The Path Of Love

There are two basic motivations: fear and love. When you act out of fear you have instincts like fight or flight. When you act out of love which a a higher vibrational frequency there is a feeling of brotherhood. Our consciousness has evolved to see the human race as more and more of a pack. We first had family, then we have tribes, then we have states, and now we have nations. The new world order is the next step although most people fear it. Eventually humans will stop thinking about "I" and see that we are just another vital and intrinsic aspect of life on earth. We are all Earthlings here.
I see what you're saying.But the realist in me knows you cannot fully escape from the body until death.Then the body returns to the earth,and the spirit is no longer shackled.You can through medititation, suspend some of the urges of the body, but not indefinitely.
I disagree. There are many paths. There are spiritual practices that refer to dieing before you die. It means that your egoic perspective dies before your physical body dies. Your awareness or consciousness is completely identified with the material world. Egoic perception is ultimately delusion as is the physical body. All matter is ultimately just empty space and all perceptions take place within your consciousness. The outside world truly does not exist it is just an illusion. So when you say "the only way to totally give up the body is to die." You are wrong. That is the entire point of most spiritual practices especially yoga. It is to expand your consciousness from the limited aspect of "I" or "me" to the entirety of existence. Also the fight or flight INSTINCT is not necessary for man. That is an animal instinct. Not everyone is self-limiting. When your consciousness is all ego then there is the him or me mentality. When your seeing things from a higher perspective you will see that it is all one thing.
I see what you're saying.But the realist in me knows you cannot fully escape from the body until death.Then the body returns to the earth,and the spirit is no longer shackled.You can through medititation, suspend some of the urges of the body, but not indefinitely.

I suppose you do not believe there have been any cases of ascension without death?

We need to remember that everything we think we see is only our brains interpretations of photons- nothing but particles of light.. everything is made of up photons- empty space.. it is our perception and our programming that leads us to think everything is solid and follows rules.. we live in a box we have created.

The 'spirit' is never shackled anywhere.. we are never bound to anything, we are all one field of energy-death itself is a concept. That fact that you consider yourself separate from your 'spirit' is also an illusion.

I'm lovin' what you're trying to convey Bobharvey.. and I agree 100% with everything you are saying.. +rep..
I disagree. There are many paths. There are spiritual practices that refer to dieing before you die. It means that your egoic perspective dies before your physical body dies. Your awareness or consciousness is completely identified with the material world. Egoic perception is ultimately delusion as is the physical body. All matter is ultimately just empty space and all perceptions take place within your consciousness. The outside world truly does not exist it is just an illusion. So when you say "the only way to totally give up the body is to die." You are wrong. That is the entire point of most spiritual practices especially yoga. It is to expand your consciousness from the limited aspect of "I" or "me" to the entirety of existence. Also the fight or flight INSTINCT is not necessary for man. That is an animal instinct. Not everyone is self-limiting. When your consciousness is all ego then there is the him or me mentality. When your seeing things from a higher perspective you will see that it is all one thing.

R U GK? Why are so many people changing there names?:confused:
Not that I've seen, no.You still come back to the body, unless you're counting a coma.A fatal flaw is to place yourself above other creatures of the earth.Go tell a lion that you have dominion over him, and see how well he listens, lol...No, I don't believe you can exist indefinitely in your body without food or water,no matter how much you meditate.I'd love to believe that this is all perception...but if that's the case,why don't we just stop perceiving and see everything for what it is?Because we are in the body to learn of limits.We're human because that is what we must be until we are something else.When we are rid of the body and its urges and instincts, then we move along to something else.At least thats what i believe.You may believe differently, and thats great.Its nice to be able to believe what works for you, and to discuss it with others.Noone is wrong about it,we all just see it from different points of perspective.The photon itself is varied, and is so much more than just a light particle.It is pure energy.Almost like a conductor, carrying xray, gamma, visible light, uv.....and we can't see all of them with our human eyes, but they are there.While we exist in this form, we must try to embrace it, and learn from it(the body).We will transcend it soon enough.
I suppose you do not believe there have been any cases of ascension without death?

We need to remember that everything we think we see is only our brains interpretations of photons- nothing but particles of light.. everything is made of up photons- empty space.. it is our perception and our programming that leads us to think everything is solid and follows rules.. we live in a box we have created.

The 'spirit' is never shackled anywhere.. we are never bound to anything, we are all one field of energy-death itself is a concept. That fact that you consider yourself separate from your 'spirit' is also an illusion.

I'm lovin' what you're trying to convey Bobharvey.. and I agree 100% with everything you are saying.. +rep..
I see what you're saying.But the realist in me knows you cannot fully escape from the body until death.Then the body returns to the earth,and the spirit is no longer shackled.You can through medititation, suspend some of the urges of the body, but not indefinitely.

You can rid yourself of all urges...this is what monks and nuns have done in the name of Christianity for hundreds of years. You do it through will power.
I think they still have urges.These people oppress their urges so much,that should their will power fail, it usually is like a cork popping out of a bottle.The instinct is still there, just oppressed.
You can rid yourself of all urges...this is what monks and nuns have done in the name of Christianity for hundreds of years. You do it through will power.
Not that I've seen, no.You still come back to the body, unless you're counting a coma.A fatal flaw is to place yourself above other creatures of the earth.Go tell a lion that you have dominion over him, and see how well he listens, lol...No, I don't believe you can exist indefinitely in your body without food or water,no matter how much you meditate.I'd love to believe that this is all perception...but if that's the case,why don't we just stop perceiving and see everything for what it is?Because we are in the body to learn of limits.We're human because that is what we must be until we are something else.When we are rid of the body and its urges and instincts, then we move along to something else.At least thats what i believe.You may believe differently, and thats great.Its nice to be able to believe what works for you, and to discuss it with others.Noone is wrong about it,we all just see it from different points of perspective.The photon itself is varied, and is so much more than just a light particle.It is pure energy.Almost like a conductor, carrying xray, gamma, visible light, uv.....and we can't see all of them with our human eyes, but they are there.While we exist in this form, we must try to embrace it, and learn from it(the body).We will transcend it soon enough.

First of all a coma is unconsciousness and not ascension at all. And there are people that tell lions they have dominion over them, they are called lion tamers. Have you ever heard the saying that dogs can smell fear? Well all animals can perceive fear because all animals react out of fear as long as you the observer, observe out of fear. Do you know anything about quantum mechanics? If not you should check some of it out then you will understand my point here.

Anyways the body uses energy from food to continue to live. If you learn how to use absorb energy from the atmosphere then you don't need food period. There are no rules to this game of life only tendencies.

I am very confused as to what you view as the role of the body in life. At first you say we have to die then you say we need to learn to embrace it.
Have you ever fasted? After a certain point you can tell your stomach to shut up and it will listen. That is an example of will power. That is why man is so important. We are the only creation that can manifest desires of the heart into reality. It takes perserverance when you are consumed with the material world. However if you grow in will power then who says you can't manifest whatever you desire instantaneously. Who is to say you don't already? So let's say you have a shitty life. Maybe it's shitty because you are addicted to the feeling of having a shitty life!
R U GK? Why are so many people changing there names?:confused:
I just share a less limited view of existence with GK but we are not the same person. If you had a real opinion or view on any of these subjects I would like to know what you thought.
I think they still have urges.These people oppress their urges so much,that should their will power fail, it usually is like a cork popping out of a bottle.The instinct is still there, just oppressed.

I'm sorry but I don't think that after spending a lifetime cultivating will power that those "people" would revert back to "sinful" tendencies. I give them more respect for than that. The people that molest alter boys were only in it for the power anyways. I'm talking about the monks and nuns that dedicate their lives to strict moral/ethical standards. They are not your average Joe.
Lion tamers have no real control over the animal...if the animal decides to kill, it will.I thought I was clear in what role the body teaches us limits.It teaches us physical pain and pleasure, etc.We need to embrace it while we have it, it can teach us a lot.I'd be interested in seeing someone exist on energy they drew from the atmosphere without killing their body.I don't think its very probable.If you can manifest these things, then by all means, show me proof of this.Once, again, we are no better than the animals we co exist with,only different.To say we are seems to be an argument based on ego.As for quantum mechanics, I've read only a bit about it...I see what you're trying to say there,but I don't believe anyone has figured out how to absorb energy from the surrounding atmosphere yet.It's not impossible, but improbable.And there is no reason, being as we are all mammals, that another species could not achieve it as well.We humans really do place a lot of self worth on ourselves and our species....but in reality, all physical bodies are limiting.Once you are free of the body, whatever species you are, your energy continues on.When I say we must embrace the body, I mean we must embrace what it has to teach us, and gain that knowledge and use it for the next journey, whatever it may be.Each one of us must learn something unique to only us....sometimes, the quality of one's life, I.e"shitty"is a chance to learn as well.
First of all a coma is unconsciousness and not ascension at all. And there are people that tell lions they have dominion over them, they are called lion tamers. Have you ever heard the saying that dogs can smell fear? Well all animals can perceive fear because all animals react out of fear as long as you the observer, observe out of fear. Do you know anything about quantum mechanics? If not you should check some of it out then you will understand my point here.

Anyways the body uses energy from food to continue to live. If you learn how to use absorb energy from the atmosphere then you don't need food period. There are no rules to this game of life only tendencies.

I am very confused as to what you view as the role of the body in life. At first you say we have to die then you say we need to learn to embrace it.
Have you ever fasted? After a certain point you can tell your stomach to shut up and it will listen. That is an example of will power. That is why man is so important. We are the only creation that can manifest desires of the heart into reality. It takes perserverance when you are consumed with the material world. However if you grow in will power then who says you can't manifest whatever you desire instantaneously. Who is to say you don't already? So let's say you have a shitty life. Maybe it's shitty because you are addicted to the feeling of having a shitty life!
I just share a less limited view of existence with GK but we are not the same person. If you had a real opinion or view on any of these subjects I would like to know what you thought.

Sorry I cant help you people are way over my head on this one:peace:
They are still human, as long as they exist in their physical bodies.They cannot change that.I'm not referring necessarily to the weirdos that go for children.Just because the urge is buried, doesn't mean its not there.I don't They may have cultivated great will power, but this doesn't make them any less human than you or I.They are not infallible.
I'm sorry but I don't think that after spending a lifetime cultivating will power that those "people" would revert back to "sinful" tendencies. I give them more respect for than that. The people that molest alter boys were only in it for the power anyways. I'm talking about the monks and nuns that dedicate their lives to strict moral/ethical standards. They are not your average Joe.
I am, frankly, stunned by some of the behavior I've just so unfortunately run across in this thread.

Wouldn't that qualify as a personal attack made on someone, based essentially on nothing but a divergence of opinion? Wouldn't that qualify as a a "rule breaker" had it been done by any other member towards staff? What makes staff so different, so special, that they might be allowed to post in such a "friendly" manner? Even before our new shiny rules came into play... wow. At least have some creativity about it, then.

All because some people actually have the gall to admit they like meat. GK, you like to proselytize, a lot. And that's fine, many of the posts you like to put up have good messages. But, how about putting the behavior that better matches those words behind it? :? Honestly, was such a reaction really called for?

it was a metaphor... keep it in context and there is no personal attack...

or don't....

If I know GK like I think I do, he might have said that shit on purpose just to stir some shit........GK is all about nudity and freedom of speech......He by any means doesn't mean it:peace:

THEY ARE are taking it totally out of context .. their is no personal attack.. there is no ego..

IT is a simple metaphor or parrelism to understanding the previous posters logic...

When people can not understand the message or they refuse to come to terms with the message they attack the messenger.. this is CALLED ..

ego or feeling sorry for oneself, or taking things personally.. or being self important.... it is their prerogative.. my message is only a sign post pointing at the truth..when one points at the truth and some cannot see this truth, they attack... it is very normal and i take no offense.. iloveyou

and ZEKE, I have defended you freedom to say what you want in staff section.... you are an old timer that I have no problems with and you have consistency in your character...

I also am OK with how RIU wants to transform the boards... it is all a process.. an evolution...

Lion tamers have no real control over the animal...if the animal decides to kill, it will.I thought I was clear in what role the body teaches us limits.It teaches us physical pain and pleasure, etc.We need to embrace it while we have it, it can teach us a lot.I'd be interested in seeing someone exist on energy they drew from the atmosphere without killing their body.I don't think its very probable.If you can manifest these things, then by all means, show me proof of this.Once, again, we are no better than the animals we co exist with,only different.To say we are seems to be an argument based on ego.As for quantum mechanics, I've read only a bit about it...I see what you're trying to say there,but I don't believe anyone has figured out how to absorb energy from the surrounding atmosphere yet.It's not impossible, but improbable.And there is no reason, being as we are all mammals, that another species could not achieve it as well.We humans really do place a lot of self worth on ourselves and our species....but in reality, all physical bodies are limiting.Once you are free of the body, whatever species you are, your energy continues on.When I say we must embrace the body, I mean we must embrace what it has to teach us, and gain that knowledge and use it for the next journey, whatever it may be.Each one of us must learn something unique to only us....sometimes, the quality of one's life, I.e"shitty"is a chance to learn as well.

There is not threat because there is no fear. If I was scared of lions and ran across a group of lions they would react the way I expect them to act which would be in the context of fear. Again fear is the perspective that I would be observing my experience from. Fear is limited. If I view everything as one and I run into a group of lions I see beyond the form of a lion and see that they are a part of me.

I have read about people living off of light alone. However the person was a religious devotee from India and this was back in the early 1900's. You don't just learn how to do it. I probably takes hard work and dedication not just mere belief. Besides I can't prove a spiritual experience for you. It has to be experienced otherwise what is the point? The belief that these things are possible is the first and most important thing. Again this has to do with quantum mechanics and limiting your life experience to only a certain set of standards or tendencies.

If you believe everyone is out to get you then you will unconsciously manifest situations where you are victimized. If you don't limit yourself to any belief structures and open your mind to infinite possibilities then who knows what you can do.

God created man in his Image according to the Bible. The most import thing that God does is create. Man creates in God's image. Maybe one day you will truly understand what I mean by manifesting the reality that you desire. But until then all of what I say is just more noise.
I disagree. There are many paths. There are spiritual practices that refer to dieing before you die. It means that your egoic perspective dies before your physical body dies. Your awareness or consciousness is completely identified with the material world. Egoic perception is ultimately delusion as is the physical body. All matter is ultimately just empty space and all perceptions take place within your consciousness. The outside world truly does not exist it is just an illusion. So when you say "the only way to totally give up the body is to die." You are wrong. That is the entire point of most spiritual practices especially yoga. It is to expand your consciousness from the limited aspect of "I" or "me" to the entirety of existence. Also the fight or flight INSTINCT is not necessary for man. That is an animal instinct. Not everyone is self-limiting. When your consciousness is all ego then there is the him or me mentality. When your seeing things from a higher perspective you will see that it is all one thing.

dang!!!!!! iloveyou my goodness... pin the tail on the donkey BULLS EYE..!!!

great post...

one minor tweak.... the outside world is not an illusion...

but rather, ALL UNDERSTANDING of the outside world is an illusion...

The outside world is real.. but evil, good, bad, being offended, happy.. all that shit is an illusion... a self made illusion to prop up onself's false identity and self importance... that's why some of you "bitches" get offended... cause you believe in your self made illusion.. and it scares you to give it up... so instead of giving up your false identity, you CHOOSE to get offended (or report me to rollitup)... very normal...

ONLY delusion and illusion can get offended.. nothing real can get offended.. cause the CONCEPT of "being offended" is an illusion... get it?

"you" fuck stick

IF you are arguing your limitations, they will be YOURS...

It really bugs me when folks say I don't understand when I do.I understand.I just disagree.And I don't believe in the bible, so yeah, coming at me from that angle usually just rolls right off.I just like a little proof with my pudding.I think its great that we can both enjoy our different view.Doesn't necessarily make either set of beliefs wrong.Doesn't make either one of us obtuse for not agreeing with the other's views.:peace:
There is not threat because there is no fear. If I was scared of lions and ran across a group of lions they would react the way I expect them to act which would be in the context of fear. Again fear is the perspective that I would be observing my experience from. Fear is limited. If I view everything as one and I run into a group of lions I see beyond the form of a lion and see that they are a part of me.

I have read about people living off of light alone. However the person was a religious devotee from India and this was back in the early 1900's. You don't just learn how to do it. I probably takes hard work and dedication not just mere belief. Besides I can't prove a spiritual experience for you. It has to be experienced otherwise what is the point? The belief that these things are possible is the first and most important thing. Again this has to do with quantum mechanics and limiting your life experience to only a certain set of standards or tendencies.

If you believe everyone is out to get you then you will unconsciously manifest situations where you are victimized. If you don't limit yourself to any belief structures and open your mind to infinite possibilities then who knows what you can do.

God created man in his Image according to the Bible. The most import thing that God does is create. Man creates in God's image. Maybe one day you will truly understand what I mean by manifesting the reality that you desire. But until then all of what I say is just more noise.