lol i tend to stay away from people that slur and have really little biology backgrounds

here is a question for him first year biology question
Question 1 (28 Points). Your lab is studying a novel thermophilic eukaryote called S. mokin that has an optimum growth temperature of 75°C. Surprisingly, it has a circular genome and your student has decided to identify its origin(s) of replication. Another student has found that some S. mokin cells contain a 4 kb plasmid that confers resistance to Chromium. Based on this finding, your student wants to use a plasmid rescue assay to identify the genomic origin in S. mokin. As a first step, they use 2D gel analysis to locate the origin of replication in the plasmid and obtain the following results. Bam HI Probe 1 Probe 2 4000/0 1000 2000 3000 Sal I Probe 3 Sma I Xho I Eco R1 Hind III Eco RI and Sma I/Probe 1 Bam HI and Sma I/Probe 2 Increasing Shape Increasing Size Increasing Size Increasing Shape Increasing Size Increasing Shape Increasing Size Increasing Shape Hind III and Sal I/Probe 3 Eco RI and Bam HI /Probe 3 1A (6 Points). Based on their data, what two enzymes do you suggest that your student use to cut the plasmid and genomic DNA for the plasmid rescue assay? Explain your reasoning.
I don't mind considering growing advice from a person that has zero academic burden. When we see problems like this come up in agriculture, it might be a clue that we are barking up the wrong tree. In other words, practical experience and ability to reason is much more valuable than hyper specific knowledge. Some of the best ways to grow cannabis:
-throw a piece of meat in a maggoty bin for 6 months
-bubble some shit/rotten fish tea
-dig muck and rotted leaves from the forest floor
These crude methods will put trillions of microbes to work and grow mind blowing cannabis, regardless of whether you know their names. In many cases
academia can actually get in the way of progress, prosperity and health. Consider the state of finance, economics and health. Ben Bernanke had a 1590 SAT score and works in the interest of the banksters. The CDC recommends
69 doses of vaccine injected into children by the age of 18. The deadly food pyramid we were all get the idea.
I can only imagine what the world would be like if we had our best minds learning from people like this, rather than learning pharmacology, symptom based medical treatment, tax law and fraudulent accounting tricks for Enron/Goldman etc .
Wow, major tangent I guess you hit a sore spot
@2ANONYMOUS , I like to encourage people not to get hung up on minutia, unless it truly empowers them or they are called to specialize. But every person I have ever met is smart enough to understand the really important concepts in life, which tend to be very simple when they are explained by someone who truly understands it.