The Party Of The Stupid

Buck, why do you immortalize illegal immigrants?
What if one took your wife's job?
Then we would have two unemployed people sitting on the porch all day watching traffic go by.

an illegal immigrant would have to go through 8-10 years of college + another year or two of internship and post-doc.

and myself, i take money right out of the hands of illegals with what i do.

spring is here, i'm out in the backyard again now, not the front porch. unless it's raining.
Completely pathetic Bucky... Mexicans make up the majority of the illegals but to mention Mexican illegals
causes a week and inept mind like yours to spout yet another pathetic and tired racism rant.
an illegal immigrant would have to go through 8-10 years of college + another year or two of internship and post-doc.

and myself, i take money right out of the hands of illegals with what i do.

spring is here, i'm out in the backyard again now, not the front porch. unless it's raining.

All that to qualify as a testicle drainage technician? So your wife is well over 35 yeah?
an illegal immigrant would have to go through 8-10 years of college + another year or two of internship and post-doc.

and myself, i take money right out of the hands of illegals with what i do.

spring is here, i'm out in the backyard again now, not the front porch. unless it's raining.

and who pays for all this education and why should we be paying anything for illegals?
If the blacks down south weren't so lazy there would be no illegals and everyone would have a job.

Obama keeps handing money away, soon there wont be enough tax payers left.
an illegal immigrant would have to go through 8-10 years of college + another year or two of internship and post-doc.

and myself, i take money right out of the hands of illegals with what i do.

spring is here, i'm out in the backyard again now, not the front porch. unless it's raining.

yeah l see your point that shit would never happen.

Now 24, Sanchez graduated last week from California State University, Fresno with a master's degree in International Relations, a full-time job and no loans to repay. Using a gray area in federal law, she works as an independent contractor.
"For most undocumented students, you have to put yourself out there. You volunteer, you go beyond what regular students do," Sanchez said. "That's what connects us to opportunities. Now employers call me."
With thousands of young adults who were brought to theU.S. illegally as children now holding college degrees, Sanchez and others are finding creative ways to get around the legal roadblocks and find a career. They are getting work experience, opening businesses and seeking professional licenses in their fields.
I will not retract....When asked if wetback is offensive to a Mexican...the response I get is " its like someone calling you the n word". If that's the response I get...then I must take that being it is very offense. How about you asking some Mexicans how they feel about the word wetback. Let me know how it goes. I would suggest that you stop trying to soften the blow of the word. It might make others think its ok to use.

and to the statement in bold. If the term wetback is use to describe an action; that would mean that you would have to know that person crossed over at the Rio Grande. Are you saying people only use that word to describe a person who crossed that way. BULLSHIT !!!!!! Excuses like that keeps racism alive and well. ( not saying that you are a racist, but you sure are giving them excuses ) The word has NO BUSINESS in our language unless you are trying be insulting.

To the the part I bolded: what??? If you read my posts, I called both terms unacceptable. Why am I being subject to this sort of insinuation? It reminds me uneasily of the HUAC hearings of 60 years ago.

As to your bolded: No; I am not saying that. However the universalization of "wetback" as a term for Mexican (any Mexican) is something I don't think is etymologically sensitive.
Please note that I am not trying to rehabilitate "wetback" or circumscribe its unacceptability. My reaction was visceral. The N-word has the snap of a whip against someone's back (color notwithstanding) to me. The reason has to do with the word's history in our country and any that participated in the slave trade. A more "ordinary" ethnic slur (wetback, wop etc.) doesn't have that same bite in my estimation. That cannot be turned (by anyone remotely reasonable) into a self-indictment of racism. Nonetheless this is RIU and Politics, and it could easily happen that way.

I agree that the word is insulting. But imo words associated with recent large-scale inhumanity (the N-word and slurs upon Jews jump to mind) are in a whole 'nother category. My emphasis is on the opposite of trying to make one term milder than another. The milder term is unconditionally bad already. I lay a charge at the feet of the folks who think calling someone "nigga" to be okay ... to be doing an injustice to both the history of the word and the people who have suffered under it. Arguing that the two terms are equal in their offensiveness is politically correct foolishness ... in the strong sense of that word: it is malicious. My opinion. cn

ceterum censeo I never said wetback describes an action. That is a twisting of what I said ad absurdum. Please restrict yourself to a critique of what I actually wrote, and not an inaccurate paraphrase. HUAC, after all.
To the the part I bolded: what??? If you read my posts, I called both terms unacceptable. Why am I being subject to this sort of insinuation? It reminds me uneasily of the HUAC hearings of 60 years ago.

As to your bolded: No; I am not saying that. However the universalization of "wetback" as a term for Mexican (any Mexican) is something I don't think is etymologically sensitive.
Please note that I am not trying to rehabilitate "wetback" or circumscribe its unacceptability. My reaction was visceral. The N-word has the snap of a whip against someone's back (color notwithstanding) to me. The reason has to do with the word's history in our country and any that participated in the slave trade. A more "ordinary" ethnic slur (wetback, wop etc.) doesn't have that same bite in my estimation. That cannot be turned (by anyone remotely reasonable) into a self-indictment of racism. Nonetheless this is RIU and Politics, and it could easily happen that way.

I agree that the word is insulting. But imo words associated with recent large-scale inhumanity (the N-word and slurs upon Jews jump to mind) are in a whole 'nother category. My emphasis is on the opposite of trying to make one term milder than another. The milder term is unconditionally bad already. I lay a charge at the feet of the folks who think calling someone "nigga" to be okay ... to be doing an injustice to both the history of the word and the people who have suffered under it. Arguing that the two terms are equal in their offensiveness is politically correct foolishness ... in the strong sense of that word: it is malicious. My opinion. cn

ceterum censeo I never said wetback describes an action. That is a twisting of what I said ad absurdum. Please restrict yourself to a critique of what I actually wrote, and not an inaccurate paraphrase. HUAC, after all.

How true CN.
Just like the terrible word Nigger has been chopped and formed over the years.

By the late 1960s, the social progress achieved by groups in the United States such as the Black Civil Rights Movement (1955–68), had legitimized the racial identity word blackas mainstream American English usage to denote black-skinned Americans of African ancestry. In the 90's, "Black" was later displaced in favor of the compound blanket termAfrican American. Moreover, as a compound word, African American resembles the vogue word Afro-American, an early-1970s popular usage. Currently, some black Americans continue to use the word nigger, often spelled as nigga and niggah, without irony, to either neutralize the word's impact or as a sign of solidarity.
If the blacks down south weren't so lazy there would be no illegals and everyone would have a job.


i'm pretty sure they shipped in people of all races who refused to do the job.

i must have really riled some panties today. the racists are going crazy tonight.
I have seen enough of your psychotic rants to realize your head is stuck way to far up your liberal ass for anybody to take you seriously. You are truly pathetic and just about as bright as a 3 watt bulb.

Don't worry, I know what it's like. It may be hard to believe but at one point in my life I was a conservative retard just like yourself, who thought liberals were communists and all that other bullshit your head seems to be filled with.

"To succeed in life you need two things, ignorance and confidence" -Mark Twain

I'd say you're right on track.
ceterum censeo I never said wetback describes an action. That is a twisting of what I said ad absurdum. Please restrict yourself to a critique of what I actually wrote, and not an inaccurate paraphrase. HUAC, after all.

I agree that both are derogatory terms. However one is unconditionally racial, and the other is defined by an act: crossing a specified border in a specified direction without documentation. It is my opinion that the N-word is far worse, a more comprehensive judgment, and that its invocation is an escalation beyond proportion. The words have very different histories and "flavors" for lack of a better term.
My gripe is "terminological inflation", comparable to folks using the "slavery" tag for a dead-end job. It does no good and only does harm imo ... by removing the gradations between moral extremes. Jmo. cn
what act is being defined when you call someone a wetback ??? the act of crossing the border via water....which my friend is an action. Keep it real
what act is being defined when you call someone a wetback ??? the act of crossing the border via water....which my friend is an action. Keep it real

I expressed that badly. "Defined by the act" can indeed read the way you wrote that. My mistake.
I recognize that, as a slur, it refers to the act but isn't limited to those who crossed the river illegally.

I don't think that that admission/correction harms my main point though, that "wetback" and the N-word are on different planes of bad. cn
I expressed that badly. "Defined by the act" can indeed read the way you wrote that. My mistake.
I recognize that, as a slur, it refers to the act but isn't limited to those who crossed the river illegally.

I don't think that that admission/correction harms my main point though, that "wetback" and the N-word are on different planes of bad. cn
but how would you know ??? unless you are being refered to such how could you possibly understand how that word feels. I myself asked people who are called that...its always the same answer " its like someone calling you a nigger". I remember how it used to feel until I realized the source from which it came. So I ask you how do you know. Have you asked anyone yet ??? What do you have to base your info on besides your opinion ?
but how would you know ??? unless you are being refered to such how could you possibly understand how that word feels. I myself asked people who are called that...its always the same answer " its like someone calling you a nigger". I remember how it used to feel until I realized the source from which it came. So I ask you how do you know. Have you asked anyone yet ??? What do you have to base your info on besides your opinion ?

I think the bolded is what I do not accept. Humans (the decent ones anyway) are capable of compassion. I have been on the receiving end of ethnic slurs (sometimes with comical inaccuracy; sometimes with very uncomical applicability), and I know it feels bad. I can extend my experience to other humans. I can empathize with someone who has been hit with the N-word, even though I am no blacker than UB. For you to tell me that doesn't count ... would be a strangely intolerant attitude.
I see a fallacy in the result of your question. If I am indeed not qualified to rank two ethnic slurs against each other, how is someone who has received slur A qualified to say "it feels just like a slur others have received", slur B? It can't go both ways. Either I am entitled to have an opinion about the relative evil in two distinct terms, or you aren't entittled to judge my feelings and opinion about them. Jmo. cn
I think the bolded is what I do not accept. Humans (the decent ones anyway) are capable of compassion. I have been on the receiving end of ethnic slurs (sometimes with comical inaccuracy; sometimes with very uncomical applicability), and I know it feels bad. I can extend my experience to other humans. I can empathize with someone who has been hit with the N-word, even though I am no blacker than UB. For you to tell me that doesn't count ... would be a strangely intolerant attitude.
I see a fallacy in the result of your question. If I am indeed not qualified to rank two ethnic slurs against each other, how is someone who has received slur A qualified to say "it feels just like a slur others have received", slur B? It can't go both ways. Either I am entitled to have an opinion about the relative evil in two distinct terms, or you aren't entittled to judge my feelings and opinion about them. Jmo. cn
I empathized with my wife during each pregnancy, but do I truly know how it feels. I stand by both words can be being equally hurtful... to say other wise would make me insensitive to others feeling.. Who the hell I'm I to tell someone that being called one word is nothing like being called another...Both words are meant to degrade, humiliate and insult. That's not an opinion that is a fact.
I empathized with my wife during each pregnancy, but do I truly know how it feels. I stand by both words can be being equally hurtful... to say other wise would make me insensitive to others feeling.. Who the hell I'm I to tell someone that being called one word is nothing like being called another...Both words are meant to degrade, humiliate and insult. That's not an opinion that is a fact.

I wasn't trying to say "nothing like"; that destroys the nuance of what i was trying to say.
I also empathized with my ex's pregnancies, and while i cannot claim to know exactly how it felt for her, I could observe and form a pretty good opinion of the severity of her various sensations. So while i could not hope to precisely empathize, i saw and see value in being able to make ballpark estimates and rank them.

In any case, you've gotten me to think about my original argument. The more i think about it, the hazier it becomes. I am not getting a good rational handle on what amounts to a visceral response. I feel it to be true, but I cannot defend it. So it becomes incumbent on me to retract.

I retract it.

I will think about it some more, asking myself "why do I feel it to be true?" while recognizing that it could be in error.
Also, if i say that a stab wound is "better" than a large-area burn, please don't think I am recommending getting stabbed!
All ethnic/bigoted slurs are a bad thing in my book, and I avoid their use. I don't question for a moment the fact at the end of your post. cn
Whew Canabineer! Much respect for pausing and thinking about it. Everything you said up to that point was what I find to be the last hurdle to intelligent people understanding racism.

If I call an Italian a stupid mick for example he would probably chuckle insult me back and maybe take it further but if I said it to an Irishman I would probably get into a fight. It depends on the target and what it means to them.

Ive been called wetback, and beaner and spic. It hurts when I think of what my mother went through just to carve a tiny slice of America out for herself. Ive had to swallow a lot of shit as a kid because my mother's English was awful and even after completing 2 English courses and earning her citizenship she still gets shit for her accent. Sometimes the language was overtly racist, sometimes nothing racist was said but the way she was treated after answering with an accent was enough to know the reason. It all means the same thing: exclusion and unworthiness.