The New Stuff


New Member
The bros. grimm were an awesome group of breeders. Ive never gotten anything that wasnt what it was advertised as. Ive bought packs of Female white widow from the Greenhouse w straight males in em, and nyears ago woodsmantoker bought some Greenhouse female white rhino seeds in what was their new cool spin the wheel type packaging and got three purely male plants out of a five pack. We grew those together and were pissed! the MTF looks and smells different from your description, but its beautiful and i dont doubt at all that it is mtf. Nice photos
are you kidding me? i just ordered great white shark from green house its supposed to be a fem seed.


No man its the honest truth. Woodsmantoker and i did that project together years back. The plants were definitely white rhino, but male, so we crossed the best looking one with an Arjans ultra haze#2 and the results were less than spectacular. We were not impressed with the progeny, and quickly moved on. I have ordered alot of beans from the g house that were just what they were supposed to be. I just dont have alot of faith in that machine he uses to digitally id seeds, and package them. imo for the money tga is where ive found the best f2 moms.
2 years now.. no mtf.. been hoping around on forums looking for this.. so far i have not seen one picture that looks even remotely similar to the mtf floating around 15 years ago.

Rare D MI

New Member
I used to have the cut. Got it back in overgrow days. Too hard to keep in veg. That weird Alaskan outdoor climate has made that clone into almost an auto flower.


New Member
One of my guys has a strain of it. Very bushy,throws pistils all thru veg. I look for some pictures.

I think I hav some outcrosses laying around somewhere


Well-Known Member
i've heard of this strain for so many years, but no one has ever shown a legit strain grown out read for harvest. its like an urban myth.


Sector 5 Moderator
MTF northern michigan landrace
LOL, MTF is definately not a land race and certainly not from Michigan; it was originally bred here in the Mat-Su valley of Alaska in the early 70's. The cops raided the valley and got every last male but fortunately there were a lot of people growing indoors and had a lot of females. It's been carried on since then by cloning. The genetics were never disclosed to anyone as far as I know. Even here in Alaska you have to know someone well to get it and I've only scored it once in a bar in Seward.


New Member
LOL, MTF is definately not a land race and certainly not from Michigan; it was originally bred here in the Mat-Su valley of Alaska in the early 70's. The cops raided the valley and got every last male but fortunately there were a lot of people growing indoors and had a lot of females. It's been carried on since then by cloning. The genetics were never disclosed to anyone as far as I know. Even here in Alaska you have to know someone well to get it and I've only scored it once in a bar in Seward.
yeah dude know the story.. this came here in 1972 and has been selfed and ran so much outdoors around here it is a landrace..


Sector 5 Moderator
For sure man. They say you could tell if it was really MTF by throwing it against the wall and if stuck it was the real deal, LOL. Ain't no way I'm throwing my weed against the wall. The stuff I got in Seward was truly one hit shit; two hits and I was flying; three and I could barely function for about 3-4 hours. Can you get it there?


hell no!!!! michigan atf or mtf or whatever is not 1 toke shit!!!!sittin next to a oz now, been smoking all day and still function!!!


New Member
This isn't one hit weed. I'm with RD I don't ever remember it if it happened ;)

Is this growing wild every where? Nope

It is growing wild on one or two properties in the kalkaska area. Nice rural legend about the offers on home place. Word is guy turned down a mill.