The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!


Well-Known Member
lol, and my absence can be contributed to the good weather,i really havent been doing anything inside lately. Enjoying the weather.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah. Well, good weather...more like HOT weather. It was rediculously hot there for a while. But I enjoy it, means I can go swimming. Or go to the beach. I want to go to Zuma


Well-Known Member
Dude, my dog loves to jump into the pool, we just discovered. When everyone's in the pool, splashing and getting excited, she gets all excited and kinda dances around the edge of the pool, barking, and then just just JUMPS.

lol, it's funny to watch


Well-Known Member
My dog does the exact same thing,we have a turtle that floats around with clorein in it and she jumps into the water after the turtle. Well ive had a long day G'night wikid ill be on tommorow to continue the LOVE THREAD!!


New Member
Wow, that got ME, but seriously...yeah me too:)

Would it make you more comfortable if I refrained from tackling you to the ground? I could just...shake your hand or....give you a friendly pat on the back....?:o yeah...believe it or NOT there are SOME dudes like that here wikid. :shock:

You have neglected us! I for one feel VERY neglected. You need to make it up to us....:hug::hug::hug:

Lol always so much me a warm feeling a non sexual way
:shock::shock::shock:Ahhh...yeah...:-Pme too............NOT!:clap:

It gives me a warm feeling inside too...

...whether or not it's sexual depends on who it is, lol.
Well YEAHHHHHHH:clap::hug:


Well-Known Member
40acres, about your sig --

How long are you talking about being trapped in this cave? Is there any hope of getting out?

The question actually reminds me of this movie I saw when I was younger. It was like one of those corny ass movies that somehow manages to turn into soft porn at every turn. It was like a bunch of teenagers at a camp or something, and they got trapped in a cave. They all told stories about how they lost their virginity, and then, at the end, when they all think they're going to run out of air and never get out, they admit that none of them have had sex before -- but they wanna before they die! So of course, they have a big orgy.


New Member
40acres, about your sig --

How long are you talking about being trapped in this cave? Is there any hope of getting out?

The question actually reminds me of this movie I saw when I was younger. It was like one of those corny ass movies that somehow manages to turn into soft porn at every turn. It was like a bunch of teenagers at a camp or something, and they got trapped in a cave. They all told stories about how they lost their virginity, and then, at the end, when they all think they're going to run out of air and never get out, they admit that none of them have had sex before -- but they wanna before they die! So of course, they have a big orgy.
Does this mean you would bring some hot friends?:mrgreen:


New Member
Heehee. Well that good. I like making people laugh.
Smothers wikid back wif wikidy laughing love.

I have to go and mow the lawn guys.
Hope to talk wif you later. :mrgreen::peace:

*tackles Lacy to the ground and smothers her in you-make-me-laugh love*


Well-Known Member
No, it wasn't meant as a pubic hair reference, but it's funny as hell that you would think that...

lmfao, dude, i typed a whole post to her, where i was obviously making references to sex, and then I realized that mowing the lawn would be more fitting as a shaving reference....and then I just deleted it all and typed that.