The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!


New Member
Hey wikid.
You do realize that I am now cyber stalking you.



Be afraid! Be VERY afraid. :lol::clap:



Well-Known Member

I can only do so much before i have one sperm left, its scared and lonely.. and then i get threats to have sex with them and give them A's -.^

then i have fertallized MY field, and when im old and old style indiana jones, ill be hitting on my own daughters and not know it 0_0


New Member
Me too:?
Oh come one 40 dude. Get your shit together and finish. :-|:roll:
i have been going for 2 years straight with no breaks. Just tired of dealing with it. Its had my cash in a sling for that long as well.I'm starting again in the fall to finish. Just needa summer off. I went straight from prison to college.its all starting to feel the same at this point.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i have been going for 2 years straight with no breaks. Just tired of dealing with it. Its had my cash in a sling for that long as well.I'm starting again in the fall to finish. Just needa summer off. I went straight from prison to college.its all starting to feel the same at this point.:mrgreen:

Wait, how old are you 40acres? I thought I knew....but now I'm not sure. Help me out here. And did you already tell us what you went to prison for? Cuz I know I've heard you mention prison before....god, I really need to stop smoking when I'm reading posts, I never remember all of anything...only bits of everything.

But either way, that's good that you have the will power to do that. Most everyone I know would have found an excuse to take a break way sooner, probably not go right after prison, you know?


New Member
I totally agree witch ya ;)
Props for 40
Wait, how old are you 40acres? I thought I knew....but now I'm not sure. Help me out here. And did you already tell us what you went to prison for? Cuz I know I've heard you mention prison before....god, I really need to stop smoking when I'm reading posts, I never remember all of anything...only bits of everything.

But either way, that's good that you have the will power to do that. Most everyone I know would have found an excuse to take a break way sooner, probably not go right after prison, you know?


Well-Known Member
I wanna be tackled to the ground and smothered with love from the wikid :hump:

*tackles Lacy to the ground and smothers her in LOVE*

You're so awesome woman, lol, seriously, thanks for coming to my defense, it was uber nice of you.

Yeah....I'm sure that's alllllllll that would happen ;)
I've tackled you and smothered you with love before, are you saying that's not all that happened?

Remember people, what happens when I tackle you to the ground is like what happens in Vegas...but it doesn't sound as good saying it. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. What happens on the ground...stays on the ground?

lol, I dunno


Well-Known Member
I feel like I have been neglecting you guys, I have been spending a lot of time in the political section of RIU.... I'm trying to broaden my horizons...:-|...........:?........ Ya....

No but for real, I'm learning a lot from the political section, you guys should join the fun. The only thing that sux is that they don't give our much rep as you guys do(I'm deprived:mrgreen:)...

Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and I'm going to try and hit you guys up with some "non" heps.......... You know what I'm saying:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what happened, but my hair was messed up and my pants felt tighter

(boy...that was a flood of vivid images)
Wow, that got ME, but seriously...

Would it make you more comfortable if I refrained from tackling you to the ground? I could just...shake your hand or....give you a friendly pat on the back....?

I feel like I have been neglecting you guys, I have been spending a lot of time in the political section of RIU.... I'm trying to broaden my horizons...:-|...........:?........ Ya....

No but for real, I'm learning a lot from the political section, you guys should join the fun. The only thing that sux is that they don't give our much rep as you guys do(I'm deprived:mrgreen:)...

Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and I'm going to try and hit you guys up with some "non" heps.......... You know what I'm saying:mrgreen:


You have neglected us! I for one feel VERY neglected. You need to make it up to us....

Well yeah gurl. Thats what friends do. :)
Please you know I LOVE you.