The Party Of The Stupid

I fight fire with fire fucktard. Being called a racist by a piece of shit like you means nothing.
Just like many of your radical progressive but buddies you apply the word racism to any one
who doesn't share your fucked up views. Anyone who wants to secure the border is a racist according
to you and your pathetic libtard friends. You have cried racism 1000s of times. If any one doesn't
share your radical anti American philosophy they are a racist or whatever else your twisted little mind can
come up with.
I fight fire with fire fucktard. Being called a racist by a piece of shit like you means nothing.
Just like many of your radical progressive but buddies you apply the word racism to any one
who doesn't share your fucked up views. Anyone who wants to secure the border is a racist according
to you and your pathetic libtard friends. You have cried racism 1000s of times. If any one doesn't
share your radical anti American philosophy they are a racist or whatever else your twisted little mind can
come up with.


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I fight fire with fire fucktard. Being called a racist by a piece of shit like you means nothing.
Just like many of your radical progressive but buddies you apply the word racism to any one
who doesn't have your views. Fuck anyone who wants to secure the border is a racist acording
to you and your pathetic libtard friends. You have cried racism 1000s of times. If any one doesn't
share your radical anti American philosophy they are a racist or whatever else your twisted little mind can
come up with.

It's not racist anymore democrats have gotten liberal amnesia and now saying it's very important that we strengthen border security because you can't have a serious immigration reform without it. Hmm where have we heard that before? This was on MSNBC no doubt it was an absolute hilarious watching democrats doing a 180 and getting behind republicans idea they criticized 6 months ago.
When democrats or corrupt big business republicans talk of securing the border they always make sure to spend a good bit
of money but are very careful that most of it is wasted and spent frivolously. Hence why you hear them call for more technology
but say there is plenty of man power fences etc. I always laugh when progressives tremble when a real fence is mentioned or anything else
they fear may work.
The first step in securing the border is to fire Napolitano.
It is impossible to secure the border with a radical open border supporter in charge.
Then again Berry would like to open the border as well.
I fight fire with fire fucktard. Being called a racist by a piece of shit like you means nothing.
Just like many of your radical progressive but buddies you apply the word racism to any one
who doesn't share your fucked up views. Anyone who wants to secure the border is a racist according
to you and your pathetic libtard friends. You have cried racism 1000s of times. If any one doesn't
share your radical anti American philosophy they are a racist or whatever else your twisted little mind can
come up with.

dude, you told me that slave labor camps for illegals was a good idea.

you've made numerous other racist remarks that give us all true insight into what an angry, pathetic, frightened white male you are.

chill your vagina out, theTOOLwoman.
When democrats or corrupt big business republicans talk of securing the border they always make sure to spend a good bit
of money but are very careful that most of it is wasted and spent frivolously. Hence why you hear them call for more technology
but say there is plenty of man power fences etc. I always laugh when progressives tremble when a real fence is mentioned or anything else
they fear may work.

i guess you've never heard of ladders.

or shovels.

or the fact that about half of all illegal immigrants come here legally.

but i am talking to a retarded racist douche, so i suppose i shouldn't be surprised.

Skip to 23:12 and watch how fast illegals can get thru a wall
Liberalism is much like communism both have total faith in that a large central govt can dictate every aspect of your life then I guess it "works" but be careful if you speak out against it or want to leave. Liberalism is the biggest form of group control outside of communism and does not promote freedom and does not bring up the poor but merely brings everyone down except our exalted leaders because what laws they pass only applies to the subjects not the aristocracy.

Good god you are a fucking idiot. You type one sentence and still manage to be completely contradictory. Just a heads up, you sound like your off your meds.
dude, you told me that slave labor camps for illegals was a good idea.

you've made numerous other racist remarks that give us all true insight into what an angry, pathetic, frightened white male you are.

chill your vagina out, theTOOLwoman.

I said criminal ilegals should be used to help build the fence. Why not many prisoners in many states are used for labor whites included.
In my state felony convicted illegal aliens only have to serve half there sentence and then are deported instead of a minimum of 85 percent
required for convicted us felons. A little free labor seems highly appropriate. Of course with Obama releasing so many because we dont have the money
maybe there wont be enough. i guess he thinks giving 100s of millions to the muslim brotherhood is more important than our security.

Bucky have you been bitch slapped lately you little puke.
Good god you are a fucking idiot. You type one sentence and still manage to be completely contradictory. Just a heads up, you sound like your off your meds.

I have seen enough of your psychotic rants to realize your head is stuck way to far up your liberal ass for anybody to take you seriously. You are truly pathetic and just about as bright as a 3 watt bulb.
i guess you've never heard of ladders.

or shovels.

or the fact that about half of all illegal immigrants come here legally.

but i am talking to a retarded racist douche, so i suppose i shouldn't be surprised.

I guess we all know why all illegal alien advocacy groups are all against multilayer fences or more agents. They work
Just look at how they have in Israeli.
Of course we have many here that came legally with berry refusing to enforce the law they have all gotten to stay.
And we thought Bush was bad.
I have seen enough of your psychotic rants to realize your head is stuck way to far up your liberal ass for anybody to take you seriously. You are truly pathetic and just about as bright as a 3 watt bulb.

if this was a radical libtard making insults, it would mean they are losing.

but since it is a racist right winger making insults, it clearly means you are winning.

I guess we all know why all ilegal alien advocy groups are against multi barier fences or more agents. They work
Just look at how they have in Israeli.

about half of all illegals come here legally.

good job, fence! :clap:

i won't remind you of the tunnel systems in israel. you would cry.
about half of all illegals come here legally.

good job, fence! :clap:

i won't remind you of the tunnel systems in israel. you would cry.

Good point Benny we should condemn and destroy all small cities within 10 miles of our southern border this will help take care of it.
Good point Benny we should condemn and destroy all cities within 10 miles of our southern border this will help take care of it.

yeah, try out that message in a general election and see how it flies.

and you wonder why people think you're a racist and retarded.
I imagine people would be happy with the increased number of jobs the loss of cheap heroin for the kids and the deflating
prison population.

You think we should condemn houses to build roads but not condemn them to protect
our jobs and our children. No wonder people recognize you as just a brain dead troll.
I imagine people would be happy with the increased number of jobs the loss of cheap heroin for the kids and the deflating
prison population.

You think we should condemn houses to build roads but not condemn them to protect
our jobs and our children. No wonder people recognize you as just a brain dead troll.

the illegals left georgia and the crops rotted in the fields.

they couldn't force others to do those jobs.

but good job on being an idiot.