The tip of an iceberg?

If checking a box on a piece of paper racist in your eyes, so be it. But like i said, its all based on an opinion.

Your wannabe nazi daddy is about to be the FIRST 'president' (LOL) to be impeached before his first 150 days are up! Pretty historical times we are living in, eh?

PS: Tell daveysnitch, your owner/operator, to put out that (bummed) generic cig and get BACK to the fry station! His manager, a 20-something named Terry, isn't going to be too happy with his constant slacking off!
Well then, suppose I'm a racist.
Your wannabe nazi daddy is about to be the FIRST 'president' (LOL) to be impeached before his first 150 days are up! Pretty historical times we are living in, eh?

PS: Tell daveysnitch, your owner/operator, to put out that (bummed) generic cig and get BACK to the fry station! His manager, a 20-something named Terry, isn't going to be too happy with his constant slacking off!

You guys are cute. You gang everyone who has opposing views? Suppose being new here, you gotta learn things the hard way. Oh well.

But I'll be sure to forward your message.
Your wannabe nazi daddy is about to be the FIRST 'president' (LOL) to be impeached before his first 150 days are up! Pretty historical times we are living in, eh?

PS: Tell daveysnitch, your owner/operator, to put out that (bummed) generic cig and get BACK to the fry station! His manager, a 20-something named Terry, isn't going to be too happy with his constant slacking off!

Cheesy eggs in a Jiffy-Pop tin.
y iz there still rasists on the board? y can't we just have another election wher the rural americas cant vote? maybe we have cinco de may extend all week just to get our point accross am I rite or am I wrong? They never let me know only bane me but I cant let em change me becuz thats caled selingout! I feel sad wen big lou posts without a meem. Sad day for all sad day for wordzy boi must not be sad nomo must be ray of sunshine or I get hit with hammer and I can't tolerate that nomo. But I have read everyone of bucks posts and now I am tolerant to everyone single minority no longer am nazi no longer think white mans is the best mans only think that they are baddz? 4/10
y iz there still rasists on the board? y can't we just have another election wher the rural americas cant vote? maybe we have cinco de may extend all week just to get our point accross am I rite or am I wrong? They never let me know only bane me but I cant let em change me becuz thats caled selingout! I feel sad wen big lou posts without a meem. Sad day for all sad day for wordzy boi must not be sad nomo must be ray of sunshine or I get hit with hammer and I can't tolerate that nomo. But I have read everyone of bucks posts and now I am tolerant to everyone single minority no longer am nazi no longer think white mans is the best mans only think that they are baddz?

Damn, shedavey has gone from desperate to batshit nutty....yikes....
Damn, shedavey has gone from desperate to batshit nutty....yikes....
Biglou back wen u posted 20 pepe's per hour did it make you irate that pepe became a symbol of the alt- right or wuz u really a alt right from the beggininng becuz you found there sense of humer to b the funny stuff on the internet and at what point did you deside that posting 20 pepe's a day may have influenced me to vote for trump and his satanic presidency wuz majorly contributed by your support of that racist frog? 5/10
Biglou back wen u posted 20 pepe's per hour did it make you irate that pepe became a symbol of the alt- right or wuz u really a alt right from the beggininng becuz you found there sense of humer to b the funny stuff on the internet and at what point did you deside that posting 20 pepe's a day may have influenced me to vote for trump and his satanic presidency wuz majorly contributed by your support of that racist frog? 5/10

Didn't read/nobody cares.

This poor red stater took a deeeeeeep cut.
You want Trump impeached? This goes back to Obama being impeached.. You think the next two up are going to be that much better?

This last election was a lose lose scenario. You get another Clinton or you get Trump. It just depends on your opinion on who was the lesser of two evils. Going on like babies because the other got elected does nothing to improve anything.

There's 4 years left, if you hate republicans so much, find a better Democrat, or a real independent candidate. Until then, all your doing is whining.

I voted for Trump, but I hated Clinton, so I feel we are better off with what we have, as opposed to what we almost got.
What was wrong with Bill? He took a fucked up economy in a deficit (Thank Poppa Bush), turned it around to leave a surplus, and then another Bush put that surplus into the ground, and left us the most massive debt in history, until Obama had to bail out all those failed businesses led by Republican assholes. What, you begrudge him a blow job?
Hillary was a great Senator from NY, my home state, and did a fine job as Secretary of State, no matter what the Republican mudslingers tried to call her out on. Fuck Benghazi or her email server, they meant shit in comparison to what this country has to deal with now with Trump. You wanna see fuckups, well you voted for one of the biggest in the history of this nation. No, not one of the biggest, THE FUCKING BIGGEST, and he has just begun.
You, my friend, are a fool.
What was wrong with Bill? He took a fucked up economy in a deficit (Thank Poppa Bush), turned it around to leave a surplus, and then another Bush put that surplus into the ground, and left us the most massive debt in history, until Obama had to bail out all those failed businesses led by Republican assholes. What, you begrudge him a blow job?
Hillary was a great Senator from NY, my home state, and did a fine job as Secretary of State, no matter what the Republican mudslingers tried to call her out on. Fuck Benghazi or her email server, they meant shit in comparison to what this country has to deal with now with Trump. You wanna see fuckups, well you voted for one of the biggest in the history of this nation. No, not one of the biggest, THE FUCKING BIGGEST, and he has just begun.
You, my friend, are a fool.

No need to type out a thorough reply, it's just a random trash sock.
y iz there still rasists on the board? y can't we just have another election wher the rural americas cant vote? maybe we have cinco de may extend all week just to get our point accross am I rite or am I wrong? They never let me know only bane me but I cant let em change me becuz thats caled selingout! I feel sad wen big lou posts without a meem. Sad day for all sad day for wordzy boi must not be sad nomo must be ray of sunshine or I get hit with hammer and I can't tolerate that nomo. But I have read everyone of bucks posts and now I am tolerant to everyone single minority no longer am nazi no longer think white mans is the best mans only think that they are baddz? 4/10

"User's profile not available."

Well then, suppose I'm a racist.

You guys are cute. You gang everyone who has opposing views? Suppose being new here, you gotta learn things the hard way. Oh well.

But I'll be sure to forward your message.
I'm not cute, I'm fucking the ugliest motherfucker you would ever see (except for UB probably), and yea, most of the sane people on this forum live for the opportunity to fuck with idiot Trump supporters, like you.
If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the fucking kitchen, and go to the Newbie forum, you will be happier.
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What was wrong with Bill? He took a fucked up economy in a deficit (Thank Poppa Bush), turned it around to leave a surplus, and then another Bush put that surplus into the ground, and left us the most massive debt in history, until Obama had to bail out all those failed businesses led by Republican assholes. What, you begrudge him a blow job?
Hillary was a great Senator from NY, my home state, and did a fine job as Secretary of State, no matter what the Republican mudslingers tried to call her out on. Fuck Benghazi or her email server, they meant shit in comparison to what this country has to deal with now with Trump. You wanna see fuckups, well you voted for one of the biggest in the history of this nation. No, not one of the biggest, THE FUCKING BIGGEST, and he has just begun.
You, my friend, are a fool.

No, Bill was a good pres. Nothing against him or his high profile blow job.

The Bushes blew an even high profile. So my bad on the "another Clinton" comment. Maybe this Clinton. Would've been better.

Obama did some good things, no lie. But finances wasn't it. Foreign affairs either.

I'm just a "random trash sock?" :) i beleive in bombs and genocide. Hate against the LGBT, Islam, Blacks, Mexicans (though I suppose it should be Latin Americans), go White people kkk, ect, ect, ect. You know the drill.

On a real note. I wad extremely hesitant voting for who I voted for. And on an even realer.... Lol realer... no one really cares about trying to discuss. There's just "trash socks"(whatever the hell that is, and everyone else; who hates anyone who voted trump)

It's cool though. I'll just keep getting blazed and watch the world crumble. Cause that's what I voted for!
I'm not cute, I'm fucking the ugliest motherfucker you would ever see (except for UB probably), and yea, most of the sane people on this forum live for the opportunity to fuck with idiot Trump supporters, like you.
If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the fucking water, and go to the Newbie forum, you will be happier.

But then I can't sit back watch this, atleast here I can learn about socks and how we are going to watch the world burn.
Obama did some good things, no lie. But finances wasn't it. Foreign affairs either.

as long as you ignore the saving us from a global recession, creating 15 million new jobs, bringing gas back to $2, a record high stock market, taking a trillion dollars out of the deficit, getting us out of 2 pointless wars, killing bin laden, and putting ISIS on the ropes, then sure.

dumb racist.