"The Official Zimmerman Walks Thread"

Lets hear your shallow little mind and thought process.
Even using one of those pictures as an example what makes me white?
What nationality am i dumb fuck?
actually, you fit the definition exactly. allow me to illustrate, since you are too dumb/illiterate/delusional to put two and two together.

The key claims of Holocaust denial are...the actual number of Jews killed was significantly (typically an order of magnitude) lower than the historically accepted figure of 5 to 6 million.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]

since your claim (copied and pasted from yahoo answers :lol:) is that about 1 million jews died in the holocaust, you claim that the numbers of jews killed was 5-6 orders of magnitude lower than the historically accepted figure.

you're gonna need some better sources than a fucking copy and paste from yahoo answers to convince the world's historians that you are right and they are all wrong, rapunzel.

One cavil: one order of magnitude is tenfold. So 1 million vs. six million is about 0.78 order of magnitude after consulting the log table. cn
don't listen to them buck they are just anti-Semitic.

totally false!

just because tryingtogrow blames his failures on life on a nefarious jewish kabal and thinks that only a jew would be stupid enough to believe the well-documented number of deaths that happened in the holocaust doesn't make him anti-semitic, it makes him enlightened.

we all need to sit down and listen to that hot chick for our own good. we could all learn something.