The MMAR and the MMPR should get together and make a baby...

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Well-Known Member
I'm new. Only been looking into any of this since June 13, 2014.

But from what I have seen, read, and heard - there are pro's and con's to both.

Pro's of MMAR
- a legitimate looking "card" from the government that gave you a Licence to Carry that was actually recognized by law enforcement.
- being able to grow your own medicine. THAT is the biggest positive I think. I really would like to legally be able to grow my own.

Pro's of MMPR
- if you don't have time to grow your own, or the capabilities, you can get it from a Licensed Producer who is NOT going to abuse the system and sell their products on the black market. (Hopefully)
- Compassionate Doctors can choose to give a patient a prescription, and not have the negativity of Health Canada towards MMJ getting in the way.

I understand that the government wants to regulate (ahem...make $$$) off of Medical Marijuana. And I get it. They are doing the same thing with gas, oil, cigarettes, alcohol, and other pharmaceutical drugs and medical treatments that are not covered by a Health Plan.

But what is happening currently under the MMPR, isn't working fully. It's too expensive. And you REALLY have to be a sack of shit to take the ability of a patient to receive their medicine at a low cost ($1.00 to $4.00 per gram I have read) and force them to pay ten times that much.

So - we gotta fix it. The patients and growers are really the only ones that know anything about any of this. And those who have chosen to become informed on their own.

The government clearly does not - or they would not have caused this big fuckin mess.

So - thoughts? Most of you have been doing all this A LOT longer than me.

I would be fuckin pissed though if I was growing "legally" for years, and then "they" told me it was illegal all of a sudden.
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Well-Known Member
i'm sure this is what will happen...they'll probably at least give low income patients the go ahead to continue growing.


Well-Known Member
Well yessica how bout this Tilray could send us med patients all those great biker clones they got instead of their biker bud they bought lol
Except cannatonic that strains just for you and tilrays first patient the ex cop who hurt her arm busting a grow op


Well-Known Member
after the 15th.... :)
Haven't been following the details as I grow under the radar, is Aug 15th a cut-off for grow-your-own licenses? How can they do this when the injunction hasn't gone through appeals? Idiots, fuck them all, while they continue to f'around with these programs I'm going to ramp up production and seek out patients who can't afford it under either one of these bull-shit programs. $2.50/gram covers my cost + depreciation on equipment and that's indoor, outdoor's like $0.50/g if that... really?


Well-Known Member
What's all this grandfather bullshit? The Conroy case is a constitutional challenge, if he wins, it will apply to every medically approved patient, old and new. If they only grandfather those that were MMAR you will just see another challenge pop up immediately following that decision by a bunch of new pissed off patients. I'm still holding out hope the courts are tired of HC's fuckery and just strike "marijuana" from the CDSA though, especially considering the prohibitions shouldn't be alive in the first place. Dream a little dream....

Maritime Marauder

Active Member
I think that Zombie666 and Particle should get together and make a would be the most hateful and judgemental prick of a baby that this planet has ever seen! No forum on earth would be safe from it's douchetastic posts! :D

I am new here but really do enjoy Yessica's posts, they are quite refreshing amidst all the Debbie-downers. I also enjoy watching and reading how angry her posts make all the douchie-types.......great stuff, you go girl! :)
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Well-Known Member
I think that Zombie666 and Particle should get together and make a would be the most hateful and judgemental prick of a baby that this planet has ever seen! :D
I've met enough like them to confirm that a certain percentage of men get PMS, pretty sure they're both in that group, either that or retarded beyond help, either way, the ignore button works well... ;)

Maritime Marauder

Active Member
I've met enough like them to confirm that a certain percentage of men get PMS, pretty sure they're both in that group, either that or retarded beyond help, either way, the ignore button works well... ;)
I can't figure out how to like posts, or how to ignore people, but I actually really enjoy how angry and irritated they get and how Yessica doesn't even flinch.......extremely entertaining :) There are some angry keyboard warriors just seething in their mom's basements, ahahahaha

Maritime Marauder

Active Member
Not hateful nor judgemental, just not going to dumb myself down to please people with no intelligence. Would rather have conversations worth while, then moronic posts filled with misinformation and annoying shit. Kiss some more ass Marauder, would you like some glue so you can have your lips permanently attached to her ass? and angry? Hardly the case here. Fanboy.
Yet you keep taking the time to reply to her posts in a misogynistic fashion instead of just ignoring her and going about your trollish business. No one is forcing you to read her posts, or to troll her threads, so there is something obviously motivating you to continue to attack her. Anger and annoyance with a dash of misogyny would be my guess. I am glad her posts annoy you, and I hope to read many more of them :)

Is it possible to be a fanboy and be female? That one's a pickle....


Well-Known Member
I can't figure out how to like posts, or how to ignore people, but I actually really enjoy how angry and irritated they get and how Yessica doesn't even flinch.......extremely entertaining :) There are some angry keyboard warriors just seething in their mom's basements, ahahahaha
Yeah, I see you're a new member, there's some guide that requires a certain number of posts before you will see the like button, maybe the same for the ignore. Don't know if you've tried it but to ignore, click their name, then click their name again in the pop-up window, takes you to their profile page, top-right hand side of their profile page there's an ignore link. internet warriors are everywhere, you just happened to run across a thread with 2 of them on the same page :(


Blah blah blah is that all you got you have to resort to gender stereo typing? Like I knew or care that you are a girl or her for that matter, I don't base my stance on gender. Seriously so many smart people here. I can't even bother defending myself on that. Think what ever you want.
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Well-Known Member
I can't figure out how to like posts, or how to ignore people, but I actually really enjoy how angry and irritated they get and how Yessica doesn't even flinch.......extremely entertaining :) There are some angry keyboard warriors just seething in their mom's basements, ahahahaha
FLINCH? I ignored those dudes - I don't read a word. This whole thread is quite lovely actually...


Well-Known Member
There's a part of me just itchin to see. And I tell that part of me to smoke some weed and pay no attention to people who only find joy in bringing others down...

They'll learn, one day - that people are MUCH more likely to listen to what you say when you don't start off all your posts with insults and condescending meanness BEFORE you even make your first point.

I don't know what anyone is saying...but I could guess...

"bla bla, this bitch is annoying and terrible and stupid. Bla bla, everything in the world is wrong and bad. Bla bla I will tell you all the problems with everything and offer no solutions apart from hiding in a cave in the dark."

I'm probably on the right track. Maybe I'm psychic?
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