The tip of an iceberg?


Well-Known Member
I pulled this off of Yahoo this morning, and it made me smile. (Impeachment anyone?)

British and other European intelligence agencies provided “quite sensitive” reports about contacts between advisers to the then candidate Donald Trump and Russian agents starting in late 2015, James Clapper, former director of national intelligence testified today.

Clapper’s testimony before a Senate judiciary subcommittee represented the first public confirmation of such reports, providing important new context about ongoing investigations into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

But even bigger news may have come shortly later in the hearing when Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., questioned Clapper, who was sitting next to Yates, about a report in the Guardian newspaper about intelligence that the British and other foreign services had passed along to the U.S. government starting in late 2015 about “suspicious interactions” between advisers to then candidate Trump and Russian intelligence agents.

Clapper provided no details about the nature of these reports, what “interactions” were being alluded to or how reliable the U.S. government believed them to be. But he took note of FBI director James Comey’s testimony in March that the bureau began a counter-intelligence investigation into Russian operations, including possible links to the Trump campaign, in July of 2016.

He then added: “Clearly, going back to 2015, there was evidence of Soviet — Russian, excuse me, Freudian slip — Russian activity mainly in an information-gathering or in a reconnoitering mode, where they were investigating voter registration rolls and the like. That activity started early and so we were monitoring this as it picked up, [and] accelerates in the summer and fall of 2016.”

After the hearing, Trump returned to Twitter. “The Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax,” he wrote; “when will this taxpayer funded charade end?”

Know where this will end Donnie boy?

I bet you do, and you probably are waking up in the morning now, puking on yourself (good, you cocksucker), because the writing is on the wall, and you are going down, just like you will be on your cell mate in Federal prison for treason.

I pulled this off of Yahoo this morning, and it made me smile. (Impeachment anyone?)

British and other European intelligence agencies provided “quite sensitive” reports about contacts between advisers to the then candidate Donald Trump and Russian agents starting in late 2015, James Clapper, former director of national intelligence testified today.

Clapper’s testimony before a Senate judiciary subcommittee represented the first public confirmation of such reports, providing important new context about ongoing investigations into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

But even bigger news may have come shortly later in the hearing when Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., questioned Clapper, who was sitting next to Yates, about a report in the Guardian newspaper about intelligence that the British and other foreign services had passed along to the U.S. government starting in late 2015 about “suspicious interactions” between advisers to then candidate Trump and Russian intelligence agents.

Clapper provided no details about the nature of these reports, what “interactions” were being alluded to or how reliable the U.S. government believed them to be. But he took note of FBI director James Comey’s testimony in March that the bureau began a counter-intelligence investigation into Russian operations, including possible links to the Trump campaign, in July of 2016.

He then added: “Clearly, going back to 2015, there was evidence of Soviet — Russian, excuse me, Freudian slip — Russian activity mainly in an information-gathering or in a reconnoitering mode, where they were investigating voter registration rolls and the like. That activity started early and so we were monitoring this as it picked up, [and] accelerates in the summer and fall of 2016.”

After the hearing, Trump returned to Twitter. “The Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax,” he wrote; “when will this taxpayer funded charade end?”

Know where this will end Donnie boy?

I bet you do, and you probably are waking up in the morning now, puking on yourself (good, you cocksucker), because the writing is on the wall, and you are going down, just like you will be on your cell mate in Federal prison for treason.


The party is just beginning, man. The (brief) Putin/Drumpf regime is running scared on borrowed time. Very interesting/amusing days and weeks to come! :bigjoint:
(((((((TWO grand juries/Virginia/RICO & FARA/multiple warrants)))))))

images (58).jpeg
It's hilarious.

Unprecedented since the Watergate tapes. Same damned scenario, as well, lol:

Kid: "Dad!! I was peeping through the keyhole, and I just saw you MURDER MOM!! What the HELL?!"
Dad: "W...b....uh...Nevermind THAT, the REAL issue here is WHY were you peeping through the keyhole?? So, you ADMIT to being a keyhole peeper??"

Activate republican't Deflecto-Ray -- PIZZA!! HILLAAARRRYYYY!! SNOWWWFLLLAAAKESSSS!!!

Sad old Caucasoid ghouls, will they never learn? Tsk tsk tsk....

Probably why James comet was meeting with a grand jury in Virginia, while Sally Yates tested on Capitol hill, dderrp. You probably thought you'd never get busted either, double derps.

Every day I woke up I knew I was at risk of being busted.

You keep counting those eggs though. I understand how much y'all need this.
Just another witch hunt that in the end will amount to nothing.
No, Benghazi was a bitch hunt, that after years of bullshit and ten's of millions of dollars wasted found nothing wrong was done by Clinton. This investigation of collusion between Trump and Russia, like him saying "Go ahead Russia, do me a favour and find the missing emails", to paraphrase his comment, (Dumb fuck shouldn't have opened his little puckered mouth) is going to lead to a indictment of Trumps aides, at the very least. Trump is a walking dead man.
Wanna bet?
Every day I woke up I knew I was at risk of being busted.

Well then, you know how Trump feels.

Except he has suppression power to hide evidence for months/years and a bunch of republicans to holler, 'the leaks, the leaks, THE LEAKS!'

Just think if you would have had all that, with a pardon agreement in your back pocket.

Makes getting pinched soooo much easier.

He's 1,000,000 X dirtier than you, but he'll walk.

Nice, huh?
Well then, you know how Trump feels.

Except he has suppression power to hide evidence for months/years and a bunch of republicans to holler, 'the leaks, the leaks, THE LEAKS!'

Just think if you would have had all that, with a pardon agreement in your back pocket.

Makes getting pinched soooo much easier.

He's 1,000,000 X dirtier than you, but he'll walk.

Nice, huh?

I have no idea how Trump feels.
You want Trump impeached? This goes back to Obama being impeached.. You think the next two up are going to be that much better?

This last election was a lose lose scenario. You get another Clinton or you get Trump. It just depends on your opinion on who was the lesser of two evils. Going on like babies because the other got elected does nothing to improve anything.

There's 4 years left, if you hate republicans so much, find a better Democrat, or a real independent candidate. Until then, all your doing is whining.

I voted for Trump, but I hated Clinton, so I feel we are better off with what we have, as opposed to what we almost got.