The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!


Well-Known Member
lmao, are you saying you thought of what I was thinking of? Stay out of my head!!!!

Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised...but yeah, that makes me laugh pretty hard.


Well-Known Member
Tienes una bonita boca....I THINK, lol, I don't know the word for mouth so I looked it up. Where's Seamaiden? I've heard her get down with the espanol.


New Member
I have been busier than hell latley with finals. I have an english teacher that has taught for 4 decades(really), and is one of those poele who makes english grammar jokes. I had to learn over 40 characters form a hundred page book. its ridiculous. That was only part one of 5. And then 4, 3 page essay questions. "Death of a salesman" can blow me.:spew:


Well-Known Member
just remember essay questions are basically just your opinion or point of view. As long as your grammar is correct you can write whatever you want as long as it makes sense and somewhat involves the points being made in the story.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I LOVE English classes, half because I ROCK them, and half because I just like to read...and write. It's funny that you're busy with that, cuz I've got some essays to proof read for my friends, and...well, let's just say with one of them, proof reading always turns into rewriting.


New Member
Dude, I LOVE English classes, half because I ROCK them, and half because I just like to read...and write. It's funny that you're busy with that, cuz I've got some essays to proof read for my friends, and...well, let's just say with one of them, proof reading always turns into rewriting.
I am good enough to tutor in upper english. I just cant sit through anymore classes. I have to smoke entirely too much for me to just go. I need amybe a years worth of credits to finish out my B.S.


New Member
Dude, I LOVE English classes, half because I ROCK them, and half because I just like to read...and write. It's funny that you're busy with that, cuz I've got some essays to proof read for my friends, and...well, let's just say with one of them, proof reading always turns into rewriting.
Me too:?
I am good enough to tutor in upper english. I just cant sit through anymore classes. I have to smoke entirely too much for me to just go. I need amybe a years worth of credits to finish out my B.S.
Oh come one 40 dude. Get your shit together and finish. :-|:roll:


Well-Known Member
Dude, I LOVE English classes, half because I ROCK them, and half because I just like to read...and write. It's funny that you're busy with that, cuz I've got some essays to proof read for my friends, and...well, let's just say with one of them, proof reading always turns into rewriting.
thats what i am majoring in.. I think i want to be a teacher.. on the other hand i can pursue what i have set myself up to be and Become a framer and retire early..

or do Both :blsmoke:

*but i dont want to be a OLD teacher..

I could basicly be Indiana jones teacher type guy for a few years..and have the teens call me when there 18 or what do a few years of construnciont and then be old guy indiana jones that dont get there number Because your old enough to Be there dad, and if you were a young indiana jones, you might just be there dad *

lol :peace:

dude..what? =]


New Member
LOL whoop.
I majored in biology cause biology ROCKSSSSSSSSSSS!
thats what i am majoring in.. I think i want to be a teacher.. on the other hand i can pursue what i have set myself up to be and Become a framer and retire early..

or do Both :blsmoke:

*but i dont want to be a OLD teacher..

I could basicly be Indiana jones teacher type guy for a few years..and have the teens call me when there 18 or what do a few years of construnciont and then be old guy indiana jones that dont get there number Because your old enough to Be there dad, and if you were a young indiana jones, you might just be there dad *

lol :peace:

dude..what? =]


Well-Known Member
Whoop you should be a teacher! There need to be more cool teachers out there. Especially cool guy teachers that you can have a crush on, do you know how rare those are?

God, I remember, at my high school, we had two lesbian teachers who were partners. And I'm down with the homosexuals and all, you know, power to them, as long as it doesn't affect me.

But they're classes were right next door to each other. And if they were having a bad day....OUR day sucked. It was shitty. I mean, it was SPANISH class, so it sucked enough without two lesbians on the rag at each others throat through the connecting doors.....


Well-Known Member

maybe i should be a teacher..

i dunno..

i see future law suits if i teach juniors and seniors..



New Member
That must have been quite the sight.
Too funny
Whoop you should be a teacher! There need to be more cool teachers out there. Especially cool guy teachers that you can have a crush on, do you know how rare those are?

God, I remember, at my high school, we had two lesbian teachers who were partners. And I'm down with the homosexuals and all, you know, power to them, as long as it doesn't affect me.

But they're classes were right next door to each other. And if they were having a bad day....OUR day sucked. It was shitty. I mean, it was SPANISH class, so it sucked enough without two lesbians on the rag at each others throat through the connecting doors.....