The Party Of The Stupid

not at all... but again it must be easy to make a judgement call like that when you are not on the receiving end of the word. Nothing in that statement saying you can't enter into this conversation. What part of that you don't understand ???? Feel free to tell us why "wetback" is nothing like "nigger"...both are derogatory words uses to describe a person.

I agree that both are derogatory terms. However one is unconditionally racial, and the other is defined by an act: crossing a specified border in a specified direction without documentation. It is my opinion that the N-word is far worse, a more comprehensive judgment, and that its invocation is an escalation beyond proportion. The words have very different histories and "flavors" for lack of a better term.
My gripe is "terminological inflation", comparable to folks using the "slavery" tag for a dead-end job. It does no good and only does harm imo ... by removing the gradations between moral extremes. Jmo. cn
please show how the church was racist. What did they do that was racist ??? Oh and was Obama racist to his white side or his black side ???:confused:

Obviously your to much of a idiot to have any level of intelligent conversation with. When you get your head out of your ass maybe someone will educate you.
I agree that both are derogatory terms. However one is unconditionally racial, and the other is defined by an act: crossing a specified border in a specified direction without documentation. It is my opinion that the N-word is far worse, a more comprehensive judgment, and that its invocation is an escalation beyond proportion. The words have very different histories and "flavors" for lack of a better term.
My gripe is "terminological inflation", comparable to folks using the "slavery" tag for a dead-end job. It does no good and only does harm imo ... by removing the gradations between moral extremes. Jmo. cn
that is your opinion..mine is BOTH words are use to degrade another and have no place in our language, unless you are trying to be hurtful. Saying wetback is not as hurtful as nigger is crazy and shows you lack some sense of feeling towards another. Do people first ask "Hey did you cross the Rio Grande" before calling them wetback. Nice cover up and typical BS...IMO. Calling a Mexican a wetback is just as hurtful as calling a black person a nigger. Its only the people on the other end of the stick who feels different. The chutzpah of some still amazes the shit out of me.
Obviously your to much of a idiot to have any level of intelligent conversation with. When you get your head out of your ass maybe someone will educate you.

in other words you are saying. " You got me... I have nothing"

and when trying to insult someone ...please remember that to much should be too much.
that is your opinion..mine is BOTH words are use to degrade another and have no place in our language, unless you are trying to be hurtful. Saying wetback is not as hurtful as nigger is crazy and shows you have no since of feeling of another. Do people first ask "Hey did you cross the Rio Grande" before calling them wetback. Nice cover up and typical BS...IMO. Calling a Mexican a wetback is just as hurtful as calling a black person a nigger. Its only the people on the other end of the stick who feels different. The chutzpah of some still amazes the shit out of me.

Defend or retract the bolded. You're presenting your opinion as definitive.
Calling a Mexican a wetback is not only inappropriate (imo) but possibly incorrect. The slur is misapplied as a racist or nationalist term. Not all Mexicans are wetbacks, and not all wetbacks are Mexicans.
So yes; a term predicated on one's essential human attributes is something I see as worse than one predicated on one's actions.
Do not mistake my saying that as suggesting that one slur is more "acceptable" than the other. Both are beyond the pale in my estimation. What I am saying is that to claim equivalence between the two terms is dismissive of the group that suffered more and deeper injustices for longer, and ends up ... insensitive in direct contradiction to the intent (that I am presuming). I think your intent is sound, but i'm pointing out a problem with the execution. All jmo. cn
Do people first ask "Hey did you cross the Rio Grande" before calling them wetback?

and that is why i side with you rather than the bear on this case.

they are equivalent in the sense that they both indicate the worthlessness of the person who uses the word.

nigger may be more heinous to the general public than wetback, but that matters nothing to the person who has to hear it and says the same thing about the person who says it. thus they are functionally equivalent.
Obviously your to much of a idiot to have any level of intelligent conversation with. When you get your head out of your ass maybe someone will educate you.

i'm gonna go ahead and remind you what you said about people calling other people names not but a few hours ago.

You always know your winning the argument when a person starts calling people names..

self ownage from theTOOLwoman.
leave it to scumbag liberals to cry racist at evey corner . Where is the disdain for the presidents racist past.
He attended a racist hate church for years. Fuck you libtards even sit at home and watch AL sharpton the biggest racist of them all on
MSNBC the communist propaganda channel.

You should experience "blacks" down south, or Detroit for that matter.
They would call YOU a racist and prolly beat the hell outta you.
i'm gonna go ahead and remind you what you said about people calling other people names not but a few hours ago.

self ownage from theTOOLwoman.

Hey cock smoker if your going to remind them then show them the correct quote not your fucking altered one.
Bucky your becoming more and more like your communist sisters at msnbc every day

Marijuana EXPERT Mr. Ganja
Join DateMay 2010 Tetris Champion!
Locationi sell treadmills.Posts36,005


Originally Posted by thecoolman
Obviously your to much of a idiot to have any level of intelligent conversation with. When you get your head out of your ass maybe someone will educate you.

i'm gonna go ahead and remind you what you said about people calling other people names not but a few hours ago.

Originally Posted by thecoolman
You always know your winning the argument when a person starts calling people names..

self ownage from theTOOLwoman.

Actual statement altered by Bucky the scummiest and most dishonest asshole on the forum.

You always know your winning the argument when a liberal radical starts calling people names..Liberals are tolerant of everyone as long as they share the same views. Many many people oppose gay marriage. Pathetic old fuck!

Bucky your taking tricks from the communist msnbc playbook again you fucking asshole.
We caught Buck altering those charts he posts as well.
Unemployment down, deficient down, all lies.
Another liberal propaganda machine.