The Sause Factory...Setting Shit On Fiyah


Well-Known Member
nice job on the tga score, did you not get any oft the ss too?.

i've seen many a dank grow with that stuff, everything still green with you?


Well-Known Member
Ghb no i didnt pick up any SS. I still have a whole trash can full from making my last batch. When i run out i may pick some up or go with the charge pack. Ether way i wanted to switch from Roots i get ok results but i honestly do not like their soil mix and since i cant find Bio Bizz Lite anymore roots was all ive had. Now that is not a problem :D. Thanks VTM I am glad to be back


Well-Known Member
Here is some shots from today Day 25 (Finally Got My Herb IQ working)
First is Korean Stick Bud and the rest should be labeled. I am very excited with the way My crosses are coming out.
SQ x TW 1 and 2 are both doing amazing. One smells like Cherries the other Strawberries. Ive had the wife and a friend conferm the smell(and my wife never agrees on what i think certain weeds smell like) Anyway here they areDSCN5333.jpgDSCN5334.jpgView attachment 2859680View attachment 2859681View attachment 2859682View attachment 2859683View attachment 2859684View attachment 2859685View attachment 2859686View attachment 2859687View attachment 2859688View attachment 2859689View attachment 2859690View attachment 2859691


Well-Known Member
looking amazing man, they all seem to have a high flower to leaf ratio too which is always a bonus.

i don't see any sign of pest damage either, fingers crossed things keep going the way they have been for you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the positive vibes GHB. Mites did show there ugly faces in the Veg room but I easily took them out with the Habenaro spray and a few days of steady cleaning.


Active Member
What up Hotsause. hey bro I was just curious if you happen to know the cause or perhaps even the name of the affliction that's affecting some of your beauties, that yellow and brown, shriveling and dying leaf thing. I had that exact same thing happen a few months ago and it ended up taking out my whole first grow. It started just like that on the lower leafs, slowly working its way up. I think it might be some type of fungal issue happening inside the medium or possibly some type plant disease because it was completely resistant to everything I threw at it. Eventually the rust colored patches had worked their way up to the tops of the plants laying claim one by one to all the new growth shoots, and sure enough, as soon as those hairy little buds started to sprout, they were quickly over run, turning yellow and orange and shriveling up. Have you ever encountered this issue before? I'd really love to know what it is and how to treat it, if it should it happen again.


Well-Known Member
The yellowing on my lower leaves is due to no light penetration and naturally dying off. Everything looks healthy I see what looks like minor Nitrogen Def on a few ladies but they received cal mag a few days ago so they should be fine. I should probably take a closer look just to make sure. Maybe you had Root aphids?


Active Member
My bad bro. When I was having the issues, I was looking all over the web to try and find pictures of plants with the same problems i was having and really didn't find any, but when I saw a few of your pics I was like, holy shit that looks exactly like what my plants had. I'm sure your right, your plants look amazing other than that. Just be careful, if you start to see orange/rust colored spots that spread from leaf to leaf, act quick!


Well-Known Member
No problem bro I will for sure keep an eye out for that. I have never seen what you described and I am hoping i dont :D Thanks for the heads up.

*Also Forgot to mention I added another 600w to my flowering room and replaced the 400w. Without that open 400w my temps are sitting at 79 usually (70 Today since it snowed and is cold) and 82 is the hottest ive seen so far. I was pushing 84-86 with the 6 and 4. IM LOVING IT:D*


Well-Known Member
Space Fruit Finished and curing as we speak I only took her about 50 days she could have gone till 60 and she would have densed up but still impressed with my results


Well-Known Member
lovely looking frost on that lady hs, smoke report in due time please? is she at all fruity?


Well-Known Member
Thanks GHB. I will have one for sure coming soon. She is curing up and smells so good. I am changing the name yet again to Space Cream. Both phenos has a creamy smell to them almost like strawberrys and cream.
The Name Space Cream is OFFICIAL :D Anyway I get Strawberry, Creamy flavor, and a tiny bit of kush off her thus far but thats no days curing so we will see


Well-Known Member
Holy shit i love all the Bud pron :D Its been crazy busy in my garden. I just chopped Korean Stick Bud in a 10 Gallon along with a Caramel Candy Kush from Sannies which has impressed me. She was given little to no attention and thrown in a 3 gallons on day 2 of flowering but still came out colorful and dense. She has purple hues all over here and smells like Generic berry candy with a light caramel scent. Then today I chopped my 2 heavy yielders Kshdoctor and Space Cream (strawberry pheno) on Day 65
And now for my pics
KshDoctorView attachment 2907199View attachment 2907200View attachment 2907201
Space Cream Heavy Yielding Strawberry PhenoView attachment 2907203View attachment 2907204View attachment 2907205View attachment 2907206View attachment 2907207
Caramel Candy KushView attachment 2907208View attachment 2907209View attachment 2907210