The New Stuff


Active Member

Not huge, she was 18 inches tall and grown under 8-9 CFL's, along with 6 other plants in a small space.

This next round's is going to be different, especially with a cab revamp.

Here's a pic of her 3 weeks ago

FYI - This is Brothers Grimm MTF. Has a very interesting smell when flowering, almost a mixture between skunk weed and coffee. I don't think I dried/cured the last round very well. tastes green. Next time should be better


Well-Known Member
i was crazy impressed by all the hype but not so much with the pics.... failure imo


Well-Known Member
im hardly referring to the mtf. also im hardly hating. im still hoping this guy shows us the med strains "unlike what we may be used to"...

so far everything he has showed looks pretty hideous. just sayin.

I am called hyperducer where im from. Got an entire library of proven medical strains unlike what you may be used to receiving from your local compassion clubs or overseas. Been breeding 4 twenty plus yrs. and believe that these genetics are some of the best that can be obtained. Like the real MTF, SKOOSH, Talkeetna turbo, Elvis, etc.


So any ways, the reason for these pics is that this is the first plant im gonna have in seed form, the elephant is a texada timewarpxtheblack crossed with a Dr.greenthumb male Endless Sky plant. It has very wrinkly leaves and rough leave surfaces and makes alot of good stash. anyone who likes the docs ES will love the plant. its a 6-700gsm plant in sog. The plant is a solid b, and the ease of growing makes it well worth any time i put into it. Set it and forget it.


im not tryin to impress anyone really, just learnin how to use a computer w/noone to show me how.I am in a place that you couldnt even imagine in your head bro. All I know is there is some awesome weed in Alaska and I was gonna get some down to u guys to judge for yourself. I dont even own a digital cam.i borrowed one and took some shots of a few plants i been breeding w/at a buds house. i will take some photos you will enjoy and put em up soon as I can but the mails slow and when the cam. gets here i will poste somethin. Till then lets see what you got on your journal, i willl check it right now!!!!!gallon sized buds maybe?


Sector 5 Moderator
Hyperducer, as you know, people in the lower 48 have NO idea what living in the Alaskan bush is like. It is amazing that you even have access to a computer. Most people living in the bush up here live off the grid, no electricity, no running water, no neighbors, no stores, no cell phone coverage, and no cops except fish and game. :) People "outside" are used to instant everything. They have no idea what it's like to wake up in the morning, stoke the wood stove, walk outside in the brisk, cool mountain air and take a piss off the porch of the cabin your built with your own two hands, make coffee and sit and watch moose, caribou, bears and other wildlife wandering through your "million acre yard", or go to bed at night listening to the howling of wolves. Maybe if they check out "Alone in the Wilderness" on YouTube they would understand just a little.


Well-Known Member
hey guys INCLUDING moderators ...just note that all i mentioned was
i was crazy impressed by all the hype but not so much with the pics.... failure imo
and the rest was me defending myself from that chaos dude. this is my thoughts, my opinion. being a part of this community means i can share my views on ANY thread that is made, am i right or wrong mr potpimp?


I say you are right man. you are entitled. I think the pics I put up are not so deadly either. But they dont have much to do w/my bigger projects. I more wanted to show woodsman the size of the colas this new cross makes. U got a kill journal going and if you can find a male querkle....use it. crossing seeds for yourself as im sure you know is ez. they dont have to be stable. What the first offering will be from us is a mass producer, fairly quick, and some where between good and reallygood.Its not an elite or even related to any elites. Im sure I will make ya say wow someday, till I get a camera and a computer, please keep speaking your mind. ITS AMERICA?{i think}luv peace and chicken grease bro


The bros. grimm were an awesome group of breeders. Ive never gotten anything that wasnt what it was advertised as. Ive bought packs of Female white widow from the Greenhouse w straight males in em, and nyears ago woodsmantoker bought some Greenhouse female white rhino seeds in what was their new cool spin the wheel type packaging and got three purely male plants out of a five pack. We grew those together and were pissed! the MTF looks and smells different from your description, but its beautiful and i dont doubt at all that it is mtf. Nice photos


Sector 5 Moderator
hey guys INCLUDING moderators ...just note that all i mentioned was and the rest was me defending myself from that chaos dude. this is my thoughts, my opinion. being a part of this community means i can share my views on ANY thread that is made, am i right or wrong mr potpimp?
You are absolutely right. Lots of different opinions and ideas on here and that's a good thing. Iron sharpens iron. Things are done a bit different up here and almost always better. :) What did you think of the video? I've about worn the DVD out and I have two other DVD's of him that are very good too.