The tip of an iceberg?

Salisbury steak. Tasted bad, but filled the stomach


You know what they make those things out of, Chet?
Instead of putting gate on every scandal how about calling them boners? As in The Comey Boner

A bit of Wikipedia trivia:
"Saturday Night Massacre"[edit]
Main article: Saturday Night Massacre
On October 20, 1973, after Cox refused to drop the subpoena, Nixon commanded Attorney General Elliot Richardson, and then Richardson's deputy, William Ruckelshaus, to fire the special prosecutor. Richardson and Ruckelshaus both refused to fire Cox and resigned in protest. Nixon's search for someone in the Justice Department willing to fire Cox ended with the Solicitor General Robert Bork. Though Bork claims to believe Nixon's order was valid and appropriate, he considered resigning to avoid being "perceived as a man who did the President's bidding to save my job".[43] Bork carried out the presidential order and dismissed the special prosecutor.

These actions met considerable public criticism. Responding to the allegations of possible wrongdoing, in front of 400 Associated Press managing editors at Disney's Contemporary Resort[44][45] on November 17, 1973, Nixon stated emphatically, "I'm not a crook."[46][47] He needed to allow Bork to appoint a new special prosecutor; Bork chose Leon Jaworski to continue the investigation.

Bork was almost rewarded for acting like Wrenfield and doing Dracula's bidding regardless of the task.

Trump's officials haven't the class of their predecessors. Not a peep of outrage at the high levels in Trump's cabinet. Scumbags all.