"The Official Zimmerman Walks Thread"

I don't believe the "agreed upon accepted number" oh i must be a "holocaust denier"
"Agreed upon accepted number"
"holocaust denier"
Both made up propaganda, that holds less and less water with more and more people world wide.
Hey i believe pluto is still a planet.
Is there a fancy little label to demonize me with for not buying what a couple hundred scientist out of a group of thousands of scientist voted on?
lol, he mad.

sorry, rapunzel. you did it to yourself. no one knew you were a holocaust denying anti-semite until last night when you opened your mouth and removed all doubt.

the monkey's out of the bottle. pandora doesn't go back into the box, he only comes out.

  • Can we finally end this senseless debate and put this to rest once and for all?




    Analysis: George Zimmerman Probably Won't Be Convicted of Murder or Manslaughter -- Here's Why


You don't like the comments on the other thread, so you've started your own? Reported as Spam!
lol, he mad.

sorry, rapunzel. you did it to yourself. no one knew you were a holocaust denying anti-semite until last night when you opened your mouth and removed all doubt.

the monkey's out of the bottle. pandora doesn't go back into the box, he only comes out.
You jump at any opportunity even with false pretenses to call someone anti-semite, holocaust denier, racist, etc. etc.
I am not worried about what you think moron.
how so?

you're gonna have to explain this one to me, my pretty princess. why am i anti-my wife and parents and friends?
You're not against white if the people who are white admit they have some guilt or some hand in the slavery game, and never question the holocaust.
You prove it with your typing every post.
You're not against white if the people who are white admit they have some guilt or some hand in the slavery game, and never question the holocaust.
You prove it with your typing every post.

i don't have guilt about slavery and have never had a hand in the slavery game.

and if i don't question the holocaust, that makes me anti-white?

you're not making much sense here, barbie.
i don't have guilt about slavery and have never had a hand in the slavery game.

and if i don't question the holocaust, that makes me anti-white?

you're not making much sense here, barbie.
Like i said.
I believe pluto as a planet still, what little demonizing title has been created for such a claim?:roll:
You're as anti white as they come.
Like i said.
I believe pluto as a planet still, what little demonizing title has been created for such a claim?:roll:
You're as anti white as they come.

you're gonna have to explain again why i hate white people.

not surprised to see that you're fighting the fight for white supremacy though. that much makes complete sense.
you're gonna have to explain again why i hate white people.

not surprised to see that you're fighting the fight for white supremacy though. that much makes complete sense.
Go back over the bulk of your 40,000 posts and the majority of it is anti white rhetoric.
How much of the worlds population is white?
Who wrote that definition?

Holocaust denial is the act of denying the genocide of Jews in the Holocaust during World War II.[SUP][1][/SUP] The key claims of Holocaust denial are that the German Nazi government had no official policy or intention of exterminating Jews, Nazi authorities did not use extermination camps and gas chambers to mass murder Jews, and the actual number of Jews killed was significantly (typically an order of magnitude) lower than the historically accepted figure of 5 to 6 million.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]
Holocaust deniers generally do not accept the term denial as an appropriate description of their activities, and use the term revisionism instead.[SUP][5][/SUP] Scholars use the term "denial" to differentiate Holocaust deniers from historical revisionists, who use established historical methodologies.[SUP][6][/SUP] The methodologies of Holocaust deniers are criticized as based on a predetermined conclusion that ignores extensive historical evidence to the contrary.[SUP][7][/SUP]
Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples.[SUP][8][/SUP] For this reason, Holocaust denial is generally considered to be an antisemitic[SUP][9][/SUP] conspiracy theory.[SUP][10][/SUP]

in case you really wanna knock yourself out: http://www.hdot.org/
Go back over the bulk of your 40,000 posts and the majority of it is anti white rhetoric.
How much of the worlds population is white?

if there is so much "anti-white rhetoric", then it should be no problem for you to point out a whole bunch of it for me so i can stop offending white people so much.

i'm sorry i hurt your feelings, rapunzel. you poor, persecuted whites have it tough.

heck, i remember the incident of racism you related to me. the cops sat there and asked you questions while your black neighbor beat his wife or gorlfriend with a 2x4, tin pan alley style.

that one must have been tough for you to deal with. you poor victim you.
if there is so much "anti-white rhetoric", then it should be no problem for you to point out a whole bunch of it for me so i can stop offending white people so much.

i'm sorry i hurt your feelings, rapunzel. you poor, persecuted whites have it tough.

heck, i remember the incident of racism you related to me. the cops sat there and asked you questions while your black neighbor beat his wife or gorlfriend with a 2x4, tin pan alley style.

that one must have been tough for you to deal with. you poor victim you.

  • How much of the worlds population is white?
