yer really training) and builds out those parts of our brains that process emotion.. Beware of the many charlatans online, go to a university site they have free videos, lectures and professional instruction from a modern psychological and scientific perspective. It's as simple as feeling your breath, breath by breath and coming back to it when we forget. It's not what we gain in a practice that counts the most, but what we lose, our baggage and in doing so you gain freedom from the burden of past hurts and slights.

It works like any other exercise, it takes a few weeks to get into shape and it's as hard to stick to as exercise too, that's how you know it's one.
Jab jab left hook, body shot, uppercut, right cross combo
Jab jab left hook, body shot, uppercut, right cross combo
It's really all about getting in touch with your body and you can practice while doing regular exercise too, bodily awareness builds empathy and drives us into compassion mode (maximum social/cooperative mode). One of the reasons many teachers emphasize upright postures etc during formal practice is to bring awareness to the body, as well as, to the tactile sensations of the breath, it's the short route.

Any simple task that requires focus and that you can bring your mind back to when it wanders is helpful, from fly fishing to doing the dishes.
Hierarchical systems are more intuitive and natural. When the shit hits the fan and there's no time to debate, you want to know who's in charge now, who is coordinating and disciplining this band of humans as they battle adversity. Humans band together to face threats and accomplish goals, leadership and planing are necessities and these behaviors are evolved right into our genes.
There are also naturally forming cooperative behaviors such as
A lot of it is cultural on the mainland with an ancient tradition, Hong Kong proved that cultures can change.

Up until the industrial revolution in the west the two largest manufacturing countries in the world were China and what is now called India.

The Chinese want their rightful place in the sun and they figure it's at the top, so look out west. They work real hard and have a strong work ethic, education is valued as is ambition. They've taken to modern capitalism like a duck to water and love technology and science, they want the future and are willing to plan and work to attain it, this is what we are up against.

That won't change now with a change in the Chinese government either, more responsible government would only make things worse for us because it's more effective.
This myth about China is really pervasive but doesn't ring true. China is no older than any other major cradle of civilization. They may see themselves this way but even their nearest neighbors such as the descendants of the Cham in Vietnam and Cambodia have been ahead of them for most of the last couple of millennia. The Sino empires occupied and colonized them for a thousand years and nearly all of the trade secrets which the British stole were in turn stolen from the Khmer and Viet people. They have always been as they are now, copiers and usurpers of industry.

If they steal their way to the top, it will be short lived.